External remedies for hemorrhoids

In the segment of pharmacology for the control of inflammation of hemorrhoids, ointments, creams and suppositories take a leading position. The effectiveness of external means against hemorrhoids is due to the rapid penetration and high absorption of active substances. Against the background of taking medications, unpleasant symptoms are significantly reduced, bleeding stops, the cracks in the anus are healed.

External agents in the form of cream and ointment, despite the similarity of consistency and principles of use, differ among themselves. The difference lies in the basis. Ointment for external use is made of fat and additional components. The basis of the cream is an aqueous emulsion with lipid( fat) content of only 50%.The cream has a greater absorption, does not leave smearing marks on linen, much faster relieves pain, inflammation and itching. Creams with hemorrhoids are applied similarly to ointments.

There is another kind of topical external remedy for hemorrhoids - gel. Under the gel in pharmaceuticals is understood the drug form of the drug completely on a water basis. The composition does not contain fat, it is easily absorbed and quickly dries up on the surface of the skin. Active action of creams and gels for external use has a prolonged nature, and the effect of ointments has a short effect. External means from hemorrhoids in the form of a gel are most effective in case of wet wounds( cracks in the anus), have the best antibacterial and softening effect. The main benefits of ointments, gels and creams include the following:

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  • rapid elimination of puffiness, stagnant manifestations of hemorrhoids;
  • increase in the elasticity of the vascular walls;
  • activates the tone of the rectum;
  • achieves an excellent cosmetic effect;
  • eliminates the cracks in the anal canal.

Out of the known brands, external agents are isolated:

  • Hepatrombin, Proctosan, Bezornil, Proctosedil to relieve the first symptoms;
  • Chinese ointment for the treatment of inflammation of the hemorrhoids;
  • Aurobin for rapid healing of anus cracks, relief of soreness;
  • Glivenon, Proctosan, Heptaminol, Hesperidin, Troxerutin.

Ointments are often supplied with special applicator tips for better penetration of the remedy. With the help of an ointment, you can locally affect inflamed hemorrhoids. The use of creams and ointments for external use is recommended immediately after the act of defecation and hygiene procedures. The choice and purpose of ointments and gels is performed by a doctor depending on the complexity of the clinical picture, the general clinical history of the patient. All external medicinal products have their contraindications, application features and recommended dosage, therefore even the most harmless ones are capable of provoking complications of other accompanying diseases.

External means from hemorrhoids in the form of candles

Candles are convenient in use, distribution of daily and single dosage. Under the influence of human body temperature suppositories melt and are absorbed in the affected areas. Rectal suppositories against hemorrhoids are classified into several main groups:

  • Phlebotonics. Are appointed to restore the elasticity of the walls and tissues of the rectum, reduce the size of the hemorrhoids, and remove puffiness.
  • Anti-inflammatory suppositories. The external agent is intended to eliminate inflammation, reduce itching in the anus ring. They reduce pain and have a powerful prolonged antibacterial effect. Pain Relief Suppositories. The main active ingredient of the external agent is an anesthetic, which relieves the pain syndrome during exacerbation of hemorrhoids. The funds of such a group rapidly relieve pain, significantly relieve inflammation, destroying the bacterial microflora in the rectum.
  • Candles-antiseptics. Prevent the spread of pathogenic microflora, eliminate inflammation( especially shown for their use in the wet cracks of the anal canal).
  • Hemostatics. Stop pain and stop bleeding, speeding up the healing process of hemorrhoids.

In addition to the basic, there are candles for softening the soft tissues surrounding the anal ring, combined candles for the removal of inflamed hemorrhoids of mixed effect, suppositories that prevent the formation of thrombi and homeopathic preparations. Ichthyol suppositories, soft glycerin, candles with active propolis, sea-buckthorn are widely known. Today on the market there is a huge list of drugs for curing inflamed hemorrhoidal nodules of varying severity. Rectal suppositories are subdivided according to their intended use and are used only on the recommendation of the treating proctologist.

Known candles include: Natalside, an external remedy with prolonged action Relief, softening Gepatrombin G, effective Anusole.

All preparations in the form for external use - ointments, gels or creams can not be used as a monotherapy. Treatment of hemorrhoids, including bleeding or chronic, is carried out in a complex manner. To increase the effectiveness it is recommended to combine therapeutic medication with physical therapy, adherence to a special diet and the correct way of active life.

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