Symptoms and treatment of increased eye pressure

1 How dangerous is the problem

If adults are not bothered by any problems, sometimes this, unfortunately, does not mean their total absence. It happens that the intraocular pressure is high, but it does not appear. A person for some time will not experience discomfort or discomfort.

But destructive processes have already begun, and the faster the patient can learn about the problem, the more likely it is to shield his visual apparatus from irreparable damage. According to medical statistics, not all people have increased eye pressure, which will not help to eliminate this problem in case of occurrence. The value of normal eye pressure is 8 - 26 mmHg.

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If the pathology is not treated, the consequences will be irreversible. This rare disease is really dangerous. With a constant elevated eye pressure, another serious illness develops - glaucoma, which inevitably leads to a decrease in vision and in neglected cases - to blindness. When the disease progresses, a person experiences severe pain in the eye area. The emergence of a similar problem is easier to prevent than cure.

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2 Symptoms of

High intraocular pressure may have different symptoms. It depends on the intensity of its increase. With minor changes, the symptoms of increased eye pressure do not appear at all. If there is a large deviation from the norm, then the patient has characteristic signs indicating intraocular pressure. He has headaches, localized in the region of the temples. Another symptom is a painful sensation when the eyeball moves in any direction. The patient notes a rapid fatigue. It becomes difficult for him to do his usual work.

Strong discomfort to the patient makes it necessary to work at a computer or read a book written in small print. If the existing symptoms of increased eye pressure ignore and do not start treatment, then the situation may worsen. There is a visual impairment and redness in the eye area. However, the last sign may indicate other diseases of the visual apparatus.

It is important to monitor your health and take care of it. The first symptoms and signs of the disease are very easy to miss. At the initial stage, the sick person thinks that the reason for fast fatigue is a simple lack of sleep. He thinks that heaviness in the eyes arises from heavy loads. However, getting rid of increased eye pressure does not come, even if you sleep the whole day. If you have high intraocular pressure, the insidious disease may retreat briefly, in order to return again in the future.

When the disease starts to progress, the patient will be pressured every day: Symptoms cause him a lot of hassle in everyday life and at work. The patient will not be able to miss the severe headache, sharp drop and blurred vision. If you do not go to an ophthalmologist, then you risk losing your eyesight. Because of eye pressure, the optic nerve rapidly atrophies. So you should watch yourself for a few days. When the symptoms persist, go immediately to the ophthalmologist. In no case is it recommended to rub eyes.

It seems to you that it is good to rub your eyes and your eyesight will recover again. However, such an action can provoke another problem - infection. Purulent conjunctivitis can greatly complicate the situation. You will have to treat eye pressure and an infectious disease.

3 Reasons for

How does the problem of eye pressure occur? What are the true causes of the disease? There are several types of eye pressure:


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  1. The transient type is caused by a short deviation from the norm. The indicator can return to its normal state.
  2. The labile pressure assumes, as in the first case, temporary changes with normalization afterwards.
  3. The stable elevated eye pressure is permanent. Therefore, this type is the most dangerous for human health.

The mechanism for the development of degenerative processes is that they progress slowly, and if this does not stop, then the person completely loses the ability to see.

The causes of the problem are:

  1. Higher loads. This is not necessarily related to the 24-hour viewing of television programs or computer games. Stressful mental work, severe stressful experiences and a recently transferred severe illness can lead to a malfunction in the body.
  2. Changes in the anatomical structure of the eyes. The risk group consists of people suffering from serious diseases:
    • heart disease;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • of farsightedness.
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The causes of the appearance of this pathology are associated with the hereditary predisposition of patients.

Symptoms of eye internal pressure should alert you. Remember that health is very difficult to return. Refuse to race for premium and do not take on increased obligations. In life, every person can have problems. There are bands black and white. In case of a stressful situation, calm yourself by the fact that this is a temporary phenomenon. Pressure in the eyes - that's your problem, the solution of which you need to do immediately. Do not suffer from things that can be easily corrected. Take care of your health.

