Whether it is possible to accept Donormil with alcohol: interaction, consequences, a lethal dose

Problems at work, stress from loss of loved ones, family troubles - all this affects the state of the human nervous system and, among other things, leads to difficulties with falling asleep. You can turn all night from side to side, counting the sheep and trying to breathe deeply, but there will not be a dream in one eye. What to do? Often, a sleepless person tries to drink a so-called sleepy dose of alcohol in the hope of finally forgetting at least some kind of dream. But that does not help either. The idea comes along with alcohol to take a pill of sleeping pills. Yes, it will help. But will the patient wake up after such a cocktail?

Description of the drug Donormil

One of the newest developments in the field of dealing with problems of falling asleep is doxylamine. It is a substance from the discharge of the histamine blocker, which does not cause any dependence, even with prolonged use. Doxylamine is available under the trade name Donormil.

Advantages of this drug are:

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  • over-the-counter sales;
  • average duration of action - from 5 to 8 hours;
  • no secondary effects - daytime sleepiness, feelings of weakness and fatigue.

Donormil is suitable for people with small problems of falling asleep and frequent night saps. In such situations, doxylamine significantly reduces the phase of falling asleep, without affecting the structure of sleep. Thus, the person is provided with a normal physiological sleep, after which he wakes up vigorously and full of energy for a new day.

The drug is available in the form of usual and effervescent tablets. Take Donormil, according to the instructions for use, should be about half an hour before the proposed bedtime.

Donormil is good because it does not have a lot of contraindications. It should not be taken to men who have a history of hyperplasia or prostate adenoma( due to possible retention of urination), children under 15 years of age, breastfeeding mothers and patients with a closed form of glaucoma.

With regard to pregnant women, who are known to suffer from insomnia quite often, the doctor, with good health of the pregnant woman and the absence of other contraindications, may recommend this drug as a symptomatic treatment until the last trimester.

Donormil, despite its low toxicity and relative safety of use, causes some negative effects. These include:


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  • dry mouth;
  • rare urge to urinate;
  • vision impairment;
  • constipation;
  • daytime sleepiness.

In the video description of the drug Donormil:

Compatibility with alcohol

The question of whether it is possible to take sleeping pills with alcohol is not without reason. People who suffer from alcohol dependence, very often have serious problems with sleep, especially during alcohol withdrawal. The lack of rest leads the nervous system to severe exhaustion, which is fraught with psychosis and alcoholic delirium. Patients are ready to take any antidepressants and psychoactive substances, just to sleep. Donormil attracts them by the absence of heavy "pobochek" and obvious efficiency. What can I advise such a patient?

The answer to the question is only one - to sober up and then take sleeping pills. Donormil in no way can be combined with alcohol, the consequences of such a "mix" can be simply terrible.

Alcohol acts on the body as follows: the stage of excitement begins, in which a person is cheerful, his tongue is untied and moral guidelines are lost, then the stage of inhibition - the tongue is braided, coordination is lost, and finally, the complete suppression of the nervous system - shutdown. The speed of succession of these phases depends on the strength and size of the drunk. Accordingly, the phase of deactivation will occur more quickly if, together with alcohol, you drink a hypnotic, which in the same depressing manner acts on the mind.

With a small amount of alcohol in the body, the stage of excitation can significantly prevail over inhibition, and in this case, the hypnotic will not immediately work. The patient will have to take another pill, and after that, you may need an extra amount of medicine. The results are disappointing - intoxication of the body.

Consequences of the combination of

The worst thing that can happen as a result of interaction between alcohol and tablets of sleeping pills is the depression of the respiratory center and, as a result, the cessation of breathing. The outcome is clear - death. With timely help, a patient who is in a state of oxygen starvation for a long time may be in a coma, which is also not a positive outcome from drinking a cocktail of sleeping pills and ethanol.

Do not underestimate the consequences, such as the emergence of dependence on donormila. When used in a therapeutic dosage and without the influence of alcohol, the donor is absolutely safe and does not cause habituation. Another thing is the harmful effects of ethanol. Being in a state of intoxication, a sick person takes high doses of Donormil, which eventually leads to a loss of sensitivity to the drug and the development of drug dependence.

Overdose of sleeping pills in combination with alcohol causes so strong intoxication that the patient in the literal sense has to be pumped out in the intensive care unit. Sometimes these measures do not help, and the person who mixes such a cocktail and dies with a lethal dose dies.

Weak poisoning with sleeping pills leads to serious problems with coordination, severe vomiting, vision problems. This is fraught with severe traumatization of a drunken patient.

A couple of words worth mentioning about the duration and severity of hangover syndrome under the influence of Donormil.

Naturally, the patient's condition will be excruciatingly heavy - nausea and vomiting, coupled with tremor of hands and a headache, will not add to the rainbow mood. All this is a consequence of severe intoxication.


Given all the dangers and imminent severity of the condition, it is unlikely a person in their right mind will come up with a strong alcohol pill Donormila. Severe insomnia is not an occasion to ruin your health and risk your life. If alcohol was already taken, then according to the doctors' reviews, it is worthwhile to wait until it is completely removed from the body, and this depends on the amount of drink and its strength, and after complete sobering, try to fall asleep with the help of sleeping pills.

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