Fatty degeneration of the pancreas, dystrophic changes( lipomatosis), symptoms, treatment

Under the process of pancreatic dystrophy associated with a deficiency of adipose tissue, we mean an irreversible process, which causes pathological changes in the cells of this organ. Their result is the gradual replacement of ordinary pancreatic cells, which are a guarantee of its stable functioning, fat, incapable of such activity. Another name for this pathology is lipodystrophy.

It is necessary to distinguish a similar state of the human body from normal dystrophy, caused by a lack of nutrition or the presence of a disease. A person with this diagnosis does not lose muscle mass of body, often and fluctuations in weight are not very significant, however, even with the use of products provoking the deposition of fats, this process is not observed.

The cause of fatty degeneration of the pancreas is the death of its cells caused by a number of factors: inflammation, chronic pancreatitis, tumors and some others. As a result of fat involution, the body begins to restore the integrity of the organ in all possible ways, however, it is not able to work out similar ones to natural cells. If the dystrophy has stopped due to elimination of pathology and the number of cells is small in comparison with the total number, a person may not even guess about their presence in their pancreas, since it will function properly. But if the lipodystrophy progresses, the cells gather into entire islets that impede the full activity of the organ.

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Unfortunately, there are no obvious fatty degeneration symptoms that would help diagnose this disease. Quite often it is found in a patient under ultrasound examination, and the reason for his treatment in a medical institution were not complaints about the work of this body. Often this is possible even with a significant pathology, but if the foci of it are located at a considerable distance from each other, which does not affect the patient's well-being.

Thus, any disruption in the operation of the pancreas should be a reason not just for a superficial examination of the pancreas, but, in the event that obvious deviations were not noticed, a deep diagnosis to confirm or refute dystrophy.

Treatment of dystrophic changes in the pancreas( lipomatosis)

Pancreatic lipodystrophy is treated surgically or conservatively. The surgical method is used if the fat cells occupy a large area( more than 60%) and the pancreas work is disturbed. Such conditions are characteristic for the 3rd degree of lipomatosis.

During the operation, large areas of altered tissue are cut out. But this method is rarely used because of its complexity.

More often when dystrophic changes of the pancreas apply conservative treatment. Because of the slow development of the disease, there is a chance to influence it by eliminating the causes. A patient with fatty degeneration is prescribed a diet in which it is forbidden to eat fatty and carbohydrate products. You can not fry, spices, spicy and smoked. The food system is preferred in frequent and small portions. Better if 6 times a day.

All dishes should be steamed or boiled. It is useful to use mineral, preferably not carbonated, water. It is not recommended to eat a lot of fruit. Harmful with pancreatic lipoma, strong coffee, alcohol and chocolate.

In parallel, digestive enzymes and insulin are prescribed.

If you follow a diet and doctor's recommendations, there is no health hazard.

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