Characteristic symptoms of the frontitis and treatment of folk recipes at home

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1 Approaches to therapy

When diagnosing such a dangerous disease as frontalitis, treatment at home is possible only in the presence of light or medium-heavy forms. This ailment is fraught with dangerous complications: the untreated inflammation can spread further, to the sensitive cerebral membranes and to the brain itself, which can lead to dangerous meningitis or encephalitis. It is for this reason that home treatment involves the inclusion of medications, including effective antibiotics, for the purpose of destroying pathogenic microorganisms. Without timely treatment, an ailment easily acquires a chronic form, with every decrease in the immune properties of the body the patient experiences moments of aggravation.

Before starting treatment with folk remedies, it is necessary to diagnose and consult a specialist, this is how you can learn about the advisability of using certain methods.

2 What you can do yourself

You can cure an easy form of frontitis at home, by using conservative methods of getting rid of the disease. At the same time, it is necessary to combine treatment with folk remedies with traditional methods. Begin to treat with the use of nasal vasoconstrictors, among them: Tysin, Vibrocilum, Nazivin, etc. Before using these remedies, it is necessary to rinse the nasal cavity with saline, purified sea water or aids on its basis. As such, the usual solution of table salt is suitable. It is made from the calculation of 1 tsp.salt per 1 tbsp.boiled water. Such purification procedures are carried out daily and repeatedly, each time before taking drops.

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Painful sensations can be reduced by taking special non-steroid medications that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Among them, the drug Nurofen is popular. Preparations for admission are determined by the attending physician. It can also in addition to basic therapy advise the most effective methods of home treatment.

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3 Gentle folk remedies

All home remedies for combating the frontin are the use of local nasal drugs. The most common methods are:

  • periodic washings with various useful decoctions and herbal infusions;
  • steam inhalation;
  • application of local heat.

It is on these healing procedures that home treatment of the frontitis is based. Also in practice, the effectiveness of heated rice in the fight against this insidious disease is proved.

The selected rice is placed in a special tissue bag( even a clean cotton sock is suitable), it is heated in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, after which it can already be applied to the affected area in the nose bridge and eye cavities.10-15 minutes of this procedure is enough. With the help of this thermal effect, the mucus becomes more liquid, which makes it easier to leave the nasal cavity. Alternative: instead of rice, you can use sieved river sand or hard-boiled egg. These methods are distinguished by high effectiveness, it is only necessary to perform these manipulations on a regular basis.


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Another way to improve the retreat of the mucus is by breathing in moistened air. In the room you need to set the optimal level of humidity, periodically using a simple inhaler containing brine.

This disease was previously treated with a plant such as Kalanchoe. To do this, the mixture must be prepared in the following way: freshly picked leaves of the Kalanchoe must be put in a dark place for a couple of days. Then, through the folded gauze, you need to squeeze the juice carefully. The resulting juice should be mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1:20.

You can prepare yourself an alcoholic tincture based on the crushed fresh leaves of this healing plant. To do this, the resulting leaf mixture is poured with alcohol and set aside for 10 days in a poorly lit area.

To get rid of the pesky frontitis will help decoction of ordinary lavrushki, which is found in every house. In a small volume of water you need to boil a couple of leaves of dried bay leaves, then you can gently breathe over the couple, slightly covered with a towel. This procedure is recommended to be performed a couple of times a day to improve the effectiveness of treatment.

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Essential use in this disease can bring acupressure. The greatest healing effect can be a massage of the nose area and the location of the frontal sinuses. Effectively relieve pain with acute manifestation of the frontitis will help an easy point massage of the inflammation focus. Movements in this case should be of the nature of light tapping or accurate pressure.

But with a strong warming up with a chronic front, you need to be extremely cautious, because it's very dangerous. Such thermal effects can only accelerate the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and significantly increase edema of nearby tissues. Much easier is the case with poultices, which have a slight warming effect. You can simply moisten a clean cloth with warm water, cover it with a dry towel, and top with a small heating pad. The duration of this exposure is 2 hours, after the end of leaving the room is prohibited for another hour.

4 Recommendations for treatment

Begin to eliminate the frontitis and its symptoms can be at home, treating people's remedies with the permission of a specialist.

For example, you can wash inflamed nasal passages with a decoction of dried St. John's wort, which has long been known for its properties, useful for getting rid of many insidious diseases. It is necessary to keep track of your diet during this period, avoid seasonal hypothermia, adhere to strict advice from an observant specialist. All this takes on special importance during the period of activity of the disease, when it is required to conduct timely treatment.

Advisers who cured the disease in a proven folk way, a lot, but here's what is ideally suited to one person, can damage the health of another. Therefore, treatment is a purely individual matter, you can only entrust it to a specialist.

Before starting any miracle cure for an annoying frontitis, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to its use, it will protect the process and eliminate possible allergic reactions. It is very important to provide safe conditions for the treatment, to take care of the immune support of the organism in this difficult period. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the regularity of the procedures, otherwise it will be almost impossible to achieve the coveted disposal of this insidious disease. Only systematic and correct actions can bring a tangible result in the cure.

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