How to avoid a hangover in the morning: 10 effective ways, general recommendations

In order not to suffer from hangover syndrome in the morning, you do not need to drink alcohol in the evening. But in life it turns out that there are holidays, family celebrations, events, round dates, etc. Therefore, it is often impossible to avoid a sober way of life. Not everyone knows their own measure and they can stop in time, and alcohol also unhooks and makes pastime more cheerful and pleasant. As a result, many are treated with alcohol, which in the morning is expressed by a severe hangover. But you can spend the evening so that in the morning the hangover does not bother. But more on that later.

How to avoid the morning hangover

Unfortunately, magic pills that can prevent a hangover, have not yet come up, so before the planned feast is to take care of tomorrow in advance.

In small amounts, alcohol has a positive effect on some organic structures, for example:

  • Has a restful nervous systemic effect;
  • Has a vasodilating effect;
  • Promotes the coping of stress.
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But this effect occurs only with insignificant portions of alcohol. If the volume drunk is large, then alcohol exposes the body to serious intoxication, which manifests itself as an abstinent or hangover syndrome. The best way to avoid a hangover is to prevent this condition.

In fact, a hangover usually bothers people who are alcohol-dependent. Weak intestines, headaches, palpitations and tremors, chills and depressive depression are all manifestations peculiar to abstinence. And while the alcohol addict does not use alcohol, his condition will not improve.

A similar condition may occur and a person who drinks alcohol on holidays from time to time. But this will already be alcohol intoxication, which usually occurs after drinking alcohol of inadequate quality, overdose, neglect snack during the feast, eating on an empty stomach or mixing various hot drinks.

Causes of the emergence of a hangover

Hangover syndrome occurs due to the toxic effects of alcohol and its metabolic products. The time of occurrence of such a state depends on the intensity of alcohol processing in the body. The average speed of alcohol metabolism is about 50 ml / h, it is with this amount of vodka that the body can cope within an hour. Important is the sex of the drinker, for example, in women, alcohol is processed somewhat more slowly( about a half times).

In addition, the stomach condition is important. If you drink on an empty stomach, then ethanol is absorbed very quickly. Rather, the rest are assimilated medium-strong hot drinks( 20-30%), but if alcohol is more, an irritating reaction may occur in the stomach, which will slow down the processing of ethanol. What exactly happens in the body when alcohol gets into it and why a hangover state occurs.


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The algorithm for the stages of hangover appearance looks something like this:

  • When ethanol penetrates, the cellular structures of our body activate protective resources from toxic alcoholic influences, resulting in the oxidation of alcohol to the state of acetaldehyde under the influence of enzyme substances produced predominantly by the liver. This substance has an even greater toxicity than ethanol, namely acetaldehyde and causes such a state as a hangover syndrome.
  • The body is trying its best to split acetaldehyde, in which he helps another hepatic enzyme - acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. Therefore, because of the abuse of alcohol, the liver suffers so much, because it is forced to work in an intensive mode to produce enough enzymes. As a result of enzymatic activity, acetaldehyde is split into carbon dioxide and ordinary water.
  • The process of cleavage in each person proceeds at an individual rate, depending on many factors. In some, everything is balanced, there is a slow formation of acetaldehyde, which immediately begins to split into acid and water. Such people never have a hangover, because their body can quickly cope with ethanol. But there are quite a few of them.
  • People who have no equilibrium between the production of enzymes that break down ethanol and acetaldehyde are more common. Then, after drinking alcohol, ethanol is rapidly metabolized to acetaldehyde. But due to the insufficient production of aldehyde dehydrogenase, it does not decay, but accumulates in the body, which leads to the emergence of hangover symptoms. In people with a similar enzymatic imbalance, drinking almost always ends in a hangover. But alcoholics and such people are rare, because the negative feelings after alcohol prevent the development of dependence.

As a result of such processes the next morning after a feast a person experiences headaches, nausea-vomiting syndrome, tremor and thirst, chills and aversion to food, common signs of malaise.
On the video about the causes of the hangover:

10 ways to prevent

Experts identify several specific ways to help prevent the morning hangover:

  1. A couple of days before the celebration it is recommended to eat foods rich in iodine, for example, sea kale, shellfish, feijoa. Iodine products with a certain delay activate the production of thyroid hormones, due to which the oxidation of the alcohol consumed will increase. The daily dosage of iodine on this day should be per kilogram of weight of the order of 10-12 mcg;
  2. One day before the feast, it is recommended to take aspirin( 0.5 g), then during the feast the alcoholic effect will be much weaker. This is due to the effect of enhancing the enzymatic activity, which has aspirin;
  3. For half a day and 4 hours before the event, it is recommended to take vitamin B₆, approximately 70-100 mg per each dose. What will it give? Pyridoxine promotes activation of enzymatic hepatic activity, and this organ is known to be the main processor of alcohol and its metabolites;
  4. On the morning of the feast day, it is necessary to take a cholagogue such as a rose hip syrup( 2 large spoons), Liv-52, infusion of corn stalks or cholagogue. These drugs increase the cholic flow, which improves hepatic activity and protects the pancreas. The tolerance of alcohol increases;
  5. For half a day before the event, it is recommended to clean the intestines with an enema. If this method is unacceptable for you, then laxatives that do not have toxicity( sorbitol or Senna) are allowed. This will help speed up the processing of alcohol and will ensure a normal state of health in the morning.
  6. Before the feast, take activated charcoal or enterosgel. Such sorbents will absorb alcohol and its toxins, and then safely withdraw. This will allow you not to be hungry for a long time at the table, and in the morning exclude hangover syndrome;
  7. Approximately 3-5 hours before the celebration, you can take a cocktail of 70 grams of vodka and 150 ml of tonic( like Schweppes).This will activate hepatic enzymes in advance, and when the feast begins, the body will split ethanol and acetaldehyde much faster;
  8. Preparation Glutargin. It is recommended to take it about an hour or two before libation. This will help stimulate the cleavage of alcohol in the liver and accelerate the production of alcohol dehydrogenase. An additional effect is the protection of the nervous and liver structures;
  9. About an hour before the feast, you can take a couple of tablets of succinic acid, which activates the real exchange processes and carries out an intensive detoxification biochemical effect;
  10. Tight snack. In the process of feasting it is extremely important to eat well at first, and then periodically snack. Milk protein foods and fatty foods will help protect the mucosa from the rapid absorption of alcohol. In the intervals between portions of alcohol it is recommended to drink while walking a glass of water. This will help to avoid dehydration, and, hence, and hangover syndrome.

Do not drink carbonated alcohol and do not drink alcoholic beverages, as the carbon dioxide contained in such products will only accelerate the absorption of ethanol.

Well, the last tip - drink in moderation. If you drink alcohol unlimited, then the hangover can not be avoided, even if you try all of the above methods of prevention. To miss a glass or two, often get up from the table, stroll out into the street, dance, move. If possible, after the celebration, walk to the house on foot or go to a couple of stops earlier to walk before going to bed. So toxins quickly leave the body, and in the morning there will be no unpleasant hangover.
On the video on how to warn a hangover:

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