What you can eat with gastritis

Gastritis is a fairly common disease in modern times. Each person has an active and rapid lifestyle, which does not always allow for a rational and regular diet. As a result, inflammation begins to develop in the mucous membrane of the stomach. Everyone who suffers from any form of this disease must adhere to certain rules of eating. What can I eat with gastritis? On this issue should be discussed in detail.

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Eating with gastritis with high acidity

This form of the disease is an increased amount of produced hydrochloric acid, as well as other components of gastric juice. They have a destructive effect on the inflamed organ of digestion, thereby reducing its normal functioning. The main sign of a disease with high acidity is severe heartburn after every eating. What can you eat with high acidity? The safest products are:

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  1. Low-fat meat. For preparation of various dishes beef, lamb, chicken, rabbit meat, and also low-fat kinds of sausage or sausages will approach. You can eat meat as a paste. Cooking is required by steaming, by cooking or baking in the oven.
  2. Sea or river fish. Choose also follows non-fat fish. The safest species can be: pike, bream, cod, tuna, sturgeon.
  3. Milk and fermented milk products. Milk must be consumed exclusively pasteurized, not whole. You can add a little cream to the dishes with a low percentage of fat. Cheese of hard varieties should also be chosen low-fat. As for soft varieties, then unsalted varieties will be used for consumption. Cottage cheese can be introduced into the diet, non-acidic and fat-free. Yogurt should be chosen without dyes and flavors. All dairy products enter in the menu is required in minimum quantities.
  4. Chicken Eggs. They can be eaten as an omelet or cook. Raw eggs with gastritis with high acidity are contraindicated.
  5. Porridge. For their preparation, manna, buckwheat, oatmeal and rice cereals will suit. You can cook them on water or on milk.
  6. Bread. With gastritis you need to dry it a little. Fresh bread can adversely affect your health.
  7. Vegetables. Preference should be given to potatoes, carrots, beets, courgettes, pumpkin, tomatoes. Is it possible to eat cabbage with increased acidity? From its use should refrain, as white and Brussels sprouts contribute to a more active allocation of gastric juice.
  8. Fruits. They have many useful substances, so with moderate consumption, fruits such as apples, pears, strawberries, have a beneficial effect on the body. Can I eat bananas? They can be consumed no more than 1 piece.in a day.

As for sweets, they are contraindicated for gastritis. The only thing you can eat is honey. It should be used as an additive to the main course. The main thing is that the honey should be high quality and fresh.

What can not be eaten with this form of the disease? Completely discard should be from such foods:

  1. Fruits that promote more active production of gastric juice. These are: kiwi, oranges and other citrus fruits.
  2. Foods that have a destructive effect on the tissues of the walls of the stomach. The most dangerous products are: chocolate, nuts, ice cream.
  3. Groats with coarse fibers, namely millet, corn, pearl barley, beans. They have a negative effect on the work of the stomach, causing fermentation.
  4. Pork and lard. They have an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach, thereby causing diarrhea or constipation.
  5. Canned and smoked products. They help reduce the rate of digestion, cause heartburn and a feeling of severe gravity in the stomach.
  6. By-products. They raise the level of cholesterol in the blood.

If you adhere to such a diet, you can avoid exacerbation for a long period of time.

It's important to know! The above diet is useful for gastritis and pancreatitis!

Nutrition for a disease with a low acidity

The state of gastric gastric emptying in an adult with reduced acidity is much better than the opposite. Therefore, the diet in such cases does not differ by strong restrictions. It is aimed at having a gentle effect on the walls of the stomach.

To maintain the state in the norm it is necessary to adhere to such rules:

  • heat treatment has no limitations, but during frying, excessive rough crust should be avoided;
  • dishes with fiber are required to eat in the form of mashed potatoes;
  • avoiding too cold or very hot food;
  • to minimize the consumption of salty foods and foods.

It's important to remember! In case of gastritis with low acidity, avoid overeating and excessive use of a certain product! Food should be rational and balanced.

Acute gastritis: what you can eat

A person suffering from a chronic form of the disease must adhere to a strict diet with exacerbation of gastritis. An inflamed stomach during this period causes painful pain. In order for the pain to gradually subside, on the first day of exacerbation one should completely refrain from eating any food. You can drink only water or weak tea. Within 1 week the patient should adhere to such principles of nutrition:

  1. Viscous soups. They should be cooked from rice or oat porridge with the addition of a small amount of butter.
  2. Liquid porridges boiled on water. The most safe at exacerbation are: buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, rice. After preparation, they should be rubbed through a sieve.
  3. Meat and fish of low-fat varieties. They need to be cooked with cooking, then grind to the consistency of the paste.
  4. Dairy products. Allowed a small amount of milk, as well as low-fat cottage cheese.
  5. Chicken eggs can be eaten as a steamed omelette.

What can not be taken with acute gastritis? Completely exclude from the diet should be such products:

  • yogurt, kefir and other sour-milk products with a high percentage of fat content;
  • vegetables in raw form;
  • fresh bread;
  • sweets;
  • coffee, cocoa, strong tea;
  • fizzy drinks.

If you adhere to such a diet, then the condition will gradually improve. Within a week the patient will feel good.

Rules for eating gastritis and gastric ulcer

To restore the gastric mucosa with inflammation of the gastric mucosa with peptic ulcer it is necessary to adhere to such nutritional rules:

  1. Prepare the allowed food only for a couple or by baking, but without crusting. Also, do not eat too cold or excessively hot dishes.
  2. Minimize the daily dose of salt. As it slows the process of removing fluid from the body, which adversely affects the course of the disease.
  3. To eat fractional. That is, increase the amount of food intake up to 6 times a day, while portions should be small.

With regard to products that can be used with an ulcer, they are:

  • soups cooked on vegetables with the addition of noodles, rice and chicken eggs;
  • fresh bread replaced with breadcrumbs or baked pastries;
  • chicken and rabbit are the most dietary meat products, positively affecting the stomach;
  • low-fat fish varieties can also diversify the daily menu;
  • lactic and sour-milk products with low fat content.

List of products that are prohibited for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer:

  • rye fresh bread;
  • puff pastry;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • canned, smoked, excessively salted and spicy dishes;
  • white cabbage;Sorrel and spinach;
  • mushrooms;
  • fizzy drinks;
  • strong coffee.

If you adhere to such rules of nutrition, you can make a fairly diverse menu. Therefore, people suffering from various types of gastritis should not despair. Moderate consumption of all products does not cause exacerbations. A properly cooked food positively affects not only the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the general condition as a whole. A balanced diet helps to quickly restore strength and not feel the severity, characteristic of overeating, even for a healthy person.

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