Green plaque in the language: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Our body is a complex interconnected system. Failure in the work of one body affects the full functioning of other parts. The main indicator that indicates the state of our health, the beginning of the development of any disease is the language.

With certain malfunctions in the body, a coating of different density and color may appear on the surface of the tongue. Detection in the mornings of a yellow or white plaque is acceptable, as the body tries to purify itself of slags and toxins accumulated overnight. As a rule, after the toilet of the oral cavity, the tongue again becomes pink and velvety.

The appearance in adults of a green plaque on the tongue signals serious problems, in particular the reproduction of the fungus in the oral cavity. With fungal disease, the tongue becomes a greenish shade, while it is covered with a not very dense coating. Such coloring of the tongue in a child or an adult is a rare occurrence, while the plaque is in the center of the tongue and looks like mold, which is formed on the corrupted bread.

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Causes of green plaque in the language of

It is possible to identify the main causes that can provoke occurrence of a green plaque in the language. It can appear due to:

  1. Fungal diseases .They are due to the multiplication in an increased number of fungi from the genus Candida. Or more pathogenic strains of fungi get into the oral cavity. Plaque covers the tongue completely, or concentrates only on its individual sections. Visually, it looks very much like mold on stale bread.
  2. Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract .The denser the plaque, the more serious the disease. Language can also be covered with cracks.
  3. Incorrect oral hygiene .It is necessary to clean not only the teeth, but also the tongue, the upper sky and the inner part of the cheek. The toothbrush can be ordinary, but you can buy a special brush that has silicone bristles on the back of the head. To clean it is necessary correctly, in circular motions, not pressing too strongly on a surface which is cleared. After that, the mouth is rinsed with herbal decoction or just water.
  4. Lean food or lack of vitamins .If during normalization of nutrition, following a healthy lifestyle, the raid does not disappear, it is worthwhile to seek help from a therapist.
  5. If the patient takes antibiotics for a long time and uncontrolled , as a result, along with pathogens they destroy a useful microflora. Self-medication with these drugs promotes active reproduction of fungi and damage to internal organs. All this leads to the formation of a green deposit on the tongue.
  6. Appearance of green plaque( dark or light) can be facilitated by taking medications to suppress immunity.
  7. The presence of bad habits : alcohol, smoking, drugs.
  8. Thrush.
  9. HIV infection.

Provision of a white-green coating on the tongue may result in prolonged and frequent constipation. If the symptoms are supplemented by high body temperature and signs of general poisoning of the body, then this may indicate the presence of an infectious disease.

Formation in the language of green plaque with a yellow tinge is the result of disruption of the digestive tract, urinary system. Such signs indicate the accumulation of excessive amounts of bile in the gallbladder.


In order to determine the cause that calls for the coloration of the tongue in green, you need to seek help from a doctor. The only exception is the case when the tongue becomes green due to food intake, which can color the organ in a natural way.

The first thing the doctor should do is to listen to the patient's complaints and make a visual inspection of the language on which the plaque has formed. For a more thorough examination of the body, the doctor can use a spatula. He assesses its thickness, mobility, the color of the tongue, the condition of the papillae, and the relief of the surface of the plate.

What do other colors mean in the language?

Plaque in the language can be divided into several types of color. Although most often there is white and yellow coating, there are cases when people have black, green, brown or gray coating.

Each of them appears for various reasons:

  1. Yellow - signals about functional disorders of the liver, gall bladder.
  2. Brown - appears with pathological changes in the respiratory system. Often observed with chronic alcoholism, a significant smoking experience.
  3. Red with raspberry shade - acute inflammation, viral infections, poisoning.
  4. The bluish shade of the plaque indicates a lack of vitamins of the neurotropic class( group B), the development of anemia, oxygen starvation.
  5. Gray - problems with the digestive tract( gastrointestinal tract).
  6. In Crohn's disease, the tongue is covered with with a black layer of .This pattern is observed in seriously ill patients.

Remember that a light white and thin layer of plaque is normal. Such a coating should not have a smell and through it the natural color of the tongue should be discerned. It is also important to take into account that in summer, the raid on the tongue may be thicker than at any other time of the year.

How to treat green plaque on the tongue?

Treatment should begin with the cause of its formation. After all, without eliminating the root cause, that is, without treatment of the disease, it will not be possible to eliminate the green patch on the tongue. Therefore, you should start with a visit to a good doctor-therapist. He will appoint a full examination and establish on its basis an accurate diagnosis.

If the doctors have not identified any diseases, then the problem is hygienic. You should consult a dentist who will help pick up the paste, brush. In order to remove an unpleasant odor, you can rinse with an antiseptic solution. He performs the "treatment" of the tongue flora, killing bacteria and preventing their reproduction.

When after normalization of nutrition and improving the quality of oral hygiene the green coating does not disappear, it is necessary to repeatedly consult a doctor, especially if an unpleasant odor has appeared. Only treatment of the underlying disease will completely eliminate the unpleasant plaque in the language.

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