Manifestations of alcoholic polyneuropathy, symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Long and continuous abuse of alcohol leads not only to complete degradation of the person's personality, but also affects the occurrence of various diseases of internal organs. Alcoholic polyneuropathy also applies to such ailments, according to statistical data, it occurs in 10% of patients suffering from alcohol dependence, regardless of whether it is a woman or a man.

Causes of development of alcoholic polyneuropathy

The toxic effect of alcohol decay products adversely affects the peripheral nervous system, disrupts metabolic processes and impulse transmission, which becomes the basis of the symptoms of the disease. Pathological changes affect all the departments in the spinal cord and brain.

Polyneuropathy from alcohol abuse develops in the late stages of the disease, the cause of it are:

  • The toxic effect of ethyl alcohol and its degradation products on nerve fibers;
  • Deficiency of the group of vitamins B. The disadvantage of this group of vitamins is caused by a monotonous diet, a violation of the functioning of the liver cells and a decrease in the absorption of nutrients in the intestinal mucosa. A small amount of thiamine does not allow to fully oxidize alcohol, which only increases its toxic effect and reduces the rate of metabolic processes.
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  • Disturbance of microcirculation in the structure of nerve fibers.
The risk of polyneuropathy increases several times with the use of surrogate alcohol, various denaturates and chemical alcohol-containing liquids.

Similar fluids have the most toxic effect on the liver, which quickly breaks down the vitamins of group B and there is a complete violation of metabolism.

The course of the disease

Alcoholic polyneuropathy in most patients develops gradually, but due to the constant presence in alcoholic dope a person does not pay attention to the appearance of the first clinical signs.

The acute onset of the disease causes the administration of large doses of alcohol for several days.

The patients begin to pay attention to their health when there is a pronounced weakness in the legs and an inability to move.


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Very often alcoholic polyneuropathy is a harbinger of a more serious disease such as
alcoholic encephalopathy, which is very hard to treat.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities is the most frequent manifestation of the disease in the initial stage.

Complaints of patients with alcoholic polyneuropathy

Attention to the fact that there were problems with health at the initial stage of polyneuropathy, the patient can draw, only being in a sober state. Typically, the patients have the following symptoms:

  • Convulsive muscle mass in the toes.
  • Numbness and creeps in the limbs - paresthesia, which appeared after a night's sleep. Sensitivity in the legs is restored in a few minutes or hours.
  • Pain in the feet, calf muscles. Soreness appears first at night, as the disease progresses, becomes permanent.
  • A characteristic feature is soreness and discomfort with minor palpation of the calf muscles.
  • Often develop painful cramps in the muscles of the legs.
  • Lower limbs periodically freeze even on summer days.
  • As the disease develops, there is no passing weakness in the legs, and then in the hands.
  • In rare cases, the patient complains of oculomotor disorders.

Clinical signs of the disease increase as more and more nerve fibers are involved in the pathological process. Symptoms of the disease can also undergo the reverse development provided that the alcohol-containing liquids are completely discarded.

Severe complication of alcoholic polyneuropathy is alcohol abstinence, which is difficult to treat.

In modern medicine, the drug Kolmé is widely used for the treatment of alcoholism. All about the treatment of alcoholism is located here.

Manifestations of alcoholic polyneuropathy

Movement disorders are an important part of alcoholic polyneuropathy. Cock gait appears due to the violation of the function of the extensor muscles in the foot.

Rapidly developing atrophy of gastrocnemius muscles, which is manifested by weight loss of the lower extremities. The muscles of the hand in this pathological process are included much later than the foot.

Because of the disability of the patient, it seems that the floor surface has become soft.

The structure and color of the skin changes - the limbs become marbled, the skin is dry, the brittleness of the nails is increased, excessive sweating can occur, the hair covering on the lower legs disappears, at the end of the disease trophic ulcers and edema appear.

  • Paresis and paralysis in the initial stage continue for a short period of time, then they can significantly limit the mobility of the patient.
  • As the toxic fibers of nerve fibers continue to be affected, the vagus nerve becomes affected, which causes shortness of breath and tachycardia.
  • The peculiarity of the course of polyneuropathy of alcoholic genesis is its combination with the amnestic syndrome, which is manifested by the lack of memory for occurring events, disorientation in space and time.
  • Upon examination, the physician draws attention to a violation of sensitivity in the calf muscles, on hands and feet this is recorded as the absence of reflexes in the zone of putting on gloves and socks.
  • The defeat of nerves starts from the lower parts and gradually spreads to the whole body. This feature explains the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease in the lower extremities.
Alcoholic polyneuropathy must be distinguished from diabetic. Diabetic polyneuropathy has similar clinical symptoms, sometimes it is the first sign of diabetes mellitus. Diagnosis is made on the basis of blood tests and instrumental examinations.

Treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy

Success in the treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy in general and in the treatment of polyneuropathy of the lower limbs depends on how much and how quickly the patient can refuse to drink alcohol.

Medical treatment consists of groups of drugs used by the courses. First of all it is:

  • Assignments of thiamine and other B vitamins in injections and tableted form. A complex of vitamins is found in medicines such as Trigamma, Combilepen, Neurorubin - forte.
  • Drugs that improve microcirculation and metabolic processes in the body. Of the modern drugs for this group include Tioctacide, Dialipon, Thiolept.
  • With pain syndrome, anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics diclofenac, ibuprofen, baralgin, and lubricant are used.

To help quickly restore the motor sphere in the state and traditional medicine, which can be read in more detail here , used in conjunction with prescribed medicines.

  • Vitamin cocktail is prepared from one fresh chicken egg, two spoons of honey and olive oil. This mixture is whipped and 100 grams of fresh carrot juice is added to it. The cocktail is taken twice a day.
  • Kefir mixed with seeds and fresh parsley. Two tablespoons of seeds and parsley crushed, pour a glass of kefir and drink 40 minutes before breakfast. The mixture perfectly removes toxins and saturates the body with vitamins.
  • Out of the external funds are used baths made from the infusion of coniferous branches and from the pods of red bitter pepper. In this liquid, keep your feet up to 30 minutes a day, then put on warm socks.

Soothing herbs - motherwort, thyme, valerian will help to cope with alcohol dependence during the treatment of the disease.

Positive dynamics can only be achieved after several months of therapy with complete failure of alcohol. Important importance is given to adequate nutrition and physical exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles.


Without treatment, the symptoms of alcoholic polyneuropathy increase, for the patient it can result in paralysis of the limbs, mental disorders, cerebellar lesions, in which functional disorders of coordination of movements are observed.

Polyneuropathy, revealed at an early stage, is better treated. All the symptoms of the disease may undergo the reverse development, but when the person falls ill to alcohol, all signs and violations return again.

The most important thing is not to let the disease run its course, otherwise it can lead to severe and even irreversible consequences. The most correct decision will be a complete refusal from drinking alcohol and a healthy lifestyle that will quickly help restore the body to its former strength.

In the treatment of dependence on alcohol, so-called drops of alcoholism are often used, which are quite well proven.

Sometimes the reception of these drops can be accompanied by a slight dizziness, the beta-betine tablets will cope with it. More information about this drug can be found in this section.

Are you interested in a list of triptans for migraines? You can find it at this address http: // triptany-ot-migreni.html

Video will show what happens to the brain of a person who consumes alcohol:

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