Calendula with hemorrhoids, treatment with suppositories, ointment, tincture, baths, broths, oil, is it possible to use during pregnancy?

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Faced with a disease, most people turn to alternative medicine for help. Hemorrhoids is no exception. There are many plants that can not only prevent the development of this disease, but also completely get rid of it. To such herbs and refers calendula, able to withstand hemorrhoids.

This unique plant has amazing properties. It is capable of:

  • Eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • Destroy the harmful microflora;
  • Rid of pain and spasm;
  • Accelerate the healing process of damaged tissues;
  • Remove itching and burning;
  • Eliminate puffiness and bleeding.

Surprisingly, the use of calendula with hemorrhoids is safe for the body. The only limitation is low pressure. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dosage. In other cases, the only possible intolerance of the plant is a contraindication.

How to treat hemorrhoids with calendula?

Before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to determine the way in which the drug will enter the body. As therapy, you can use:

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  • Infusions;
  • Baths;
  • Enemas;
  • Candles;
  • Ointments;
  • Compresses.

In order to use the above methods, it is recommended to prepare a decoction. It can be used as an independent medicine and for washing. To prepare a calendula decoction to fight hemorrhoids, it is necessary: ​​

  • Take 100 ml of water and add one teaspoon of dry herb;
  • The drug should be cooked over low heat for about 7 minutes;
  • When the product is ready, it should cool down for half an hour;
  • It must be filtered before use.

When taking calendulae in the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to add warm water in a 1: 1 ratio, only then a positive effect will be achieved. The procedure should be performed after each bowel movement.

Treatment of hemorrhoids can be done with lotions with calendula. For this, the bandage is folded several times, and then urinates in the previously prepared drug.

Do not forget that candles with calendula faster than other means have an effect on hemorrhoids. If you want, you can buy suppositories at the pharmacy. Such medicines can eliminate:

  • Inflammation;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Puffiness;
  • Bleeding.

It is best to put candles with calendula in hemorrhoids before bedtime. For best effect, first you need to empty the intestine.

Using calendula from hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Women are happy to see the birth of their baby. Unfortunately, waiting can be overshadowed by the appearance of hemorrhoids. It should be remembered that the use of medications during this period is contraindicated.

In order not to cause harm to the health of the mother and her future child, it is best to use a candle or ointment from calendula with hemorrhoids. To prepare the medicine it is necessary: ​​

  • Place in a small container 0.5 kg of fat of nutria( lard) and 4 handfuls of pre-cut calendula;
  • Place the container on a slow fire;
  • Mix the mixture during cooking;
  • After boiling, remove the container from the heat by covering it with a lid;
  • Calendula ointment from hemorrhoids should be infused for several hours.

Before applying the ointment, the patient should wash herself. The procedure must be performed more than 3 times a day. Therapy can be stopped only after that. How obvious symptomatology will disappear. To avoid staining the underwear, it is best to use sanitary napkins.

In addition to ointments with hemorrhoids, you can use calendula oil. It is best to buy it in a pharmacy, as making it at home can affect the quality of the product.

Being "in position", a woman can use hemorrhoids from calendula. It is important that before the application of the suppository, the future mum carried out the act of defecation. It is best to use candles before you go to sleep. In order not to stain the bed and underwear, it is necessary to use sanitary napkins.

As for the tincture of calendula with hemorrhoids, it is better not to use women who are "in position".This is due to the content of ethyl alcohol in it. Despite the contraindications, specialists sometimes prescribe tincture during pregnancy, but then all the prescriptions of the doctor must be strictly observed.

For any abnormalities or additional symptoms, consult a specialist. Timely appeal for help will further avoid serious problems.

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