If you can not get away from the gene pool and these are the main causes of the disease, it can be cured. And the best way is prevention. Treat diseases of the risk group under the supervision of the attending physician. You will need to follow all the prescriptions and recommendations so that the underlying disease recedes. Constantly check your vision and eye fundus. This will immediately detect any adverse changes. That person who watches over his health, will be able to maintain good vision until old age.

4 Treatment of increased intraocular pressure

If the patient has high intraocular pressure, then the treatment of the disease depends on the stage at which it is located.

When a person went to see an ophthalmologist right away with the appearance of the symptoms of the disease, to cure the ailment, simple and effective methods will be applied. Usually in such cases the ophthalmologist appoints special gymnastics, wearing glasses and moisturizing drops for the eyes.

You need to revise your schedule and schedule. Control how much time you spend in front of a computer and a TV.Give up on time from your favorite hobby, if they require you to strain your eyes. It can be knitting, beading, soldering or assembling of model cars. Replace them with long walks in the fresh air. Special exercises for the eyes will be useful. Fighting or other similar sports during the treatment of eye pressure is not recommended. Loads will only interfere with recovery.

If the disease begins to progress, then the treatment may involve cardinal measures to cure intraocular pressure. Operative intervention can be carried out in 2 ways:

  • laser iris excision;
  • laser stretching trabeculae.

Surgical operations as treatment are aimed at providing a better exit of surplus secretion products. This allows to reduce the intraocular pressure. In addition, different medications can be used. The doctor may prescribe the instillation of special medications. He will give you advice on how to change your lifestyle.

If the patient has asked for medical help too late, the disease is already started, then glaucoma of the eye arises. Modern medicine, unfortunately, can not yet stop irreversible regressive processes. However, this is not a verdict. If you constantly see the professional specialists and strictly follow all the instructions, then a complete loss of vision does not threaten you. You can live a full life, and the decrease in vision will remain minimal. It is important to eat buckwheat, oatmeal, legumes. It is recommended to cook vegetable soups. Compliance with diet will improve the results of treatment. Now you know how to treat eye high blood pressure, even when the disease has progressed.

5 Traditional medicine recipes

High pressure in the eyes is a problem for both women and men. Effective means of it offers traditional medicine. Usually they can serve as an excellent addition to the main drug treatment.

Any inflammatory processes in the body can be treated with honey. This natural product can have different uses for medicinal purposes. Honey dilute with boiled water and use the resulting solution for lotions. The procedure should be done in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. These lotions can also help with lacrimation, cataracts, conjunctivitis. As a preventive tool will help rubbing honey in the eyelids.

High eye pressure will help to normal the next folk prescription. In a glass of comfortable temperature water, dilute 1 tablespoon of honey and apple cider vinegar. The drug should be taken before eating on an empty stomach. The syrup is prepared before it is consumed.

The decoction of the herb is used to rinse and instill eyes. The broth should be freshly brewed.25 grams of grass you need to pour 500 g of boiling water. Wait until the broth cools. Filter it through gauze. Use lotions throughout the day. This recipe is also suitable for preparing a remedy to use it inside. The course of treatment lasts for 1.5 years. It is recommended to take breaks in 1 month.

Fine tincture of fennel is considered an excellent restorative. Its seeds must be dried and chopped. Brew 1 liter.dill 500 g of boiling water. Apply the decoction before meals for 10 minutes. To make lotions, you need to place the dill seeds in a small piece of tissue and put it into boiling water. It is necessary to wait for cooling. Cloth with dill is applied to the eyelids. The procedure is performed before bedtime.

Infusion from dry nettle is an effective tool. To do this, 30 g of grass is boiled in small quantities.

Bilberry leaves brew with boiling water and put on a slow fire for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. Take the remedy before eating. Blueberries have unique properties that help to maintain good eyesight. They can be eaten fresh.

In folk medicine there are many medicinal herbs that will help with problems with pressure in the eyes. The main thing is to do everything in time.

Now that you know what serious problems can start, if you have eye pressure, symptoms and treatment, the causes of the disease can not be ignored. Only the doctor knows how to determine the degree of deviation from the norm. Therefore, you will be able to help in a specialized medical institution.

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