Chronic bulbitis and gastritis of the stomach: symptoms and treatment, folk remedies

Few people know that a chronic bulbitis is an inflammation of the duodenum, which is called an onion. Such a disease can be caused by frequent overeating, the use of spicy food and alcohol, and also because of irregular eating habits.

The medical staff identified the main cause of the onset of this ailment, namely infectious agents that enter the body with dirty products or poorly digested food.

Most often, chronic stomach bulbitis occurs in women, often the disease develops for a long period of time. There were cases when inflammation occurred at an early age.

Chronic bulbitis: symptoms of

The first signs of the disease are severe pain in the pancreas, in most cases giving to the right hypochondrium, and also to the navel. Sometimes such symptoms resemble chronic gastritis, however, bulbit provokes vomiting with bile content.

Pain may appear 2-3 hours after eating food. After taking antacid drugs, acute pain stops, and overall well-being improves.

With chronic bulbite, human immunity drops sharply. The patient, can feel malaise, fatigue, headache and suffer increased sweating. If you do not eat for a long time, you may get a shiver, and your muscles will show weakness.

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It is impossible to completely get rid of symptoms if you do not follow a diet and do not undergo a long course of healing.

Chronic bulbitis: treatment of

It is worth immediately preparing for the fact that such a hr.the disease requires a long and complex therapy. At first it is recommended to change cardinally your way of life. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol-containing drinks and tobacco products. Neuropsychiatric loads should be reduced to a minimum, and if possible in general, excluded from life. It is necessary to plan a diet similar to gastritis. It is best to switch to separate meals.

Also hr. Bulbit is treated with drugs that are prescribed after examination by a doctor. The appointment will directly depend on the cause of the disease.

To heal faster, you need:

  • To eat at least 4 times a day. At the same time, the food should be warm. The main dish is soup, broth and porridge.
  • It is better to exclude from food, spicy, pickled, salted, coffee, onion and garlic, as well as sweets.
  • When a chronic bulb becomes worse, it is recommended to fast for two days. After that, the doctors begin to wash the stomach. The most commonly used solution is potassium permanganate.
  • When treating inflammation regardless of the prescribed medication, it is advisable to use tablets that normalize the digestive tract.
  • Do not use raw and aerated water, as it can irritate the stomach and duodenum.

If you comply with all the rules, the recovery will be fast enough.

Chronic bulbit: treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine for the time of human existence has accumulated a lot of experience associated with many diseases, chronic bulbits was no exception. The basis of folk healing was the diet. With any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis, you should eat small portions, but as often as possible.

You should prepare for the fact that the recovery procedure will take more than a week. Perhaps at first it may seem that the recovery procedure is not effective, but it is not.

There are many different options for preparing tinctures that relieve a person of chronic bulbits. Many folk healers recommend drinking self-made propolis tincture. Such a medicine can be prepared on its own, for this you need:

  • to purchase 60.0 grams of propolis,
  • to propolis 250,0 ml of alcohol is added,
  • the resulting consistency should be stirred and then let it brew,
  • in one week a drug against chronicthe disease will be ready.

Before using tincture, it is best to dilute it with boiling water. For 5 milliliters of the drug, 150 milliliters of boiled water are taken. The resulting mixture should be drunk at one time in several sips.

Another quite effective folk remedy against hr.bulbit is the tincture of St. John's wort. To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • you need to collect two tablespoons of dried St. John's Wort,
  • dry grass pour 250 ml of boiled water,
  • the resulting tincture should be infused for one hour.

This medication should be drunk in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, before eating. At one time it is recommended to use a quarter of a glass.

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