Causes and symptoms of abdominal migraine in children and adolescents

1 Characteristics of the disease

Abdominal migraine manifests itself in the form of attacks that occur in the abdominal cavity of the patient. There are strong painful sensations, especially in the navel area. The duration of the attack is different, in some cases lasts for several minutes, but there may be pain for several hours. Particularly severe cases are noted for a period of several days.

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Manifestations of seizures can occur even in healthy children .It is the child's age that is characteristic of the presented disease. Abdominal migraines begin to appear from an early age and up to adolescence. Significantly less a disease occurs in the adult population.

Symptoms of migraine are characterized by a variety of manifestations. In addition to pain, vomiting and nausea often occur. Abdominal migraine can be transmitted by inheritance. Often the attack begins to appear abruptly, but its completion is also rapid.

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2 Factors of the development of the pathology

Often the disease is formed in children, especially the smallest. Age from 5 to 10 years is a risk group, by the age of 14 the intensity of attacks decreases, and the ailment can disappear completely.

Not in all cases the patient starts to have a headache. Most often, an unpleasant symptom arises in the abdomen. Pain can be varied in nature. There are cutting sensations, the cause of which can not always be established.

The usual ways to eliminate vomiting and nausea may not help. Parents should be able to distinguish between migraine attacks from other pathologies. The true causes of a painful condition are difficult to determine. It is believed that the following factors lead to the formation of an abdominal migraine type:

  1. Hereditary predisposition or the presence of abdominal migraines in relatives.
  2. Hormonal alteration of the body.
  3. Circulatory disturbance.
  4. Incorrect diet and use of harmful products.
  5. Metabolic disorders.
  6. Body overload.

During an attack it is very difficult to determine the place in which there are pains. Children often become irritable, with a bright light or a loud sound, a feeling of discomfort. There is a risk of visual impairment, spots or pallor appear on the skin. Sweating becomes elevated.

For the diagnosis in children, it is required to check the endocrine and digestive systems. Referring to a doctor is necessary, otherwise there is a danger of deteriorating the situation of the child. To make the diagnosis accurate, you need to describe the doctor all the signs and illnesses.

For most adults, the disease is characteristic of a genetic predisposition. It can be detrimental to a certain factor, which will trigger an attack of the disease. These factors include the following conditions:

  1. Climate change, atmospheric pressure drop.
  2. Small duration of sleep and rest.
  3. Frequent occurrence of stress.
  4. Metabolic disorders.
  5. Failures in the work of the endocrine system and the central nervous system.
  6. Disturbed work of cerebral vessels.
  7. Admission of hormonal drugs and the resulting violations.
  8. Physical and mental overload.

Persons with a weak psyche are at risk. Any negative events can trigger the development of pathology and attack. Harmful to health and various substances. These include narcotic drugs, alcohol and nicotine. When they are used, the risk of developing an attack of abdominal migraine increases.

3 Treatment measures

If abdominal migraine has appeared, then treatment should be immediate. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist. Any attempt to do this on your own can only worsen the situation if an error occurs.

Medicines are used to eliminate the disease. They are aimed at arresting the pain that often occurs during an attack. Used drugs analgesic group. These include preparations Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. They quickly absorb those drugs that are presented in the form of soluble tablets. It is recommended to use them, as the assimilation of the medicine is accelerated, and the result will not take long to wait. The presence of nausea requires the use of anti-emetics.


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To eliminate a migraine attack, use drugs from the group of triptans. They are taken only as prescribed by the doctor, independent use is fraught with the appearance of side effects. In addition, only a doctor can correctly select the right drug.

Thanks to the treatment, the dependence of seizures on external manifestations and factors that can cause unpleasant symptoms is significantly reduced. The medicines of the named group are represented by the following list:

  1. Sumamigren.
  2. Rapid.
  3. Relpax.
  4. Sumatriptan.
  5. Amigrenin.
  6. Naratriptan.
  7. Imigran.
  8. Zolmitriptan.
  9. Zomig.
  10. Noramis.
  11. Trimigrene.
  12. Elethriptan.

You can remove the attack of the disease with simple means. These include the drug Motilium, acetylsalicylic acid or any sweet drink, which contains caffeine. If an hour later the pain syndrome does not pass, then it is required to take the tryptane.

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It is not recommended to use any drug for more than 10 days.

This concerns the medicines of the group of triptans. For analgesics, this period is 14 days. It is necessary to take into account contra-indications of preparations and necessarily to consult with the treating expert.

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