Causes of polyps - education, appearance, appearance, psychological, histology of polyposis, from which come, where do they come from?

Recently, patients suffering from gastrointestinal tract pathologies, increasingly, in diagnostic studies, there is a presence in them of tumor-like new growths - polyps. What is the reason for this deviation from the norm and what was the reason for the manifestation of these benign outgrowths?

Such questions are increasingly asked by patients or their relatives, because in order to eliminate the disease, it is necessary to know why it has arisen, and what are the consequences of its uncontrolled development.

Reasons for the formation of polyps

The appearance of these benign tumors is usually associated with aging of the body. But quite often they occur on the mucosa of organs involved in the digestive process, and at a young age.

And not single small growths, but rather large multiple defects. In this case, in a patient's medical history, a disease such as the polyp

appears. The appearance of it is promoted by the following factors:

  • The reason for the formation of polyps in the case when the patient is at a rather young age, most often becomes a wrong way of life;
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  • An important factor in the occurrence of polyposis are violations of diet, as well as eating poor-quality foods or those dishes that are prepared from semi-finished products, often containing dangerous for the body's taste additives or preservatives;
  • Chronic diseases can lead to the development of this disease;
  • Patient habits, such as smoking and the abuse of strong alcohol-containing beverages, are also causing the formation of polyps.

Also among the factors leading to the development of this terrible pathology, which is for the most part a prerequisite for oncological diseases of the digestive tract, specialists also stand out such as infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacteria, uncontrolled use of certain medications, hereditary predisposition, atrophic gastritis in chronic form.

All these causes lead to the development of polyps in the gastrointestinal

intestinal tract, which bring to the patient, in addition to the unpleasant symptoms associated with their appearance, many physiological problems.

Many may wonder why these causes are the main factors in the development of polyps in the digestive organs. One can give an unequivocal answer to this.

All of them, regardless of the reasons that provoked their formation, lead to the destruction of the mucous membranes of the walls, both in the stomach, and in the intestine or esophagus. As a consequence, they become very vulnerable and prone to developing these benign tumors in a single variant or their multiple manifestations, called polyposis.

Histology of the polyp

When a person develops symptoms suggestive of the occurrence of polyposis due to the formation of single or multiple polyps on the walls of the stomach and intestines, and also the possible causes of their appearance, it is necessary to undergo compulsory examination in these cases.

First of all, an X-ray examination of the digestive organs is carried out using contrast medium. This allows you to highlight the relief of the walls and see the presence of polyps that appeared on them for various reasons.

The next stage in the diagnosis of this pathology, if there is any pathological entity on the walls of an organ of the digestive system, will be an endoscopic examination with a mandatory fence collection for histological analysis. The main reason for this is the possibility of choosing the most appropriate method of treatment.

All neoplasms appearing on the walls of the stomach or intestine are subdivided according to their structure into 3 main groups and one additional one, which is a polyp-like growth:

  1. Typical glandular tumor-like outgrowths;
  2. Defects with signs of atypical growth;
  3. Pathologies with signs of malignant growth;
  4. Polypoid-like formations clinically regarded as outgrowths in the lower part of the rectum. When histologically examined, they can be either a consequence of inflammatory changes in the walls of the digestive organs, or true tumors.

Causes of the patient in each of these groups is different, but outwardly they are similar to each other and represent outgrowths of the mucosa in the lumen of the organ. Also, regardless of the reasons for the occurrence of polyps have a similar, not always clearly expressed symptoms.

Psychosomatics of polyposis

Despite the fact that several physiological factors in the development of polyposis are distinguished in modern medicine, the exact reasons for saying why there are and why the polyps grow rapidly in various organs are not completely clarified and are a great mystery to science.

Without knowledge of the real reasons, where they come from and why these protrusions are developing, it is impossible to eradicate this problem completely. And although physicians solve the problem of eliminating polyps by the most effective methods at present( small ones are cauterized, and large ones are removed surgically), they do not relieve the patient from the probability of a secondary appearance of this pathology.

Since ancient times, it is known that the causes of various diseases are mostly of a psychological nature. Very often it happens that some seemingly incurable diseases can pass without using any medication. Or, on the contrary, in the simplest case, no one, even the strongest drugs, can help a person.

Why are there such nuances in the therapy of diseases and from where you can learn about the psychological connection of body diseases with the inner world and the emotions of a person? All these questions can be answered by such an interesting science as psychosomatics. About such benign tumors, as polyps, it also has its own explanations.

According to studies conducted within this science, it becomes clear that most of the causes leading to the development of polyps in the digestive organs are psychological. From the point of view of psychosomatics, where they come from and why they are, there is only one correct answer.

Any dissatisfaction with a way of life or work, unspoken resentment, impossibility to make the only correct decision, experienced stressful situation - here from the point of view of psychosomatics are some specific reasons that are capable of provoking the growth and development of polyps in the organs of the digestive tract.

If we take this science as the basis for determining the causes of the disease, the presence of polyps in the stomach is associated with a person getting into such a difficult situation that he can not solve, or, in other words, "digest".

But in the case when this pathological change grows in the intestine, according to the data provided by this science, one can judge that a person tries to suppress the sorrow that arises from dissatisfaction with the results that his work brings.

To cope with all this and get rid of the tumor pathology is possible only if the patient realizes the negative psychological situation, and also the desire to fix it.

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