What to do at a pressure of 140 to 90, and is it dangerous?

Pressure of 140 to 90 in medical terminology is known as a state of borderline hypertension, as for some people this is normal, and for the majority - the first sign of the onset of the disease.

Age changes in the body lead, as a rule, to the further development of this condition - a steady increase in pressure, and there is a risk of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Pressure causes 140 to 90

Pressure 140 to 90 mm.gt;Art.- this is the minimum figure, which, in the second measurement, is already considered first-degree arterial hypertension or by another borderline hypertension.

Doctors identify the main causes that lead to the development of hypertension:

  1. Obesity .Each kilogram of excess weight increases the pressure by 1 mm Hg. That is, an extra 20 kg will lead to guaranteed hypertension.
  2. Incorrect food , including eating a large amount of salt. Alcohol abuse.
  3. Heredity .If the next of kin( parents, siblings) suffered from hypertension.
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  5. Age t. The walls of the arteries lose elasticity over the years, the resistance of the blood vessels increases, the pressure increases.
  6. Arterial hypertension may be secondary, i.e. with kidney diseases, renal vessel pathology, endocrine diseases, coarctation of the aorta.
  7. Constant stress.

With constant and slight increase in pressure, not only arteries and blood vessels are damaged, but also the heart, brain and even vision deterioration. The most dangerous manifestation of hypertension is the hypertensive crisis, which develops from a sharp jump in pressure.

What is hypertension?

This is a steady increase in blood pressure from 140/90 mm Hg. Art.and higher. According to statistics, only 20-30% of patients with hypertension receive adequate therapy, and only 7% of men and 18% of women regularly monitor their blood pressure.

In the initial stages, arterial hypertension is asymptomatic or is detected accidentally during screening or referring patients to a doctor for the treatment of other diseases.

With prolonged high blood pressure, the walls of the vessels thicken and lose the ability to relax, this prevents normal blood supply and, as a result, saturation of tissues and organs with oxygen and other nutrients, a decrease in their functional activity. Consider in more detail than dangerous hypertension:

  • hypertensive crisis;
  • myocardial infarction or stroke;
  • angina;
  • heart failure;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • kidney failure;
  • vision distortion.

In order to avoid any complications with such dangerous hypertension, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and make a survey, which will help determine the stage of the disease and prescribe the required treatment.

Symptoms of

Moderately high blood pressure may often not occur for a long time. A person can not feel it, do not pay attention to the almost imperceptible change in his state, considering it normal - not without reason for the pressure of the borderline type, the name of the silent killer was fixed.

Complaints at increased pressure:

  • poor state of health and blurred consciousness;
  • severity and pain in the head, heart pain;
  • pulsation of the vessels of the head;
  • feeling of "sand" in the eyes;
  • nausea;
  • fever and hyperemia in the face;
  • congestion in the ears;
  • slight confusion of consciousness.

Some people tolerate these figures well, and they do not complain about the deterioration of their well-being, while others tolerate them extremely painfully.

What to do at a pressure of 140 to 90

Medical measures at a pressure of 140 to 90 consist in the appointment of physicians of various groups of antihypertensive agents. Their action consists in deducing from an organism of an excessive liquid, expansion of vessels that promotes depression of pressure.

Drugs that reduce pressure are divided into five groups.

  1. Diuretics ( indapomide, furosemide).Treatment with them is carried out very carefully, since along with the liquid from the body is excreted potassium, which is very important for the heart.
  2. Calcium antagonists ( "Verapamil", "Nifedipine").These drugs block the calcium channels, and do not allow the walls of the vessels to shrink. As a result, there is an increase in the lumen of blood vessels, the blood flow is restored and the pressure is normalized. The use of calcium antagonists is contraindicated in narrowing the aorta, heart failure, ventricular dysfunction, arrhythmia.
  3. Group of ACE inhibitors - drugs designed for long-term treatment of hypertension, including borderline hypertension( have contraindications - they can not be prescribed for renal failure, allergic reactions to drugs, pregnancy, and during feeding).
  4. Adrenoblockadoro ( antennaol, betaxolol).Prevent the effects on the vessels of adrenaline.
  5. Angiotensin antagonists ( "Cosaar", "Lozartan").Have the same contraindications as ACE inhibitors.

As for folk remedies, a positive effect is obtained by taking infusions and decoctions of adonis, yarrow and guelder-rose, Japanese sophora and plantain, mistletoe and peppermint, dried flower valerian and horse chestnut, calendula and hawthorn. They allow to lower the level of arterial pressure to acceptable values.

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