The nature of pain in pancreatitis in the pancreas is constant, aching, constantly hurts after eating

The nature of pain in pancreatitis is largely determined by the severity of the disease and its duration. In the acute stage of pancreatitis, the pain can be very severe. The patient tends to adopt the fetal position, bending forward and pulling his knees to his chin. Anesthetic drugs bring a short relief. In this case, you can not do without medical assistance.

In the chronic course of pancreatitis, the nature of the pain changes: it becomes blunt and muffled. Patients complain that the pancreas constantly hurts. In this case the pain can last from several days to several weeks, but never has a paroxysmal character. At this stage of the disease, the pancreas, although constantly hurting, copes with the production of digestive enzymes.

If the duration of the illness is long, more than ten years, then in the pancreas serious changes may occur, resulting in insufficient pancreatic juices for normal digestion. In this case, patients complain that after eating there is a rumbling in the abdomen, a swelling and the pancreas starts to hurt. However, the pain is insignificant, more likely resembling discomfort and passing when taking medications with digestive enzymes.

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Constant and aching pain in the pancreas

Quite often, with pancreatic diseases, there is a constant aching pain. Especially it concerns such widespread illness, as a pancreatitis. Its focus is the navel region, and, more precisely, its upper part. When it is aching, in this case, as a rule, the chronic nature of pancreatitis is diagnosed.

In the event of a nagging pain in the abdomen, one can greatly weaken its strength. To do this, it's enough to put ice on your stomach or just kneel, leaning on your elbows. In addition, with constant pain in the abdomen can help decoction of blueberries, as well as from such herbs as hawthorn, chamomile, immortelle, dill.

With pancreatitis along with the constant pain of the pancreas, there is often vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and in the abdomen there is a characteristic weight. To prevent such ailments when inflammation of the prostate is necessary to adhere to a strict diet, as well as not to drink alcohol and do not smoke.

When this symptom occurs in the abdominal region, the cause of this should be sought not only in the pancreas, but also in other organs located in the abdominal cavity. To do this, you need to contact a specialist for an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

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