Alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

One of the complications resulting from alcohol abuse is alcoholic polyneuropathy of the legs. This defeat of nerves, as a result of which the muscles begin to atrophy. How to recognize the disease on time, and what is the treatment?

Alcohol( toxic) polyneuropathy of the lower extremities

From the medical point of view, the foot neuropathy is not a separate disease, but the reaction of the peripheral nerves to the influence of negative factors. The causes of the development of the disease are different: metabolic disorders, mechanical injuries, toxins. The lesion can affect both one nerve and several simultaneously - in this case the symptoms become heavier.

If the organism is poisoned with alcohol, alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities often develops. Toxins of ethanol damage several peripheral nerves at once.

The clinical picture of this condition develops according to the type of motor-sensory polyneuropathy, in which the leg muscles gradually weaken and atrophy. Develops a specific walk of the alcoholic: it staggers when walking and can not fully bend and unbend legs. In the future, this can lead to serious complications - up to the loss of reflexes and immobilization.

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Reasons for

Alcohol abuse in the legs leads to the development of alcoholic polyneuropathy. And it is erroneous to think that this disease manifests itself only in the alcoholic. Depending on the condition and characteristics of a particular organism, it can occur even in a person who abuses from time to time.

The development of polyneuropathy of the lower limbs is associated with certain changes in the body under the influence of alcoholic toxins.

Among them are the following:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • deficiency of magnesium and thiamine;
  • deficiency of B vitamins;
  • leg compression syndrome.

Due to a shortage of essential substances, metabolic processes are disrupted. In addition, free radicals provoke trophic disorders of nerve tissues.


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When alcohol intoxication, the ability to orient in time and space is lost, sensitivity to cold, pain and other irritants is reduced. After drinking a large dose of alcohol, a person can fall and fall asleep in an uncomfortable position. In such conditions, the syndrome of prolonged compression of the lower extremities develops, against which a background of toxic polyneuropathy is formed.

Symptoms and signs

The main symptom at which suspicion of polyneuropathy of the legs should appear is weakness in the muscles. However, the alcoholic usually does not pay any attention to this, so the disease is rarely diagnosed in the early stages.

Then in the lower limbs, the following changes begin to occur:

  • Painful cramps.
  • Numbness.
  • Loss of sensitivity.
  • Hair loss.
  • Cyanosis.
  • Non-healing ulcers.
  • Paralysis.

At the beginning of the leg begins to reduce convulsions, which are accompanied by pain. The feet periodically begin to grow dull, with numbness rising higher, reaching the arms. All this is accompanied by pain, which is aggravated under any load, during hypothermia and even just when touched.

There are also external changes of the legs: hair begins to fall out on them, the eggs lose weight, and the skin turns blue. Violated muscle innervation, resulting in poor coordination of movements. The person's walk becomes shaky and uncertain.

As the disease progresses, all muscle groups begin to suffer. Violations occur not only in the lower limbs, but also in the hands, skull. This indicates the development of polyneuropathy - the defeat of several peripheral nerves.

In severe cases, trophic changes occur in the lower extremities. They are covered with ulcers that do not heal and gradually pass to the whole body. At the last stage, paralysis of the legs develops, which can lead to a complete loss of mobility.
On the video about the causes and symptoms of lower extremity polyneuropathy:


When diagnosing polyneuropathy of the lower limbs, 3 basic methods are used:

  • Anamnesis.
  • Inspection.
  • Electroneuromyography.
  • Nerve biopsy.

An important condition for the accurate diagnosis of polyneuropathy is the collection of anamnesis. The doctor carefully listens to the patient's complaints, examines the symptoms present. In addition, the doctor must find out if the patient is abusing alcohol - this may require a survey of relatives.

Then the patient is examined. The goal of the doctor at this stage is to establish neurological pathologies - the presence of numbness, muscle weakness, trophic disorders.

With the help of electroneuromyography the area of ​​the lesion is detected, the presence or absence of inflammation and degeneration of the nerve is established. The main function of ENMG is to control the dynamics of the disease. For a more accurate diagnosis, the doctor can take a piece of the nerve from the patient for a biopsy.
The video process of diagnosing polyneuropathy:


The main step in the treatment of polyneuropathy of the legs is the absolute refusal to drink alcoholic beverages. Only if this condition is met, the patient's recovery is possible, since the damage to the nerves occurs precisely under the influence of alcohol. The longer a person abuses, the greater the risk that the changes will become irreversible.

