First urgent first aid for acute pancreatitis, acute exacerbations, symptoms

Acute pancreatitis is a serious enough disease that requires quick and effective treatment in the shortest possible time. Currently, the disease is about 12% of all cases of surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity.

When a clinical symptom of the acute form of such a disease, the patient first of all requires urgent medical care. Sometimes an ambulance provided in a timely manner to a patient during an exacerbation can save a patient's life.

Pancreatitis during periods of exacerbation is characterized by the rapid development of intoxication of the body, in connection with which the patient has all the signs of poisoning developing against a background of acute pain syndrome of the surrounding nature. This fact is associated, primarily with the aggravation of the inflammatory process and the violation of the pancreas, it requires rapid emergency measures. First aid in the acute form of such a disease is aimed at the removal of the pain syndrome, because it is severe pain that sometimes leads to a shock state of the patient, this assistance should be carried out in the shortest possible time. As the first urgent measures, a patient during an exacerbation of the disease is given one of the antispasmodic drugs, such as nitroglycerin, under the tongue or no-shp. Also, as a first emergency aid to a patient with acute pancreatitis, a solution of papaverine hydrochloride or a solution of platifillin hydrotortrate can be used. In some cases, an emergency first aid, with an exacerbation of the disease, may include a solution of platyphylline hydrotorgrate, a solution of atropine sulfate or a solution of dimedrol.

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In more serious cases, in case of collapse, in a patient with acute pancreatitis during an exacerbation, first of all, prednisolone( 60 mg) is administered, as well as infusion of crystalloids. First aid to such a patient should include a lasix, in order to withdraw enzymes from the patient's body during an exacerbation. And for the inhibition of enzymatic processes in the pancreas during the exacerbation of pancreatitis, the patient is administered countercane and aminocaproic acid.

First aid is urgent and occurs before the hospitalization of a patient with severe pancreatitis. Further, already in the hospital, a complete diagnostic examination is carried out and, upon confirmation of an acute exacerbation of the acute form of pancreatitis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. Remember that often it is the qualified first urgent measures that can save such a patient life.

First aid for acute pancreatitis

How to be in a situation when the attack of pancreatitis was twisted so that before coming to the ambulance you need to somehow hold out? Moreover, if the patient is away from home, and quickly get to doctors "neotlozhki" before it is problematic.

Emergency first aid for acute pancreatitis consists in easing the pain and eliminating the reason why the clogged pancreatic ducts can not cope with the removal of bile juice. In the minutes of waiting for the doctor you need:

  • To be in complete rest. You can go to bed, relax your stomach as much as possible. If, lying on his back, the pain intensifies, you must take a sitting position with a forward tilt. A fading pain in the fetal position will confirm that there is just acute pancreatitis.
  • Breathe in a superficial manner, breath retardation soothes pain.
  • With strong urge to vomit, clean the stomach through the system "two fingers in the mouth."There will be temporary relief.
  • Apply a cold to the painful area or the projection of the pancreas from the back side( a hot-water bottle with cold water, a packaged vegetable frost wrapped with a towel).
  • With severe pain, resorting to spasmolytics( duspitalin, no-spe) or calcium antagonists( verapamil), the painkillers will not act. Most often, an attack of acute pancreatitis is provoked by a large dose of alcohol and fatty foods, but medicines containing pancreatic enzymes can not be drunk during symptoms of an attack - they worsen the condition.
  • Give up food completely, drink a little water( ΒΌ cup every 30 minutes).Even if the state of health improves, it is impossible to refuse hospitalization to the clinic.
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