How to eliminate the tensor headache

1 The main symptoms of

Tensor headache has another name - tensile. In stressful situations, the person is involuntarily contracting the facial and cervical apparatus. This leads to the fact that he has severe vascular spasms. They greatly impair the process of blood supply to the head, as the vessels severely narrow. As a result of these processes, the muscles lack the necessary amount of blood, tighten even more and make the pain even worse.

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Pain syndrome can be of varying severity: from mild to very severe. At the same time, it is circumscribed and spreads from the occipital to the frontal zone. In the cervical and temporal region of the head, the pains will be drawn and increased by pressing the inflamed area. Moreover, a person will have the following symptoms:

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  • strong weakness;
  • nausea;
  • vision impairment;
  • ripple in the temples.

Most often, such feelings occur in a person in the middle or the end of the day, when the level of his emotional stress becomes the highest. This attack will be accompanied by a decrease in appetite, lack of sleep and increased sensitivity to bright light and loud sounds.

In some cases, the patient has a change in posture, because, in a state of stress, his muscular apparatus does not relax. The brain at this time waiting for an internal signal to action, which further increases the pain.

In most cases, tensor headaches are observed in the female half of humanity, because they are more emotional, and their psyche is less resistant to stressful situations. In men, such pains are extremely rare, and their duration is very short.

2 Methods of treatment

To eliminate the tensor headache, you need to remove the muscle tension, relieve spasmodic attacks and calm the patient's nervous system. The pain can be eliminated by taking painkillers or antispasmodics. Among such medicines, Analgin, Askofen, Tempalgin or Pentalgin proved to be very successful.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, taking medications can be combined with breathing exercises that help not only increase the volume of blood delivered to blood vessels, but also enrich it with oxygen. This will help the facial and neck muscles relax and reduce the pressure exerted by them on the skull. A good relaxing effect is washing your face with warm or cool water, which can be combined with a head massage and aromatherapy. In the event that a sick person has an appetite, you can eat a small amount of light food, and then a little sleep. If a person has cardiovascular diseases, cardiovascular drugs must necessarily be taken( Validol, Corvalol, etc.).

For the elimination of stressful condition, sedative( sedative) drugs are used. Among them, Tenoten, Afobazol and others have proved themselves well. You can also use traditional medicine as sedatives. To do this, infusion of herb Motherwort or Mother-and-stepmother is used.

3 Regular tensor attacks

If a tensor condition occurs in a person very often( more than 3 times a week), then you should consult a physician-therapist. Having studied the individual characteristics of the disease, he will prescribe the use of drugs that stabilize the blood pressure of the body. In some cases, it is suggested to drink a course of relaxing drugs and various antidepressants. In addition, it is recommended to visit a psychologist or psychotherapist, which will help to correct the patient's psychoemotional state. They will help him not only deal with internal problems and fears, but also develop another line of daily behavior.

With frequent attacks of tensor headache, you should first pay attention to your surroundings and daily lifestyle. Change of habitual life and traditional circle of communication quite often help to get rid of spasms forever. Also it is necessary to pay attention to the sleeping and working place. It is due to the fact that bad mattresses, rigid cushions and a large number of nearby electrical appliances greatly impair sleep and lead to a curvature of the spine. During the working day it is required to make short breaks, which will help to restore internal forces. Such breaks must be performed every hour. The duration of the break should be 10-15 minutes.


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In severe forms of the disease, various physiotherapeutic procedures can be used. Among them you can list such as masses of the collar zone, electrosleep, warm baths and massage showers. Together, these activities help to eliminate spasms of the muscular system, to calm the nervous system. The duration of such treatment should be at least 10-15 days.

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