Diet in acute and chronic renal failure: low protein, table 7, salt restriction

Serious kidney disease always requires a careful approach to treatment. A mandatory component of therapy is dietary nutrition. About what diet is put to patients with renal failure, we will talk about this in an article.

Diet in renal failure

Renal failure is a serious disease, very dangerous for life. It leads to impaired renal function, which subsequently leads to disruptions in the exchange of water, nitrogen, and electrolytes. The acute form of pathology is caused by serious problems - kidney infections, heart and vascular lesions, poisoning, intoxication, etc. The chronic form develops with long-term renal disease, with diabetes, rheumatism and other diseases. Kidney tissues in both forms of pathology gradually or rapidly die off.

It's easy to understand that if the kidney function is impaired, the entire excretory system can not function fully. It is necessary to facilitate its tasks and organize proper nutrition in order to improve the absorption of nutrients and waste disposal. A number of products entering the body can have a negative impact on the kidneys, and therefore should be strictly excluded.

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Diet in renal failure is an essential part of the treatment. Its task is to prevent the disintegration of proteins in the tissues of the kidneys and create sparing conditions for the work of organs. Whatever the cause of the disease, without a diet, it will progress and react worse to the therapy.

The basic principles of the diet

The task of dietary nutrition is to stop the death of renal nephrons. The best way to organize such an action is to observe a low-protein diet in combination with a strict sodium restriction. It is this system of nutrition that will help to remove from the blood substances that appear in the process of protein metabolism. These are:

  • Creatinine;
  • Urea;
  • Nitrogen residual;
  • Uric acid.

Since renal failure, elevated creatinine, uric acid, poor blood filtration occurs, these foods accumulate and poison the body. In addition to their medicamental or mechanical excretion, it is necessary to reduce the supply of protein food to the body. Proper nutrition can seriously reduce the creatinine, which should be confirmed by regular analyzes.

If you replace animal proteins with plant, the degree of uremia decreases. But complete rejection of animal proteins is unacceptable, because it can lead to muscular dystrophy, the cessation of the synthesis of hormones, antibodies, enzymes, various toxic changes. To supplement vegetable proteins with those amino acids that they do not have, the patients should be treated with special preparations.

Why salt in the diet of the patient should also be limited? The fact is that the affected kidneys take sodium worse, it settles in cells and allows tissues to accumulate water. The result is the appearance of swelling, an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, reducing salt in the menu is an important goal of the patient. You can replace salt with various spicy vegetables, spices, dressings and light sauces.

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In a healthy human kidneys excel at coping with excess phosphorus in the menu. It is also present in protein foods, for the most part - in the animal. If there is kidney failure, phosphorus accumulates in the joints, destroys them and causes serious problems. Excess potassium in the menu is also capable of harming the body - it causes muscle weakness, arrhythmia, other heart pathologies.

The conclusion is the following: in addition to limiting the patient to high-protein foods and salt in the diet, you must give up excess food with an abundance of potassium( dried fruits, bananas, avocados, etc.).How long the protein restriction diet continues is directly related to the course of the disease-only getting rid of the underlying pathology and improving kidney function can be the basis for stopping this diet. For the most part, the diet is lifelong.
On the video, the basic principles of a diet for kidney failure:

The correct diet

Dietary meals are organized according to the treatment table number 7.

For acute and chronic renal failure in humans, the features of the diet are not the same, but the principles are general:

  1. A serious decrease in the amount of protein - up to 20-70 g / day( calculated only by the doctor based on the results of the tests).
  2. Some increase in fats and carbohydrates - to provide the body with the right amount of energy.
  3. A sufficient supply of minerals and vitamins.
  4. Salt limitation to 2-6 g.
  5. Strict regulation of fluid intake( no more than 1.2 liters / day).
  6. Holding of unloading days.
  7. Number of meals - up to 6 times / day in small portions, avoiding feelings of hunger.
  8. Preparation of dishes by boiling, steam boiling, quenching. Roasting, roasting is not allowed.
  9. The presence of fiber, which gives vegetative food( vegetables, berries, fruits).

