Mixed secretion of the pancreas, secret, internal and external

The pancreas is an internal human organ that combines many different functions that are so important for the entire body. For what reason does iron relate to mixed secretion, and what are the characteristics of its functioning?

External secretion of the pancreas provides one of the main tasks that are relevant for the normal and full functioning of the entire human body. And the essence of this process is the production of pancreatic juice containing all the necessary enzymes that provide the digestive process. If it is not provided in full, then the likelihood that the state of health will begin to deteriorate rapidly, because there will be a serious shortage of such useful substances as: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Internal secretion of the gland lies in the production of useful hormones, namely: insulin, somatostatin and glucagon. The importance of these elements lies in the fact that they regulate the amount of sugar in the blood and urine. But their excess or a defect can threaten with very dangerous consequences and cause the development of serious ailments. Perform this task of the pancreas, special cells, which are called the islets of Langerhans. Due to their functioning, all metabolic processes that occur in the body are regulated and full-fledged work of this body is provided.

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Often the question arises as to which category the pancreas belongs to. Since it combines at the same time both the internal and external secret, then, respectively, this body belongs to a mixed category. This is because iron produces pancreatic juice that enters the stomach and is so necessary for the subsequent digestion of food, respectively, which is an external secret. Also, this body provokes hormones necessary for the body, and this task belongs to the category of internal secretion. And, consequently, precisely because of the simultaneous combination of these two functions, the pancreas is the organ of the mixed secret.

Thus, the pancreas is truly a unique organ, which has a number of features, in particular, relating to the secretion process, and at the same time it performs important functions and tasks for the body.

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