What to do to quickly not get drunk when you need to drink a lot: drugs, folk recipes, rules of conduct

Our life is so arranged that in it happen various celebrations and feasts, on which one has to drink. Well, when you know the measure and in time you can stop and refuse to drink. But what about those who do not know how to drink or can not refuse, cursing the ill-fated phrase "you respect me".In the morning, a cast-iron head, a severe hangover and other attributes of alcohol intoxication. In this situation, be able to drink on a par with everyone, not getting drunk - it's just the greatest gift. There are repeatedly proven methods that help to stay in a solid memory during a feast and not get sick after yesterday.

How to drink and not get drunk.

Why drink and not get drunk, you ask, it's better not to drink at all. Of course, you are right. However, there are situations when you need to drink a lot, for example, at a wedding, an important event like the birthday of a boss or a corporate, etc. In such cases, it is required to keep the clarity of thought and vigor of the mind, self-control and adequate memory. To achieve this is not difficult, the main thing is to prepare yourself beforehand for the planned event.

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Causes of rapid intoxication

When drinking alcohol, the fusel oils contained in it are absorbed into the body. They are responsible for the state of intoxication, which is known to occur when fusel oils destroy brain cells and disrupt the activity of the cerebral cortex.

According to the area of ​​the disturbance, there are signs of intoxication:

  • If the vestibular apparatus has suffered, then the balance is lost.
  • The activity of the occipital region is broken - it is lost or becomes vague speech.
  • There is a "department of morality" - the behavior of the drunk is out of control.
  • Sometimes even the memory disappears, etc.

Many sincerely wonder, they say, used to drink and everything was fine, all the feast on legs, and now it quickly became drunk, why. The reason is quite simple. With frequent alcohol abuse, the work of the human liver is gradually beginning to be disrupted, and the production of specific enzymes that break down alcohol is reduced. As a result, the toxic effect of ethanol is increased, the liver does not have time to process it and toxins penetrate into the blood, which speeds up the intoxication processes. Therefore, with a systematic abuse of alcohol, the state of intoxication is accelerated over time. Yes, and the body, weakened by constant alcohol intoxication, can no longer resist alcohol. What can I do to quickly not get drunk?

For an hour "before"

There are many ways to relieve hangover syndrome. However, it is much better to warn a hangover than to suffer from it afterwards. What can be done before the proposed feast.

Two days before the celebration, you need to eat iodine-containing foods like seaweed, squid, mussels, shrimp, etc. While consuming such food, you stimulate the activity of the thyroid gland, which intensively begins to produce hormones that accelerate alcohol oxidation. During the event, snacks are also recommended for seafood.

This unique "vaccination" activates the protective reactions of the liver, which in the future will help to avoid strong intoxication.


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Approximately one hour before the event, it is necessary to take succinic acid. It will accelerate the metabolism and, accordingly, eliminate alcohol more quickly.

In addition, about an hour before the celebration, take an enzyme preparation such as Mezim, Wobenzima, Abomin, Creon.

You can take before the feast to drink 3 Glutargin tablets( 750 mg each), which speeds up the processes of excretion of alcoholic decay products.

Observance of such rules will help to avoid hangover syndrome.
What you need to do before the feast to not quickly get drunk:

Behavior rules at the table

In order not to get drunk quickly, you need to follow several rules of the feast:

  • It's better to have a snack. This does not mean too much, eating a lot of food will lead to a slowing down of alcohol intoxication.
  • Drink plenty of extra liquid, ideally - lemon juice, grape or apple.
  • Do not mix alcohol. Stop the choice on any one drink.
  • It is better to take a snack for jam, jujube, ear, and fish. Dishes with gelatin are rich in glycine, which is capable of destroying the products of alcoholic decay.
  • Try to stick to your individual norms.
  • Take some enterosorbent like coal activated, which will absorb all the toxins and bring them out. You can take lignin drugs like Polyphepanum, Lifferen, Lignosorba, etc.
  • Move more. Movements accelerate the release of toxic substances. You can just walk.
  • When using cocktail mixtures, it is recommended to stop on drinks with citrus.

If you experience rapid intoxication, it is recommended to induce vomiting. In addition, it is better to give up smoking, which only intensifies intoxication.
Video rules of behavior at the table to not quickly get drunk:

Psychological training

Narcologists recommend also use psychological techniques. You need to think in advance how much alcohol is supposed to drink. For this it is recommended to recall past events, which were accompanied by strong intoxication. Remember how ashamed you were. Focus on this moment and determine the border to which you can drink, and after which you need to stop the libations.

It will be very useful to remember all stages of intoxication and clearly identify the same non-return, for which you can not step over. It is necessary internally to tune in to this outcome of the feast and the planned dosages of alcohol no longer exceed.

Folk ineffective recipes

There are a lot of tricks of national origin that can help to avoid fast intoxication. For example, you can often hear that a drunk raw egg helps with intoxication. If an egg is drunk during or even before a feast, it will combine with alcohol into a keloid mixture that will slow down intoxication, but does not prevent it. Therefore, such a recommendation does not always work.

The same myth is the use of kefir or milk. Such products are effective with the already existing hangover syndrome, but not before its onset. In addition, when milk is mixed with alcohol, the workload of the pancreas increases.

So, if you want to stay relatively sober for a feast, then follow the above tips, then the planned event will be held adequately.

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