Bulbite and esophagitis

Esophagitis and bulbitis are one of the numerous diseases of the esophagus. What is their difference? Esophagitis is accompanied by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, and bulbit - bulb of the duodenum. Let's consider each of the diseases separately.


It is caused by infection, irritation of the esophagus with a chemical burn by acid or alkali, physical damage from radiation therapy or inflammation of the mucosa. Recognize the disease can be on the pain that appears when swallowing, heartburn, the sensation of stuck food on the way to the stomach, vomiting, pain in the stomach and chest, unpleasant taste and smell in the mouth. The causes of this disease are herpes, vomiting, GERD, candida, surgical intervention, taking medications, etc.

For treatment it is necessary to determine the causes of the appearance of esophagitis:

  1. When infection is worth the effort to eliminate it.
  2. In the surgical procedure, it is necessary to use acid-blocking drugs.
  3. If the reason is taking medications, then it is worth replacing them.
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It is caused by infections, unhealthy food, Helicobacter pylori, sometimes Crohn's disease, Lapliasis, etc. Symptoms are aching or grasping sensations in the upper abdomen, which manifest themselves two hours after eating. Such pain, sometimes turning into the near-umbilical region, is accompanied by nausea.

Bulbite can be detected in several ways:

  • Physical examination .There is moderate pain and tension in the anterior abdominal wall in the epigastric region.
  • X-ray .With the help of the study, an increase in bulb volume or uneven peristalsis and periodic spasms accompanied by relaxation are determined.
  • Electrogastroenterography .It can detect flushing, swelling, bleeding, or erosion.
  • Antroduodenal manometry .Assesses the pressure during the reduction of the wall of the stomach.

When treating a disease, you should pay attention to lifestyle, diet, bad habits and diet. Nerve load is also important. Sometimes a course with antibiotics is conducted. In the case of exacerbation of the bulbite, a specialist appoints a chemical mucosal cleavage. Perhaps the appointment of antacid or sedatives with neurasthenic syndrome.

For both diseases, one can not rely on their knowledge, but it is worth remembering that bulbit and esophagitis are treated only under the supervision of a doctor.

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