Humoral regulation of pancreatic secretion

Regulation of the pancreas is an important process that allows you to monitor the implementation of the main functions and tasks of this body. What are the features of this mechanism, and why is its role so significant?

Humoral regulation is carried out due to endocrine glands secreting the corresponding hormones: somatostatin, glucagon, and, of course, insulin. In this case, the latter is one of the main uses of the pancreas, and the regulation of its quantity is relevant for ensuring the full vital activity of a person. Thanks to this function, the metabolism in the body is regulated and its full functioning is ensured.

It should be noted that also the main task of the regulation of the gland is the allocation of pancreatic juice, intended for the subsequent digestion and digestion of food. It is very important that pancreatic juice is allocated in the amount that is required for the subsequent digestive process. If its volumes exceed the normal parameters, accordingly, the pancreas, as well as the entire digestive tract, will be harmed, delivering serious discomfort to the wearer.

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It is important to understand that humoral regulation is necessary for the organism first of all also because it is due to its full-fledged work that it ensures the implementation of those functions that it performs and for which it is intended, in full.

If the functions realized by the pancreas are not performed in full volume, then there is a high probability that in the end this will affect not only the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Often the body increases the amount of glucose, reduces the amount of hormones that are so important for human life, and in some cases, the disorder of the process of humoral regulation can affect even the respiratory system, resulting in the occurrence of serious diseases and ailments.

Needless to say, the regulation of the pancreas is an important mechanism, without which it is impossible to imagine a full functioning of the body. That is why it is so important that this function is properly performed and that not only individual organs, but also the entire gastrointestinal tract did not arise in the work, not the slightest failures or complications.

Neurochemical regulation of the pancreas

The neurohumoral mechanism of regulation is a complex of factors that change the external and intrasecretory function of the pancreas( pancreas).The wandering nerve, enhancing secretion, parasympathetic stimulation is mainly responsible for the nervous mechanism of regulation. They inhibit the production of PJ juice sympathetic nerves, the secretory function is inhibited in pain, the blood supply to the gland is reduced, caused by the narrowing of the vessels. The same effect is observed during sleep, with considerable physical effort and mental work.

Humoral regulation is associated with the production of secretion-stimulating hormones - secretin and cholecystokinin( CCK).Under the influence of CCK, the secreted juice is enriched with enzymes, and secretin increases the amount of bicarbonates neutralizing the acid reaction. The external secretory function of the gland is enhanced by the action of gastrin, serotonin, bile salts, insulin. The composition of human food consumed by humans also affects the number of enzymes present in the pancreatic juice.

Recall that the intrasecretory function of the prostate is to produce a large group of important endohormones, including insulin, gastrin, serotonin, glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide and other active compounds. In diseases of the pancreas, the interdependence of the main processes of neurohumoral regulation is manifested. For example, chronic pancreatitis leads to its disruption, the formation of exocrine insufficiency.

Pathology associated with the production of juice to improve digestion, simultaneously causes a change in intrasecretory activity. The reason is that the hormones that govern the exocrine function of the prostate gland stimulate the production of insulin. Among the diseases of the pancreas that cause the development of diabetes, 76% is chronic chronic pancreatitis.

A large number of hormones, the presence of nervous and humoral regulation of pancreatic functions complicate the work of this important organ. Only an understanding of the relationship between the phenomena occurring will successfully treat pancreatitis, diabetes and obesity.

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