Diet with ovulation of the kidney( nephroptosis): basic principles, limitations in the menu, allowed meals

When omitting kidneys, dietary nutrition is necessary, as with other kidney pathologies. The article will deal with the principles of the therapeutic system of nutrition with nephroptosis, inhibitions and allowed products.

Diet in nephroptosis

Under the omission of the kidney( nephroptosis, a wandering kidney) is understood the displacement of the organ vertically relative to the spine. The reasons for this pathology are many, and they are covered both in the transferred illnesses and events, and in the way of life of a person. Various conditions cause a decrease in pressure in the peritoneum and a decrease in the tone of muscles and ligaments. Provocative factors include smoking, alcoholism, trauma, sudden weight loss, physical inactivity, weight lifting, heredity, multiple births. More common nephroptosis of the right kidney, bilateral and left-sided pathologies are very rare.

Effective treatment of nephroptosis is possible only if all the prescriptions of the doctor for conservative therapy are complied with, and also with the application of a certain nutrition system. But is there a special diet? Yes, the competently formulated diet is the key to reducing the burden on the kidneys and slowing the progression of the disease.

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The purposes of the

The nutrition of the patient should be useful, varied and sufficiently high-calorie, "hungry" diets, despite the many prohibitions, is not allowed. The main goal of the nutrition system for nephroptosis is to slow the progression of the disease, as well as reduce the risk of renal failure.

For this, the menu organization performs the following tasks:

  • Minimizing the burden on the kidneys;
  • Exclusion of irritant effects of certain products;
  • Acceleration of elimination of toxins and toxins;
  • Optimization of water regime;
  • Balance and maximum vitaminization of the diet;
  • Recovery of electrolyte balance;
  • Decreased edema, normalization of pressure.

Usually, in this pathology the patient is recommended to have a table number 7, more precisely, this table is taken by a specialist as a basis and adjusted individually.

Restrictions on diet number 7

Restrictions on diet

It is recommended that a patient be eaten up to 6 times a day, but portions should be quite small. The regime of fluid intake will depend on the existing problems and the presence or absence of renal failure. Many patients it is set at a level of 1-1.5 liters per day.

We recommend
For prevention of diseases and treatment of kidneys, our readers advise the Monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more ยป

Other important rules of the diet are:

  1. Caloric content of the diet per day is 2500-3000 kcal, which will keep the fat layer in the kidney at a sufficient level, making the body more resistant to further displacement.
  2. There is a ban on the use of frying, consuming foods with refined vegetable oils - they are harmful to the kidney tissue. Cook should be by methods of boiling, stewing, steam cooking, baking, ready to sprinkle dishes with cold pressed oils.
  3. Focus on vegetable dishes, fruits( non-acidic), cereals.

The main restrictions of the diet for nephroptosis concern substances such as phosphorus and sodium, as well as incoming proteins.


Controlling the level of phosphorus in nephroptosis is very important. With disrupted operation of even one kidney, phosphorus is not quickly removed from the blood, accumulates in tissues, increases in the body to a dangerous level. This causes a decrease in calcium, which is directly dependent on phosphorus. Calcium deficiency provokes the development of osteopenia and even osteoporosis, the patient's bones become brittle.

Phosphorus is a huge amount of food, but there is food where it is present in high concentrations.

In the patient's menu should be absent:

  • Ice cream;
  • Whole milk;
  • Cheese;
  • Peas;
  • Beans;
  • Cocoa;
  • Beer;
  • Soda;
  • Peanut Butter.


Proteins for the body of any person are important, because it is a building material for new cells, a raw material for tissue repair, muscle building. But after ingestion and processing, the proteins turn into urea, which is subsequently excreted by the kidneys. Various kidney diseases lead to a disruption in their function and the inability to process proteins in the same volume. Conclusion one - to slag the blood was not, the amount of protein in the diet will have to be reduced.

In this regard, when omitting the kidneys, you need to limit products such as:

  • Fish, seafood;
  • Meat;
  • Eggs;
  • Bird;
  • Dairy food;
  • Beans.

It is impossible to completely refuse from proteins, but a number of animal proteins can be replaced with vegetable ones, which are found in greenery, grains, some vegetables, fruits. The protein norm per day is usually 20-25 g.

Protein content in food


Salt sea, table salt and whole salted food contribute to water retention in tissues, and in kidneys this process develops even faster. In addition to the appearance of edema on the face, body and legs, the patient has jumps in blood pressure. Reducing sodium in the diet helps to seriously reduce the burden on the kidneys. If there is too much sodium in the body, a person is thirsty.

From products that contain a lot of sodium, it is better to refuse. These are:

  • Pickles, marinades;
  • Salted fish and snacks;
  • Canned food;
  • Melted cheeses;
  • Olives and other canned vegetables;
  • Sausage;
  • Smoked meat;
  • Fast food.

What kind of food is banned?

When omitting the kidneys, as with another disease of the body, you will have to give up all the harmful food. The main prohibitions are formulated above.

Doctors advise to exclude or severely restrict the following food:

  • Meat and fish broth;
  • Mushrooms in any form;
  • Carbonated beverages;
  • All legumes;
  • Cream cakes, cakes;
  • Salted vegetables;
  • Any products with an abundance of chemical additives;
  • Refined food;Low-quality vegetable fats;
  • Coffee;
  • Strong tea;
  • Chocolate;
  • Caviar;
  • Mineral water with a large amount of sodium;Ketchup, mayonnaise.

Dairy products are used limitedly, especially cheese, fatty sour cream and cream, but you can not completely abandon them. From vegetables it is necessary to refuse from sorrel, spinach, parsley, radish, celery, onion( raw), garlic( raw).

What can I eat?

Restrictions on products when ovulation of the kidney are serious, but useful and delicious foods that you can eat, even more. Of plant foods, watermelons, zucchini and cucumbers are especially needed, but with the adherence of renal failure they are consumed very limited because of the high water content.

It is allowed to drink the briar infusion, some herbal decoctions, tea with milk, sugar. Bread and biscuits should be purchased from whole grains, with bran. In moderate amounts, a sour milk, cottage cheese, eggs( up to 1-2 per day, not more) is useful. Little by little used lean meat and fat, sweets based on fruits without artificial additives, honey.

Porridge, macaroni from hard grain, vegetable and cereal soups, non-acid fruits and berries, juices are allowed to the patient. Replace the salt in the dishes, giving them a more vivid taste, in part can dill, cumin, lemon juice, cinnamon, bay leaf. Of the dressings it is better to use olive, sunflower, corn oil. You can also eat pancakes and pancakes, dietary varieties of fish, potatoes, any vegetable dishes( stew, salads), casseroles. Sauces better cook at home on the basis of tomatoes, sour cream, vegetables.

Example of a lunch during a kidney nephroptosis diet:

  • Vegetable borsch with sour cream
  • Boiled meat, mashed potatoes
  • Cucumber salad with olive oil
  • Broth of wild rose
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