Causes and treatment of migraine characteristic signs in women

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1 Symptoms of the disease

Migraine in women and men always manifests the same - a person feels a strong pain, which, in general, is located only in one place, on the one side of the head. Most often this is the temporal, frontal and orbital zones. The pain is of a pulsating nature. Painful sensations are very intense, they can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting attacks. Light and sound seem unbearable. Seizures can last from a couple of hours to several days. The patient will feel very exhausted. If the attack was repeated, this does not mean that the person has migraine. According to statistics, more than 80% of people on the planet experienced such an attack at least once in their life. It is necessary to contact your doctor. To be diagnosed with a "migraine," you need to have a few seizures. Most often, women aged between 25 and 50 suffer from such a disease. Climax can lead to the elimination of seizures.

Symptoms of migraine appear gradually. The pain is initially insignificant, the discomfort in the head is more likely to be felt, but then the pain grows. Painful sensations develop intensity in 20 minutes or an hour. Once the pain has reached its maximum intensity, it can last from 1 day to 3 days. Most often, the pain sensations are one-sided, i.e.the head hurts only on one side. So the girl almost always describes her feelings with the doctor. Sometimes the parties alternate, but bilateral pains are more rare. It is necessary to conduct a thorough examination, becausethis may be a sign of another illness. Most often, the pain resembles a pulsation, but sometimes it becomes lomiting, pressing, blunt or bursting. If you produce at least small movements, then it will intensify. At first the pain is felt in the temples, then it passes to the forehead and eyes of women, the treatment of these symptoms is given very hard, becauseusual painkillers do not give effect.

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During such strong attacks, almost always a woman complains of nausea and vomiting. The smells, bright light and strong noise are not transferred, they only provoke dizziness and nausea more strongly. As a result, a woman does not eat for a long time. Basically, during attacks, a woman prefers to be in a secluded dark place.

2 Clinical picture of

In some cases, there is a symptom such as drowsiness. It is very good, if a woman can sleep in a migraine attack, tk. The pain will not be felt so much, besides, after sleep, it disappears. Symptoms of migraines are as follows: chills, slight increase in body temperature, changes in blood pressure, dry mouth, heat. Heart palpitations grow, the person sweats more intensively, the skin becomes pale. The lack of oxygen affects. Due to poor nutrition or lack of it, digestive disorders occur, so diarrhea appears. In the pancreas, there is discomfort or pain. Sometimes fainting and fits of yawning are repeated. Of course, such symptoms do not always have to be manifested with migraines. Sometimes thinking slows down, attention becomes less concentrated. The motor behavior either accelerates, or, on the contrary, slows down. The mood deteriorates rapidly. The woman becomes nervous, irritable.

After the attack is over, you need to pay attention to how much it lasted in time, and record what drugs were used and how they affected the symptoms. Treatment of migraine must be done under the supervision of a doctor. Very often after the end of an attack a woman feels exhausted, sluggish, weak. There is apathy, drowsiness, pain and discomfort in the body and, in particular, in the muscles. These symptoms will pass in an hour, but may last for several days.


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With regard to the frequency of migraines, which will not get rid of folk remedies at once, it mostly occurs once a month, but can manifest itself more often. If the disease has an easy form, the migraine can appear only once a year. If the seizures were at least 10-15 per month, and this continues for more than 3 months, then, most likely, the migraine has acquired a chronic character.

3 Classical migraine with aura

The types of migraines differ in many ways. There are 2 main types. With a simple migraine there is no aura, but with a classical migraine it is present. In 80% of all reported cases, a person experiences migraine symptoms without an aura. Aura refers to various symptoms of a neurological nature, which begin to manifest before the very attack of pain in the head. The aura is felt one hour before the attack, the minimum time is 5 minutes before the onset of the headache, but not more than an hour. For the same patient, the same aura is characteristic in all cases of seizures.

