Alcohol tremor( trembling of the hands and other parts of the body): causes, symptoms, treatment

Drinking alcohol above measure always leads a person to sad results: dependence on alcohol, organ pathology, mental disorders and problems with the nervous system. The state of alcohol poisoning is very hard to tolerate by the body, and it does not matter how much alcohol was drunk and how long a person consumes alcoholic beverages. One of the symptoms of alcohol intoxication is tremor.

What is an alcoholic tremor

Tremor physicians call involuntary trembling of the limbs. May not only tremble hands, but also the head, the tongue, the coordination of movements is disturbed. Basically, this rhythmic muscle twitching is associated with a state of potent ethanol intoxication and begins in the morning or a few hours after taking alcohol. However, alcoholics with experience alcohol tremor is their constant companion and does not pass at the next binge.

The tremor caused by the abuse of alcohol-containing beverages distinguishes the following characteristics:

  • Normal muscle tone.
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  • Large amplitude of jitter.
  • Strong twitching in a state of calm and gain under load.
  • After taking on the chest again, the tremor passes.
  • When the phases of alcohol dependence are started, not only the hands tremble, but also the legs, tongue, eyelids, and facial muscles. Such shaking can last for weeks.

Causes of

Undoubtedly, the main and only reason for such an unpleasant symptom is heavy intoxication due to the use of alcoholic beverages.

It is known that destructive alcohol acts on the brain cells - neurons, which gradually die out as a result of acute poisoning with acetaldehyde, a toxin formed due to the breakdown of ethanol in the liver. The regulation of all movements in our body is governed by such a part of the brain as the cerebellum. It is the cerebellum that first of all suffers from the penetration of toxins - from their impact on this area of ​​the brain, the drunk person manifests a lack of rigidity of steps, imbalance, a shaky gait, numerous falls.

Alcohol intoxication contributes to the disruption of neuronal relationships in the cervical spinal cord, which, among other things, is responsible for the muscular activity of the upper limbs. Violation of the interconnections of the motor nerves with the inhibitory function leads to a persistent decrease in muscle tone and tremor of the upper limbs.

Most often, the tremor is seen in the upper limbs and it is with a hangover. A severe headache, dry mouth, intestinal disorders and hand tremors are all symptoms of the toxic effect of ethanol on the body. If a person is not an alcoholic, but just a little overdoing, the hangover goes spontaneously closer to the second half of the day.

Symptoms of

The following are the hallmarks of alcohol tremor:


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  • Strong rhythmic twitching of the hands especially when they are pulled forward.
  • Major tremor throughout the body as a result of the lack of a neurotransmitter - dopamine.
  • Hangover small chills.
  • Minor twitching of the tongue and head. Such tremor is observed in chronic patients with alcohol dependence.

Tremor after drinking is considered a serious reason for concern for your health. This symptom will be followed by others - violation of the large motor skills of the hands and feet, gait disturbance, complete disorientation in space. Tremor in no case can not be treated with the next dose of alcohol, this will undoubtedly lead to a temporary relief of the condition, but also leads the patient into a trap of alcohol dependence.

How to treat

If you develop a tremor in the hands associated with drinking, it is always necessary to consult a doctor. An experienced doctor can distinguish between an alcoholic tremor and another disease from the first symptoms and prescribe the appropriate treatment to the patient. In cases of chronic alcoholism and severe trembling of the whole body, treatment is best performed in a hospital.

In hospital

The course of hospital treatment includes not only the removal of anxious symptoms of tremors, but is aimed at complete cleansing of the body by means of droppers or the prescription of drugs from accumulated poisons due to the effects of alcohol. The patient shows detox therapy, anticonvulsant drugs, beta-blockers, tranquilizers, vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed.

For the treatment of jitters used drugs such as Primidone and Propranolol. Whether they help or not in any particular case is impossible. Since only the narcologist can give effective recommendations for taking these drugs, he will rely on the collected history and take into account the alcoholic experience of the patient.

At home

Sometimes, to get rid of the trembling of the hands and to remove the small chills that result from drinking, enough to sleep a little longer than usual, and the symptoms go away on their own.

From folk remedies for the removal of symptoms of alcohol tremor, you can advise infusions of motherwort and St. John's wort and, of course, you need a complete refusal to drink.

A large tremor, similar to a strong tremor, is usually associated with a lack of dopamine.

With a strong hangover syndrome, it is necessary to eliminate all alcohol decay products from the body:

  • Drink plenty of liquid and necessarily mineral water to make up for the lack of salts in the body. Together with the drunk liquid out of the body all toxins will come out.
  • Take sorbents - activated carbon, smecta.
  • Additional intake of vitamins of group B and vitamin C;
  • You can drink any mild sedative - motherwort, valerian, mint.

Treating alcohol tremors only then will lead to a full recovery, when the patient stops abusing alcohol and begins to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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