Superficial erosive gastritis

In such an unpleasant and accompanied by constant painful sensations, frequent vomiting, violation of appetite and stool of the disease, as an erosive gastritis, very often one can identify one of the varieties of its chronic form - superficial.

There are several reasons for this type of disease. Its development is influenced by various factors. Among them the following are the main ones:

  • Psychological( hard working or living conditions, accompanied by constant stresses);
  • Nutritional( malnutrition, consisting of constant "snacks", abuse of alcoholic beverages, as well as such a harmful habit as smoking);
  • Medication( excessive drug intake);
  • Infectious( settled in the stomach of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and contributing to the appearance of mucosal erosive lesions on the surface).

For a successful cure, the cause of the disease should first be neutralized, and only then can comprehensive treatment be started.

Symptomatic picture of superficial erosive gastritis

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All symptoms of the disease are very poorly expressed, therefore the person suffering from it can not guess for decades about its presence. Because of this, he is referred to a group of chronic gastritis.

On how widespread inflammation in the stomach with a superficial erosive gastritis, it is possible to distinguish two of its types: focal, which occurs in separate areas of the mucosa, and diffuse, covering the entire area of ​​the digestive organ.

In the stage of superficial inflammation occurring in the walls of the stomach, there may be an increased( usually at a young age) and a decreased( characteristic for the elderly) acidity. The increase in acidity is usually expressed in the following symptoms:

  • Acute, appearing periodically, and blunt, arising mainly at night in the epigastric region, pain;
  • Serious disorders of the stool, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea;
  • Nausea and frequent heartburn, as well as a constant sourish eructation.

Decreased secretory acidity is a prerequisite for the transition of superficial erosive gastritis in the shortest possible time into an atrophic form. His symptoms are as follows:

  • Poor appetite and associated strong weight loss;
  • Presence in the language of the white raid;
  • Constant strong weakness;
  • Erying in the morning with air, the state of nausea and the resulting attacks of vomiting.

Most often, superficial erosive gastritis is accompanied by duodenitis, in which the same lesions occur in the upper part of the duodenum. The sooner the diagnosis is carried out and the appropriate treatment is prescribed, the more chances for a person to forget about the unpleasant symptoms accompanying him.

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