Pancreatitis in children and adolescents, causes, consequences, video, what to do?

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which is not rare in adults, but also in children. What are the characteristics of this disease, and what are the causes of its appearance in children and adolescents?

There are not so many reasons for the development of the disease in toddlers and older children. Often, this ailment develops because of the congenital malformation of an organ such as the pancreas. Also, the disease can worsen as a result of a serious injury or the absence of a proper and useful nutrition suitable for a child's body.

The cause of pancreatitis in adolescents and children can become and various diseases, at first glance not related to the pancreas and its work. So, the ailment can develop against the background of ARVI, allergic reactions of mumps, and also as a complication in any problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

As for acute pancreatitis, this disease does not develop very often, and it is not easier for an example than for adults. The causes of the occurrence of such a disease in children and adolescents is not so much. So, the main, of course, is a gross violation of the prescribed dietary norms, as well as abundant use of fatty and pancreatic food heavy.

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Often the acute form of pancreatitis in adolescents and toddlers develops against the backdrop of allergies, which often occur after intensive and prolonged treatment with medications that negatively affect the digestive system. That is why in this case it is so important to combine them with probiotics, which allow reducing the load on the pancreas.

There is an exacerbation, which arose because of the vices of the gastrointestinal tract. This cause is one of the rarest, but the main danger is that in this case there is a high probability of pancreatic necrosis, as well as purulent infections.

It is important to understand that pancreatitis in children and adolescents is often caused by the parents' fault. And in order for this to happen, care must be taken to provide the child with a full and proper diet, rich in nutrients and not harmful to the stomach, and also does not create additional stress on the pancreas. And in case of possible diseases, it is necessary to carefully select suitable medications, due to which the treatment of one disease, will not cause the development of child pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis in a child, what should I do?

Children often complain that they have a stomach ache. Adults usually do not get very frightened at this, thinking about what he could eat and whether he had clean hands. In addition, the pain is often short, and the baby is soon again cheerful and active. But the cause for alarm will be serious, if the following signs show up:

the child cries like with acute pain, refuses to eat, the question where it hurts, pro-leads on the upper abdomen, the left side of the trunk( you can suspect that the pain is shrouding);

  • nausea, increased salivation;
  • bloating, diarrhea;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • chills, cold sweat;
  • pallor, sometimes cyanosis.

This condition is usually caused by an attack of acute pancreatitis and can be life threatening. It is already impossible to delay, adults need urgently to call "ambulance", so that the child does not experience a collapse. Self-medication in the home is unacceptable, hospitalization is mandatory. In the meantime, the ambulance is expected to arrive, the child needs to be in complete rest, the cold attached to the left side will somewhat relieve the pain.

Pancreatitis in a child 2, 3, 5 years old

At this age, both acute( primary) pancreatitis and reactive as a complication after ARI, antibiotics, abdominal injuries, congenital abnormalities of the digestive system. The failure of the pancreas is expressed by the same symptoms as in adults and adolescents.

Fortunately, in children aged 2 years or 3 to 5 years, signs of pancreatitis are less pronounced than in older children. But the danger of transition to a chronic form is not less. The main thing that parents should do:

  • to treat a child in a hospital;
  • regularly observe it in the clinic;
  • undergo regular research;
  • take the necessary tests;
  • comply with all recommendations for nutrition.

Basic rules for feeding children 2, 3, 5 years:

  • food should be cooked for a couple( boiled);
  • food should be served warm, in a crushed( up to 3 years old) garment;
  • is used in small portions( fractional) up to 5-6 times a day with interruptions of a maximum of 4 hours;
  • compliance with diet No. 5P.

Consequences of pediatric pancreatitis

With timely treatment and strict adherence to diet, complications of inflammation of the prostate can be avoided. But if you delay and start the disease, the consequences will not keep you waiting.

Close people should be observant and attentive to their children in order to catch the disease in time and quickly cure, not leading to chronic form. Otherwise, in the future, numerous repetitions of exacerbations can not be avoided, the child's life can turn into a continuous "impossible."And the most terrible thing - everything can end with diabetes.

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