Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp

There are several different types of dermatitis that differ for reasons of occurrence and for some symptoms. Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is a fairly common problem, haunting many young people, sometimes even in babies. It is worth knowing more about the symptoms of the disease, the most common causes, the most effective methods of treatment.

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What is this?

Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory disease that usually affects the scalp - some parts of the face and scalp. The focus of the disease is sebaceous gland, the development of the disease is associated with abnormalities in the work of the sebaceous glands, when sebum begins to be produced in excess quantities, it contains a large number of toxic substances.

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Another factor that influences the development of the inflammatory process is a large amount of one kind of fungus, which even normally can be present in the pores of the skin. Together, the fungus multiplying in large volumes and increased fat formation lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the pores.

Specialists distinguish two varieties of seborrhea, which differ slightly for reasons and development: bold and dry. Fat seborrheic dermatitis is more common, especially among young people.

In general, this disease is more prone to people up to the age of forty, often seborrhea develops in adolescents during puberty, as too many factors begin to affect the work of the sebaceous glands. If this disease occurs in the baby, it can talk about serious violations in the immune system of the child.

Seborrheic dermatitis must be treated, it can lead to serious consequences. On the face skin, it can provoke the appearance of severe acne and comedones, they can also spread to the scalp. This disease leads to the appearance of dandruff, increased fat content of hair. In severe forms of the disease, baldness is possible on some sections of the scalp.

Causes of

It is quite difficult to determine the exact cause of seborrhea development, it is usually a whole complex of factors, various disorders in the functioning of the body. Some specialists to date highlight the influence of the genetic factor, it is believed that in some people the propensity to disturbances in the work of the sebaceous glands is higher.

Fungus, which plays a role in the development of the disease, is present in every person, it is part of the normal skin microflora. In this case, seborrhea develops far from everyone, some factors cause the fungus to develop in large quantities and cause an inflammatory process. For many, this disease occurs during puberty.

Important! If the mother has seborrheic dermatitis, the probability of its occurrence in the child is quite high.

Also, do not underestimate the factors associated with the lifestyle of a person. Hormonal disorders, malnutrition, bad habits, unbalanced mode of the day, all this can affect the development of dermatitis.

Is seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp?

Since the development of this disease is associated with various disorders in the body, it is impossible to catch it. Fungus, which participates in the development of the inflammatory process, is normally present in every person, it is not contagious.

However, it should be noted that some symptoms of seborrhea of ​​the scalp resemble ringworm, which is transmitted from humans and animals to humans, so if rashes, dryness, scalp, hair loss occur, you should immediately contact a dermatologist and establish the exact cause of this condition.

Symptoms of

Symptoms of this disease are not very obvious, they can talk about other diseases, so you need to have an examination with a dermatologist. Usually develops dermatitis as follows:

  • itching of the scalp, which is accompanied by desquamation, the appearance of scales, dandruff;
  • with fatty dermatitis, the hair becomes very greasy, ordinary shampoos do not help much, the head has to be washed very often;
  • occurrence of rashes, acne, skin becomes very sensitive.

In seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, the lesion often also affects the forehead, temples, rashes and scaling can occur in the nose, especially in the folds of the wings of the nose. Combing with this disease can lead to the development of eczema with the release of exudate, the formation of crusts on the combing sites. To better imagine the clinical picture for this disease, it is worth looking at the photo lesions of seborrhea.

It is also worth noting that when the scalp is affected, the ears are often affected. The skin on the ears and behind them is usually red, inflamed, the rash and peeling may spread to them. In the late stages of the disease, if you do not take action, the hair in some areas may begin to fall out.

Important! If there is a high fat content and other signs of seborrhoea, you should not wash your head more often, this can lead to deterioration. It can be extremely well chosen treatment.

How to cure?

Treatment for this disease is usually complex, it includes a variety of local drugs, a diet, it may be necessary to take certain drugs inside depending on the attendant symptoms. The treatment is aimed at improving immunity, suppressing fungal activity, which plays a role in the development of inflammation, suppression of the inflammatory process and other unpleasant symptoms.

Treatment in children is usually the same as in adults, but the younger the child, the more important it is to receive therapy under the constant supervision of a specialist. It is also very important to improve immunity.

Usually, the following methods and methods are used in the treatment of this disease, their daily use is necessary when exacerbating seborrheic dermatitis. Before the start of therapy, you should always consult with a specialist:

  1. Shampoos. They are extremely important in the treatment of this disease, use the usual means of hygiene is no longer necessary, especially with exacerbations of dermatitis. Treatment shampoos usually include antifungal drugs, tar, salicylic acid, which help remove sebum and remove itching. The most common means include Nizoral, Sebazol, Keto Plus and others. Shampoo should be used every day.
  2. Ointments. Various topical antifungal agents are important if dermatitis also captures the skin of the face. Ketoconazole-based drugs are usually used.
  3. Tablets. Antifungal agents of systemic action are required if local treatment does not produce a noticeable result. Usually, drugs based on ketoconazole are used. Vitamin complexes in the form of tablets can also be prescribed with reduced immunity.
  4. Diet. Proper nutrition is extremely important if you need to completely get rid of the disease. Exclude fatty foods, fast food, sweets in large quantities. It is advised to eat more low-fat sour-milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables, and drink more liquids.
  5. Treatment with folk remedies. Folk remedies are used as hair masks, rinses based on medicinal herbs, which help to remove itching and burning, to remove the dryness of the skin. For example, you can use a decoction of dried celandine grass. Tea tree oil is also very useful, it has antifungal properties. A couple of drops of oil should be diluted in several liters of water and rinse hair and scalp after washing.

Treatment of an acute form of the disease can take a different time, sometimes it takes months before the skin returns to its normal healthy state. If all methods of complex treatment do not help improve the condition of the scalp and hair, it is worth revising the therapy plan.

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