The total calorie content of the diet is up to 2800 kcal / day. For patients with renal insufficiency, a treatment table No. 7 was developed, including 7a, 7b for acute renal failure, and 7c for chronic.

In acute renal failure

The goal of the nutrition system is to maximally shake the kidneys, accelerate the excretion of metabolic products, reduce hypertension and edema. Diet, for the most part, vegetable, proteins and salt are severely restricted, fats and carbohydrates are reduced moderately. In severe forms of the disease, diet 7a is used, according to which proteins are only 20 g / day, carbohydrates - 350 g, fats - 80 g, salt - 2 g. Caloric content of the diet is 2200 kcal.

Other dietary peculiarities:

  • Food only cooked, steamed
  • Products with oxalic acid, essential oils
  • excluded Bread only used without salt
  • Number of food intakes - 5-6
  • Protein represented by plant proteins( vegetables, cereals, nuts)
  • Salads fromvegetables are filled with vegetable oils
  • Unloading days - once a week( on watermelons, apples, pumpkin)

Diet 7b is introduced with less severe condition of the patient, but it necessarily makes an additional reduction toLeah. The protein norm increases to 40 grams, carbohydrates - up to 500 g, salt - up to 3 g, fats remain at the level of the previous system of nutrition. The volume of fluid used in acute forms of pathology does not exceed the amount of water excreted in urine per glass. Duration of the diet usually does not exceed 1-2 weeks, after which it becomes less rigid.

For chronic renal failure

In chronic course, a diet of 7 or 7c, as well as individually tailored for the patient scheme. Treatment with diet therapy will depend on the prescription of pathology, its severity, the presence of other complications, and the frequency of exacerbations. If at the terminal stage of the pathology the protein norm is not higher than 20 g, then in a chronic course without exacerbations it rises to 40-70 g( a specific norm is calculated based on the parameters of the renal function).The norm of salt should not exceed 4 g. In general, the same principles of preparation and consumption of food act as in the acute form of pathology.

Basics of the protein-fiber diet

Authorized products

The patient is allowed such food:

  1. Bread without salt - wheat, on cornstarch. Vegetable soups, with potatoes, cereals.
  2. Low-fat beef, rabbit, poultry, lean fish( strictly according to the protein norm).
  3. Curd( only in the absence of meat and fish on this day), milk, sour cream, cream, sour milk - taking into account the total amount of protein.
  4. Eggs - no more than half a day soft.
  5. Fig.
  6. Vegetables, greens( except for banned) - stewed, in salads, vinaigrette.
  7. Fruit - any.
  8. Sweets - jelly, compotes, honey, jam, candies without chocolate.
  9. Plums, sauces with tomatoes, sour cream, cinnamon, fruit and vanillin, with boiled( stewed) onion, bay leaf.
  10. Black tea slightly boiled, rose hips infusion, herbal teas, fruit juices.
  11. Vegetable oils, creamy.

Prohibited products

The list of foods that can not be used in the menu for this disease is quite extensive. Strictly prohibited alcohol, strong tea and coffee, chocolate, cocoa - this food creates a high burden on sick kidneys.

It is also forbidden to eat the following products:

  • mushrooms;
  • refractory fats;
  • sausage;
  • salted products;
  • canned food;
  • sorrel;
  • spinach;
  • beans;
  • sharp spices;
  • fatty sauces;
  • marinades;
  • garlic;
  • radish;
  • fatty meat;
  • broth;
  • hot snacks;
  • cheese;
  • mineral waters with sodium;
  • ice cream;
  • cauliflower;
  • baking, puff pastry;
  • bananas;
  • dried fruits.

Macaroni in a chronic form of pathology eat, but very limited. Legumes are categorically forbidden in the acute form of the disease, but during a compensated stage in a small amount are not contraindicated. Compliance with a diet without failures will help to stabilize the state of health, reduce the progression of the disease and improve the person's well-being.

Prohibited products with renal failure

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