Chronic cholecystitis and hr.pancreatitis( cholecysto-pancreatitis), treatment of exacerbation, diet, symptoms of pancreatic disease

Chronic cholecystitis is one of the most common diseases of the gallbladder. This disease affects women more often than men. In addition, a predisposition to chronic cholecystitis in people with diseases such as chronic pancreatitis, a form of gastritis with secretory insufficiency, cholelithiasis, obesity and other diseases of the digestive system was noted.

The causes of chronic cholecystitis have much in common with the causes of the occurrence of hr.pancreatitis, and sometimes is a consequence of impairment that occurs with pancreatitis, such as the ingestion of enzymes from the pancreas into the gallbladder.

Common causes of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis are:

  • irregular and abnormal diet;Overeating or starvation;
  • overweight due to obesity;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • nerve stress, stress;
  • trauma to the digestive system.

In addition to the general causes of these diseases, cholecystitis occurs against the background of such factors as:

  • hypodynamia;
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  • female gender;
  • pancreatitis, gastritis, chronic hepatitis, small intestine resection, Crohn's disease;
  • immunity disorder;
  • the presence of lamblia, ascarids and other parasites;
  • age over 50;
  • pregnancy.

Chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis treatment

The presence of a large number of common causes of these diseases and the fact that cholecystitis can develop against the background of pancreatitis, allows treating these diseases with similar conservative methods.

The main thing in the treatment of these diseases is the establishment of a causal relationship that caused the ailment, and the elimination or minimization of the pathogenic effect. Then the treatment of patients is directed to the removal of pain in the epigastric zone and the right hypochondrium.

An important role in the treatment of pancreatitis and cholecystitis of the pancreas is strict adherence to a certain diet. In both cases, diet is prescribed as a dietary supplement. For this diet for chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis, it is necessary to take food in divided batches 5-6 times a day, and in the first period after treatment in a hospital it is best to eat food every 2.5-3hours. From the diet it is necessary to completely exclude fried dishes, smoked products, fatty dishes, pickles, spices.

To consume dishes in the treatment of these chronic diseases only freshly prepared and room temperature is needed. At first, after exacerbation, the products must undergo preliminary mechanical treatment( grinded, ground).

Exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis

Because chronic diseases of two closely-spaced and functionally similar organs often provoke mutual exacerbations, the patient's condition can be defined as cholecystopancreatitis.

Combined diagnosis, respectively, requires comprehensive treatment aimed at improving both the pancreas and the gallbladder. This process is long, practically, not stopping throughout the life of a person. Its chronic course will always be manifested by a change in periods of improvement in well-being and acute attacks. And there are enough provoking factors:

  • frequent overeating or, conversely, food from case to case;
  • spicy or fatty food, eaten at a festive table;
  • bust with alcohol;
  • activation of infection( including angina, pneumonia);
  • stress.

And now the symptoms of chronic cholecystitis manifested as pulling pains, and even colic in the right hypochondrium, began to nauseated, there was a belch, bitter taste in the mouth. Today, constipation, tomorrow - diarrhea. .. And then the chronic pancreatitis added to his symptoms - a sharp pain in the pit of the stomach gives to the sternum or back, the temperature is approaching 39 ° C.There is a complete digestive disorder against the background of strong weakness.

In the medicine cabinet of each "chronicle" should be mezim or pancreatin. These enzymes will somewhat ease the condition, but they must be taken immediately if aches or pains occur. If the body was spasmodic( pain migrating), No-Shpa will help out. The drug will relax the soft tissues and ducts, relieve the overall tension. Three times a week, recommended blind bladder with a warmed "mineral water" or magnesia( up to 10 procedures).With mild forms, such therapy is enough.

Severe sharp exacerbation hr.cholecystitis and hr. Pancreatitis is removed only in a hospital. Self-medication is excluded. Under the supervision of a gastroenterologist, prescribed anti-inflammatory and anesthetic drugs are taken, spasmolytic and cholagogue. When the clinical picture calms down, heat treatment is prescribed( UHF, diathermy, inductothermy).But the main condition for recovery is medical nutrition.

Diet for chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis

Rest for the sick body during exacerbations is the main goal of the diet. Healing from chronic ailments provides a categorical rejection of a number of products:

  • all alcohol without exception;
  • smoked meat, pickles, fried, spicy;Sausages, canned goods, cocoa, chocolate.

After a fasting( usually in the first 1-3 days) and feeding with mucous soups, the patient gradually returns to the "allowed" dietary diet, which is as gentle as possible to the iron that does not overload the digestive tract. Very useful to use:

  • vegetarian first courses;
  • steamed meat and fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • steamed vegetables and cereals;
  • fruit with minimum acidity;
  • jelly, mineral water.

Herbal medicine can provide a significant help to the diet in the common rehabilitation of the body with hr.cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Proper restoration of the functions of the affected organs, will avoid the development of very serious complications, such as diabetes mellitus, the formation of stones and cysts, oncological diseases.

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