Polyps of the rectum, the child, polyposis of the ICD 10, the reasons for what looks like, proctology, diet, size, photo, video

Not all diseases manifest themselves as bright characteristic symptoms, there are cases when this or that pathology is revealed only on a routine examination, polyps of the rectum is just such a disease. They for a long time do not make themselves felt, and when there are characteristic signs, there is a risk of transformation of benign formation into a malignant tumor. Therefore, it is so important to know why polyps appear in the rectum, what they look like, how they look, how large they can grow, what can help get rid of them.

In the official medicine, the polyp of the rectum has its code mark for the ICD 10. Its description should be sought in the section "Diseases of the digestive system" K00-K93, in the section "Other intestinal diseases" K55-K63, in the paragraph "Other diseases of the anus and the straight lineguts "K62, the code K62.1.ICD 10 describes both signs and treatment regimens that can lead to complete recovery.

Causes of polyps in the rectum

It is known for certain that in this department they appear extremely rarely, as a rule, they are usually formed in other parts of the intestine. Find out until the end, why fleshy growths are formed here, still fails. But it is well known what a polyp of the rectum looks like. Outwardly, it looks like a mushroom, has an oval hat and a leg. Hats can be of different shapes: round, oval.

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The leg is long or wide, sometimes the neoplasm looks like a large plaque, firmly attached to the walls of the hollow image, the size of the polyps in the rectum may also be different. Small are those whose hats in diameter do not exceed 2 cm. From 2 to 5 cm - the average size, from five or more - large neoplasms that can easily be transformed into cancer tumors.

To reveal the polyps of the rectum at the initial stage because of the remoteness of the department is almost impossible. They are found only when the systematic examination or in the diagnosis of another disease. But when they become large, there are characteristic symptoms, which will be described below.

Doctors believe that the causes of polyps in the rectum lie in several factors. We denote the most basic of them.

  • Heredity. As practice shows, in 90% of cases the polyposis of the rectum is diagnosed if someone from close relatives had a similar history in the anamnesis.
  • Failures during intrauterine development. Often the polyps of the rectum in a child and in an adult are diagnosed because during its intrauterine development the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract was incorrectly formed.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes and malnutrition are the most common causes of the formation of benign neoplasms.
  • Bad ecology.
  • A sedentary lifestyle.
  • Dysbacteriosis that occurs after taking antibiotics.

The listed causes form certain risk groups that are capable or incapable of provoking polyposis of the rectum. Recent studies have shown that the cause of the described disease can be a banal infection that has got from the outside into the gastrointestinal tract. Such an idea was prompted by such examples. In the treatment of colitis and peptic ulcer with the use of antibiotics, polyps also disappeared, and no longer returned. While such an axiom is tested. But not far away is the time when the neoplasms will be treated medically.

How do polyps of the rectum manifest themselves?

Having dealt with the causes of the disease, I want to talk more about how the polyp finds out in the child and the adult. One, two neoplasms that settled in the rectum, as a rule, do not manifest themselves in any way, but when they grow, when the most severe stage develops( polyposis of the rectum), the following symptoms appear:

  • Black feces appear - the main indicator of the presence of bleeding. If the bleeding is not strong, the blood appears streaky.
  • Together with the feces comes the green mucus. It is a harbinger of an inflammatory process. Mucus can also indicate a problem with transport-evacuation functions of the housing and communal services.
  • Some formations have a tendency to become inflamed, in this case the patient's body temperature rises.
  • When a neoplasm increases to a large size, a person experiences constant discomfort. He can not connect it with something specific, so most often this feeling is simply ignored, with him get used to and live. Sometimes the polyps of the rectum in children and adults can provoke the appearance of constipation or diarrhea, it is always individual, but if such symptoms last more than a week, this should make them start worrying and turn to specialists.
  • Above it was told about how the polyp of the rectum looks, and so, if the neoplasm has a long leg, it can be impaired when passing stool. In this case, there is a strong pain of an acute nature. It is felt inside the body and indicates that it is necessary to turn to specialists. Modern proctology knows several ways that can help a patient once and for all get rid of a benign neoplasm.
  • In the event that the polyposis develops, along with the feces a large amount of brown mucus leaves. The chair is always liquid. The patient complains of general malaise and constant loss of weight without reducing appetite.

Diagnosis of rectum polyps

If you find one or more of the symptoms listed above, you should contact your doctor immediately. In his arsenal, there are several modern diagnostic methods that allow to determine with accuracy to a millimeter the presence of polyps in the intestine in a child and in an adult. This is:

  • Recto-manoscopy.
  • Colonoscopy.
  • Irrigoscopy.

Often, in modern proctology, finger examination of the anus is still used. The technique has stepped so far today that a conventional diagnostic procedure allows simultaneous production and removal of a benign neoplasm. If the polyp of the rectum in a child and an adult has small dimensions( up to 2 cm), removal occurs in one procedure.

The rehabilitation period after such an operation is absent, after a few hours the patient is discharged, at the discharge the doctor gives several recommendations. He is advised not to sit down for a few days behind the wheel, do not lift heavy objects, completely change his gastronomic habits.

The therapeutic diet for polyps of the rectum should be gentle. This is a recommendation for both the child and the adult. Therefore, from the list of allowed products, those that can exert an irritant effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal mucosa are excluded, which can provoke an increase in the production of gastric juice. It is important to understand that a therapeutic diet should not be low-calorie, in a daily diet you need to make sure that everything is present: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a large amount of vitamins and minerals. But from the reception of alcohol will have to completely abandon, after removing the formations you can not smoke, starve, overeat, eat fatty, salty and spicy food.

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