Pancreatitis - a medical history: a description of the internal disease of the pancreas, how it looks, photo, video, what is it?

The pancreas is an organ that performs a number of important functions in the human body. The main thing is the production of enzymes called after digestion into the digestive tract to break down the carbohydrates, proteins and fats that come with food. The body is also responsible for maintaining an acceptable level of sugar in the blood. And if it does not function properly, the consequences will not be long in coming.

What is pancreatitis: causes, types, symptoms

Pancreatitis means the presence of inflammatory processes in the pancreas. To lead to this outcome can be different reasons, both physiological and psychological.

Physiological causes:

  • Increased pressure in the biliary tract, which is significantly promoted by cholelithiasis.
  • Presence of duodenal ulcers and stomach, duodenitis, gastritis.
  • Disturbance of fat metabolism, activating enzymes.
  • Wrong blood circulation in the pancreas.
  • Chemical and food poisoning( some medicines, phosphorus, acids, alcohol).
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  • Infections of the abdominal cavity.
  • Injury to the organ( operating, blunt, injured).
  • Heredity.
  • The presence of cystic fibrosis.
  • Poor food.
  • Intoxication with arsenic, mercury, lead, phosphorus.
  • Allergy.

Psychological causes:

  • Constant stress, psychological stress, rush.
  • Lack of sleep for a long time.
  • Meals not by the rules( dry, on the move).
  • Lack of proper rest.

Pancreatitis can occur in acute and chronic form. It is important to know, because the symptoms, the consequences for the body and the treatment in each case are different.

Acute pancreatitis occurs suddenly and is characterized by obvious symptoms:

  • In the right and left hypochondrium there is a cutting pain, strong, having a girdling character. It usually extends from the left to the scapula, shoulder and back area. The reason is that necrosis of nerve endings occurs in the pancreas.
  • There is disgust towards food. The reason - in the intestine is insufficient pancreatic enzymes.
  • Nausea and vomiting when eating food is a consequence of a lack of digestive enzymes.
  • Sensation of tension on the left in the hypochondrium, bloating - a consequence of digestive disorders.
  • Diarrhea may occur.
  • The skin becomes pale, even cyanotic. The reason is that microcirculation in the blood vessels is disrupted.

Reactive pancreatitis is a type of acute, but it occurs against the background of a sharp exacerbation of various diseases of the gallbladder, duodenum, liver or stomach.

Chronic pancreatitis usually develops as a consequence of the emergence of an acute form. But it can cause all the reasons listed above. This is an inflammatory process that progresses slowly in the pancreas. Inflammation can erupt and subside. A consequence of this is calcification of the body, fibrosis or atrophy. After a while in the pancreas scar tissue replaces the normal.

Chronic pancreatitis can be primary( inflammation occurs immediately in the pancreas) and secondary( develops against the background of pathologies of the digestive system).

Symptoms of the chronic form of the disease include:

  • Paroxysmal or permanent pain in the left hypochondrium, which is noisy.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Digestive disorders, diarrhea, flatulence.
  • Significant decrease in appetite.
  • Dryness and pallor of the skin.
  • Pressing on the upper abdomen leads to painful sensations.

Description of the pancreas for pancreatitis, what does it look like?

The enzymes produced by the pancreas are necessary for the body. But under the influence of a number of factors, they do not have time to enter the intestine. As a result, they remain and are activated in the gland itself, digestion and cleavage of its tissues begins. That is pancreatitis.

Enzymes damage the gland tissue, inflammation occurs, represented by edema, necrosis and hemorrhages. Damaged can be and tissues, and organs that are adjacent to the gland, as well as distant( when the enzymes enter the blood).

The toxic and damaging effects of enzymes are pronounced in the acute stage of the disease. In this case, both the edema and necrosis of the organ tissues can be morphological changes. In the case of chronic pancreatitis, they vary depending on the phase of the course and the form of the disease. Relapse involves the combination of necrosis sites with false cysts, fibrosis fields, lime deposits, deformed ducts.

A history of pancreatitis for

therapy Pancreatitis is not a disease in which one can self-medicate. The occurrence of an attack requires an urgent hospitalization in an institution where the patient can be under the close attention of specialists.

The case history describes the dynamics of its development from the time of the onset of the first symptomatology and until admission to hospital. The reasons that led to pancreatitis are indicated.

In the history of the disease, information on what the previous outpatient, inpatient and spa treatment was provided for is included in the therapy. It is necessary to study all the references, extracts, analyzes, studies that the patient provides. If the patient is in a medical facility for a long time, a description of all the medical measures, about how effective they are, how the condition has changed, the expected diagnosis is included in the history. This document includes information about all the patient's complaints, the dates of manifestation of signs of pancreatitis, medical appointments, the results of all examinations and studies conducted.

The medical history of the therapy includes epicrisis, that is, a capacious and brief description of the disease. It is in it at discharge that the patient is prescribed the diet, the mode of life and work, the need for observation from different specialists, and resort and sanitary treatment.

Pancreatitis is not a sentence

The diagnosis of "pancreatitis" is not a sentence, much depends, first of all, not on the doctor, but on the patient himself. In addition to the use of a number of drugs, you will have to follow a diet, a certain regimen. Any predictions are given only after it becomes clear how damaged the pancreas is. Depending on this, either medication is prescribed together with a diet, or an operative intervention, during which the dead tissues of the organ are removed.

Treatment and cleansing of the pancreas

The main task of therapeutic measures for pancreatic pancreatitis is to remove the acute inflammatory process and eliminate the effect of pathogenic factors. When exacerbations, bed rest and fasting are needed to relieve the load from the organ. It is allowed to take only liquid.

Pain is eliminated with myotropic antispasmodics, anticholinergics. Exacerbation of the chronic form often requires the use of antibiotics that have a wide spectrum of action. Assign also pancreatic enzymes.

The use of specific medications in therapy is prescribed by the doctor depending on the form and course of the disease. But the most important is a diet.

Diet for pancreatitis

After fasting for about 4 days, diet No. 5 is applied. Number means a fractional food - 5 times a day. Snacks are prohibited.

The essence of this diet is to give up food, which increases acidification in the stomach, provokes activation of enzymes and purification of the pancreas. After an exacerbation of such a diet should adhere to not less than 8 months. In chronic form pancreatitis will have to develop a certain culture of nutrition for life.

Products are steamed, boiled, crushed, wiped. These are vegetables, cereals( except millet), sweet apples, lean meat, fish, poultry, vegetable soups( without onions, garlic, cabbage), curd casseroles. You can omelet, boiled vermicelli, dairy products( non-acidic), wheat bread( stale).From sweet - biscuits, marmalade, marshmallow, dry biscuit, pastille, honey and jam( a maximum spoon a day).Incomplete tea, jelly and compote - drinks that you can use.

The list of prohibited products is extensive: meat broths, fatty, spicy, sour, offal, smoked products, some vegetables( sorrel, spinach, radish), yoghurts, canned foods. Completely eliminate the need for citrus, chocolate, pastries, coffee, kvass, soda, alcohol, spices, any fast food.

Prevent pancreatitis - much more sensible and easier than curing it. Prevention includes adherence to the principles of rational nutrition, refusal to drink alcohol, attention to the general state of health. It is recommended to examine the digestive organs at least once a year.

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