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For example, an aura can have an ophthalmic character. In this case, the woman sees various lightning, zigzags, dots, flashes. Other visual images and symbols may appear. Sometimes a person can not see any part of the visual field.

The retinal aura is characterized by a sharp loss of vision on both eyes or one. If both eyes perfectly see, but one can not see one small area, then this is also a retinal type. The causes of migraine of this type are not clear, but this can be affected by various factors from genetic predisposition and various primary diseases to an incorrect lifestyle and constant stress.

Ophthalmoplegic aura is characterized by the fact that the eyes can not move. Eyelids may fall. This phenomenon is called ptosis. Items can be bifurcated when viewed. This is due to the fact that there are violations in the contractile functions of the eye muscles.

With sensitive aura, a person experiences numbness, goosebumps, burning, itching, tingling. These symptoms can occur only on the fingers, and can spread to the entire body. Most often they affect only one hand with a unilateral migraine, half the face and tongue.

With a motor aura, there is a weakness in the muscles. This effect is intensified to such an extent that a person can not move a hand and a foot on one side. With speech aura speech becomes inarticulate and blurred. If the aura is of the vestibular type, then there may be faints, severe dizziness, until the fall. Very rarely there is a panic migraine. The person has all the symptoms of a panic attack.

With basilar form, there are very different symptoms. Most often this type of migraine manifests itself in girls between the ages of 11 and 16 years. First they feel a bright light, after which the vision is lost for several minutes. There is a headache, a noise in the ears, dizziness. The speech is sometimes blurry. There are sensitivity disorders at the fingertips and on the tongue. In some cases, the girl loses consciousness.

4 Treatments for

Many women are thinking about how to treat a migraine. It is important to turn to the hospital in time, and not to engage in self-treatment, becausethe same drug can help one person, but quite the opposite result is caused by another person. The treatment of migraine itself is divided into several stages. First, it is necessary to prevent seizures, and secondly, if the attack, after all, has begun, then other drugs are used to suppress symptoms and eliminate the complete seizure.

First you need to change your lifestyle. It is necessary to minimize all situations and factors that provoke seizures. Best try not to be nervous. Be sure to monitor the regime of work and sleep. At work, you need to break every hour for 10 minutes. Treatment of migraine is also in the normalization of nutrition. It is better to exclude from the diet of coffee, strong tea, red wine, beer, citrus nuts. Smoking also harms health, as well as alcoholic beverages. Do not abuse fried, fatty, smoked and pickled food. It is better not to be in places where the bright light constantly flashes, or too loud music sounds. Hormonal drugs can affect seizures, so it's better to replace them with other drugs.

Migraine is treated with two types of medications. The first group includes drugs that simply anesthetize. For example, conventional analgesics such as Paracetamol, Pentalgin, Acetylsalicylic Acid, Ascophene and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin - are suitable. It is best to take them as soon as there is discomfort in the head area. The other group includes specific drugs that stop the attack itself. These include serotonin antagonists. For example, it is suitable for Imigran, Zomig, Naramig. Also used are ergot preparations. For example, very useful are Digigergot, Ergotamine. In the period between attacks, serotonin antagonists are also prescribed, as well as antidepressants, anticonvulsants, adrenoblockers, calcium channel blockers and non-steroidal agents with anti-inflammatory properties. They need to be used for at least a few months.

Not only medications help fight migraine. It can be prevented by popular means. For example, you can use decoctions and infusions based on the roots of valerian, motherwort, mint leaves, chamomile inflorescences. A decoction based on hips is useful. Also, a doctor can recommend a course of acupuncture, skin electroneurostimulation. Autotraining and psychotherapy are prescribed.

5 Need to see a doctor

Treatment of migraines is a lengthy process. Now there are many methods that are divided into 2 groups. Some of them are used only to prevent the development of seizures, while others can only help to eliminate the attack. There are many types of this disease. In addition, each person has symptoms manifested in different ways, so that self-medication is prohibited, becausethe state can only get worse. Even if the remedy really helps, it's best to consult a doctor about its use.

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