For the treatment of polyneuropathy, drugs, massages, exercise therapy are used. The patient does not need to go to hospital. However, home treatment is possible only if the narcologist conducts an examination of a person and makes sure that his condition does not require hospitalization.

During the treatment the patient needs to eat fully, enriching the diet with vitamins and microelements. Equally important is the support of relatives, because polyneuropathy in most cases is formed on the
background of strong dependence on alcohol.


As a part of drug therapy for polyneuropathy of the lower extremities, the following drugs are used:

  • vitamins B and C;
  • preparations that improve microcirculation;
  • antihypoxants;
  • antioxidants;
  • microelements;
  • non-steroid preparations;
  • analgesics;
  • diuretics;
  • antidepressants.

Polyneuropathy has an acute vitamin B deficiency, so it is prescribed to a patient in shock doses. This is necessary for the normalization of metabolism. To accelerate the withdrawal of toxic substances prescribed antihypoxants and antioxidants, and to improve immunity - a complex of trace elements.

To eliminate very severe pain, non-steroidal inflammatory drugs and analgesics are used. If necessary, prescribe antidepressants.

Physical methods of therapy

Treatment of polyneuropathy of the lower extremities is a long process, especially if there is a hereditary factor.

After the course of taking medications, the patient needs physiotherapy procedures that include:

  • massages;
  • stimulation of the CNS by magnets and electrical appliances;
  • hardware blood purification;
  • exercise therapy.

Patient must regularly perform gymnastic exercises. They help to keep the leg muscles in a tone, which is very important for polyneuropathy.


Throughout the course of treatment the patient should adhere to a special diet that will help the body to recover more quickly. Food should be balanced and based on carbohydrates.

In addition, people need to eat foods rich in vitamins of group B. They are abundantly contained in bran, liver, sprouted wheat. These products are important for the normalization of metabolism, disturbed by prolonged intake of alcohol.

Folk methods

Folk remedies are useful for accelerating the recovery of a patient with polyneuropathy. However, they can not replace a full-fledged medical treatment.

To remove toxins and eliminate vitamin deficiency, this recipe is suitable. Take 2 tbsp.l.ground sunflower seeds and parsley, stir in a glass of kefir. You need to drink this cocktail 40 minutes before breakfast.

Eliminate the deficiency of vitamins will also help the following mixture. Beat 1 egg, 2 tablespoons each.l.honey and sunflower oil, mix with 0.5 cup carrots fresh. Drink 2 times a day.

For external use, you can prepare a foot bath from the tincture on spruce branches, adding a couple of chili peppers.25 minutes a day in such a bath will ease the pain in the legs.

As a curative ointment for legs recommended tincture of 0.5 liters.vinegar with 100 grams of ledum. After 10 days, when the agent is infused, fill it with 1 tbsp. L., mixed with a spoonful of water and rubbed into your legs three times a day.

The first effect of folk recipes is reached in about a month. However, positive dynamics is possible only when passing medical treatment and following all the recommendations of the doctor.

Recovery period

Polyneuropathy of the lower extremities often goes into a chronic form, so after completing the main course of treatment it is important to continue to lead a healthy lifestyle. This will avoid exacerbations of the disease.

The main thing is to refrain from drinking alcohol. Nerve endings damaged by toxins are not completely restored. Therefore, further abuse of alcohol can lead to serious consequences.

It is also important to continue to eat properly, ensuring the intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin B in the body. This will maintain the normal metabolism.

For the prevention of polyneuropathy, it is important to treat infectious diseases in time and maintain muscles in tone. For this you need to go in for sports, undergo orthopedic procedures. It is also recommended that a patient go to a sanatorium when a remission occurs.

Consequences and predictions of

The lack of proper treatment of polyneuropathy leads to serious consequences, among them:

  • paresis;
  • paralysis;
  • amnesia;
  • loss of sensitivity;
  • loss of reflexes stop.

In the absence of treatment, polyneuropathy quickly becomes chronic. Damage to the diaphragm and vagus nerves, which leads to a complete loss of mobility.

This is a good reason not to run the disease and see a doctor at the first sign of it. Complete recovery is impossible - nerve fibers are difficult to restore. However, competent therapy will significantly improve a person's condition, give him the opportunity to move and lead a normal life.

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