Pancreatic blood supply, scheme

Pancreatic blood supply in a special way is carried out, as is any gland mixed secretion. It occurs in the human body at the expense of three arteries. It is from these that most of the lobules feed on blood. The main sources that feed the organ are the superior mesenteric, splenic and celiac artery. Inside the lobules, most of the blood flow rushes to the islets of Langerhans, which are the basis of the endocrine system.

Most small and larger vessels fit the head of the prostate. Her blood supply supports the hepatic aorta. Also to this part are adjacent vessels of the superior mesenteric vein. She also supplies blood to the body of the prostate. The splenic artery and its branches carry blood to the body and tail. Different people have different amounts of these branches in the pancreatic blood supply system. Usually, from the end of the tail to the tail of them from 3 to 6 pieces and all of them are the branching of one trunk of the splenic artery. Together they provide uninterrupted power to the body. It is these vessels, anastomosing with horizontal vessels going from below, abundantly nourish all pancreatic blood. Connecting and anastomosing with each other, the lower and upper pancreatic-duodenal arteries form two arterial arches: the posterior and anterior arches. And these two arcs, united with each other.form a closed arterial ring.

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From the splenic artery to the area of ​​the spleen's gate return veins leave. Through them, the blood from this gland comes from the body. Most of the veins are located in the part of the tail. All the venous blood from them inevitably gets into the system via the portal vein. If only the venous blood outflow from the pancreas occurs in these vessels, necrosis of the tail may develop. Sometimes with such a venous outflow there is pancreatitis.

Alcohol also has a harmful effect on the blood supply of the pancreas. It affects the operation of small vessels, provoking their constriction. And this, in turn, inevitably causes the death of pancreatic cells that have not received sufficient nutrition. In addition, with prolonged intake of alcohol in large quantities, necrosis of entire tissue sites occurs, and formation and deposition of salts in the tail may also occur. In women, these processes develop much faster than men. The process is often diagnosed at a late stage, so it is difficult to treat.

Scheme of blood supply to the pancreas

Blood supply to the head of the pancreas

1 - duodenum;2 - own artery of the liver;3 - gastroduodenal artery;4 - upper pancreatoduodenal artery;5 - anterior branches of the superior pancreatoduodenal artery;6 - head of the pancreas;7 - anterior branches of the lower pancreatoduodenal artery;8 - lower pancreatoduodenal artery;9 - superior mesenteric artery;10 - posterior branches of the lower pancreatoduodenal artery;11 - posterior branches of the superior pancreatoduodenal artery;12 - upper pancreatoduodenal artery;13 - upper pancreatic artery;14 - right gastro-omental artery.

Scheme of blood supply to the pancreas

1 - a.coelica;2- a.lienalls;3 - a.pancreatica dorsatis;4 - a.pancreatica magna;5-a.a.pancreatica candalis;6 - a.pancreatica inferior;7 - a.mesenterica superior, 8 - a.pancreaticoduodenalis inferior;9 - a.pancreaticoduodenalis superior;10 - a.pancreatica superior;11 - a.gastricoepiploica dextra;12 - a.gastroduodenalis;13 - a.hepatica propria;14 - a.gastrica sin.

Arterial blood supply to the pancreas

1 - right, left and common hepatic ducts;2 - gallbladder duct;3 - hepatic artery;4 - gastroduodenal artery;5 - anterior pancreatoduodenal artery;6 - superior mesenteric vein and artery;7 - splenic artery;8 - aorta;9 - liver;10 - spleen

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