Dry cough with worms, helminths, causing this symptom in children and adults, can they be the reason that the child coughs, how to treat?

Many patients, especially young parents, are often interested in whether a person can have a cough with worms, or are they only said to comb the children of the anus, reduce appetite and lose weight? According to experts, this sign of the presence of parasitic worms in the body, both in the child and in the adult is one of the quite frequent. Why does a cough arise in the presence of worms in humans, and what is the reason for its appearance? This is due to two factors: this symptom is caused by helminths that are localized in the lungs or by migration of worm larvae along the respiratory tract. Cough with helminthic invasion is most often provoked by the larvae of ascaris, which requires oxygen for development in the matured individual. In search of it, they fall into the bronchi or the lungs. There parasites interfere with the passage of airflow, which provokes the appearance of this symptom.

Also uncommon is the question of which worms cause a cough, and how does it happen in this case, dry or wet? As already mentioned above, most often this indirect sign of invasion is provoked by ascarids, or rather, by their larvae. Attacks in this case are so strong that sometimes even cause vomiting. It can arise and because of such a disease as toxocarosis, which is caused by the penetration of the dog's roundworm into the body. In addition to this, the appearance of dry cough can also be caused by sexually mature specimens of worms, choosing for their place of residence lungs. Among them, the most common is a disease, such as paragonimosis, caused by pulmonary fluke. To understand how dangerous these helminthic invasions, provoking the appearance of a cough, for an adult or a child should be considered each of them individually.

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Cough - a symptom of worms

The most dangerous form of invasion is paragonimosis. The disease affects older children, adolescents and adults. The reason for this pathology lies in the fact that the human lung tissue is affected by a helminth from the class of ringworms - pulmonary flukes. What symptomatology will be present? Typically, parasitologic specialists note the following alarming signs, which need to be addressed:

  • The causeless appearance of clinical pictures of diseases such as hepatitis, pleuritis enteritis and pneumonia;
  • These helminths cause a strong cough, but not dry, but with spitting expectoration in which the eggs of the worms are found;
  • Due to the development of these parasitic worms in many patients, the temperature can rise above 38 degrees;
  • If the helminth is located at the outer edges of the lung, it will cause the formation of parietal cysts.

In the absence of treatment of worms that provoked the appearance of a cough in a person, it is possible to develop diffuse pneumosclerosis with a significant deterioration in all functions of external respiration or rupture of the lung tissue with the development of internal bleeding. If the therapeutic measures for the destruction of these parasitic worms are carried out in a timely manner, the person will completely experience a negative symptomatology. The treatment of dry cough, which causes various types of worms, is prescribed only by a specialist and is conducted under his supervision. Usually it consists in the following:

  • Carrying out diagnostic studies to identify the type of parasites present in humans;
  • Assignment of drugs that allow you to get rid of them with the greatest efficiency;
  • Repeat the course of therapy against worms should be performed after 2 weeks, even if there is no cough caused by them;
  • Very good, if in conjunction with drug therapy will be used and folk remedies, such as onions, garlic and pumpkin seeds.

Do not forget about preventive measures, which, if not completely eliminated, can significantly reduce the risk of parasite infection. To do this, you only need to follow the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands before meals and after going to the toilet, cook meat and fish dishes with all the rules of heat treatment, and avoid contact with naked body parts with suspicious and contaminated soil and water.

Cystitis in children

The main ailment for a small child arising from the presence of parasitic worms in the body and accompanied by such pulmonary manifestations is ascariasis. The main place of dislocation of sexually mature helminths with it is the intestines of babies. But larvae penetrate the circulatory system in the process of active growth and, migrating with blood, quickly seep into the trachea, bronchi, and then the lungs. Upon reaching their worms, they begin to irritate their mucous membrane and provoke the appearance of a cough. The malaise passes about a week later, as unexpectedly as it appears, even without the use of any special preparations, since one part of the larvae is removed from the lungs into the surrounding air, and the second, after swallowing the children with saliva, returns back to their intestines,in sexually mature individuals and continuing poisoning the baby's body.

About how to treat cough with worms in children Komarovsky gives a lot of recommendations. To this illustrious pediatrician, who leads the program "Dr. Komarovsky's School" of the same name, most of the young parents turn for advice. Here and on the issue of pulmonary symptoms of helminths in children, many questions are asked. Dr. Komarovsky advises that if a child has a dry cough from worms, Pirentel will be the most optimal means for carrying out therapeutic measures and removing such symptoms. Although some parents tend to give Vermox to children in this case, as a more effective means, but Komarovsky does not categorically recommend this. According to him, Pyrantel is much less toxic and safe for a fragile organism. Thanks to this particular medicine, coughing from worms in a child can be cured without any side effects.

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