Why does the mucus in the urine show up in the tests?

Biochemical composition of urine is the main indicator of our physiological state and health. Urine composition includes 90% water and 10% dry organic matter, which have a complex chemical structure.

The high concentration of mucus, leukocytes, protein, ketone bodies and other pathological components in the urine, depending on their percentage, indicate the development of certain inflammatory processes in the body, serious infectious and bacterial diseases and disorders in the work of the urinary tract and kidneys.

Today we will examine why the analysis reveals mucus in the urine, and what does this mean in women or men.

Functions of mucus in the body

Mucus is produced by special goblet cells in the epithelium of the urinary tract. The main purpose of mucus is a protective function aimed at preserving the internal surface of the organs from the irritating effect of urea on it and the acid reaction of urine.

In a healthy body, mucus is synthesized enough to neutralize the aggression of urine, as well as urea. Outside with the current of urine, it is allocated, as a norm, an insignificant amount, which is determined only by the method of laboratory urine testing.

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Norms of

Mucus in urine is considered normal if detected in small amounts.

Epithelium secretes mucus constantly, a small amount of which can get into the urine during urination.

Mucus in the urine: what does this mean?

Why do adults get mucus in the urine, and what does that mean? One of the frequent physiological reasons for the detection of mucus in the urine is inadequate hygiene of the genitals before collecting urine.

Possible pathological causes of mucus in the urine:

  1. Inflammatory processes .When diseases of the urinary system, such as cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, the presence of stones urine stagnates, resulting in the formation of mucus is enhanced.
  2. Infectious diseases .The cause of entry of bacteria and foreign impurities may be a local infection or a venereal disease.
  3. Pathology of the prostate is one of the reasons for the increased amount of mucus in the urine of men.
  4. Violation of urination .Long-term abstinence leads to stagnation of the urine in the organs and, as a consequence, to the formation of mucus.

Epithelial cells( mucus) differ depending on which department they have got into excreta and are: flat, renal and transitional.

  1. Flat epithelium of .Excess amount in the urine can talk about the presence of an infectious process in the urinary canal area. Most often it is cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis.
  2. Transitional epithelium of .In this case, the reasons for the increased amount of mucus in the analysis of urine are acute and chronic form of cystitis and pyelonephritis, ureteral tumor, prostatitis, urolithiasis. Kidney epithelium .This is the first sign of kidney glomerular glomerulonephritis( glomerular nephritis), because in healthy people this type is not found.

Special attention should be paid to the presence of renal and transitional epithelium. It is better to retake the urine test, because quite often the reason for the detection is the wrong collection of urine. If the epithelium is found repeatedly, do not look for the cause yourself, only an expert can make a diagnosis after conducting other examinations.

Causes of mucus in the urine of men

Mucus in the urine of men primarily indicates inflammation of the prostate.

Also the reason for the appearance of mucus may be a non-sterile test tank, the bacteria in which, getting into a favorable environment, begin to multiply actively. Another reason for the appearance of mucus may be prolonged abstinence from urination before taking the tests.

Causes of mucus in the urine of women

In women, the vagina is located quite close to the urethra, from which pieces of epithelial tissue( mucosal secretions) can enter the collection of the analysis. In this case, when analyzed in the urine in a small amount of mucus is found - this is not a pathology.

  • Non-sterile dishes for analysis or insufficient hygienic procedures of external organs can become a source of development of bacteria that will provoke the appearance of mucus.

Mucus in the urine in large quantities usually appears with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, stones in the kidney or bladder. As a rule, while a woman has a lower abdominal pain, there are unpleasant or painful sensations when urinating, the temperature rises. Urine with infectious-inflammatory diseases gets a murky color and a sharp smell.

Causes of mucus in the urine of a child

When a child has increased mucus in the urine, the causes should be sought on the same principle as in adults, excluding inflammation of the urethra, bladder, ureters and kidneys.

  1. As a rule, a general urine sample is re-administered( it is replaced by Nechiporenko analysis if you want to clarify the nature of the urinary sediment), in addition, clinical blood and kidney tests in biochemistry look.
  2. According to the indications, Zimnitsky's sample is prescribed, urine culture, cystoscopy, renal ultrasound or excretory urography.

Moderate mucus in combination with leukocytes, bacteria and protein is always indisputable evidence of malfunctions in the child's urinary system.

Decoding of

The general analysis of urine is carried out in clinical laboratories in many ways. The main indicators for deciphering the results of a general urine test are:

  • urine reaction or pH;
  • specific gravity( relative density) of urine;
  • leukocytes in the urine;
  • epithelial cells in the urine;
  • cylinders in the urine;
  • salts in urine;
  • is a protein in the urine;
  • is glucose in urine;
  • ketone bodies in the urine;
  • bilirubin in urine( bile pigment);
  • erythrocytes in urine;
  • color;
  • transparency;
  • smell;
  • bacteria in the urine;
  • fungi in the urine;
  • mucus.

In modern laboratories of generally accepted standards for decoding the results of urine analysis does not exist - in each they have their own.

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