The pancreas is on the right or left?

Many people want to know where the pancreas is located in the body right or left? In order to at least approximately determine its location. At the same time there is absolutely no desire to delve into the anatomy and consider the deep structure of the organism, like schoolchildren, on the last desk with a strict teacher. Or, even worse - go for a competent consultation with a specialist gastroenterologist, whose speech often consists entirely of inaccessible and incomprehensible for ordinary people medical terms. However, when the first signs of pain occur, I want to know which organ needs support or treatment. So, where is this gland: on the right or, after all, on the left and how to find it?

While the pancreas does not hurt, no one knows where it hid? Perhaps the answer is just when there are signs of pain. It is known that appendicitis is always on the right, so unpleasant sensations are from this side. But the pancreas to look in the right side of the abdomen or on the left?

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To locate the pancreas, it is sufficient to know where the spine is located. While everything is very simple, because even children know how to find these known bones. After this, it is necessary to determine the location of the first lumbar vertebra. To the right of it will be located the head of the pancreas. Only to feel it is impossible, because it is hidden in the loop, which forms the duodenum. In addition to the head, it has a body and a tail. Having begun at 1-2 vertebra, she leaves to the left and reaches the tail gate of the spleen.

Now, everyone can easily find not only in themselves, but also in a child or colleague, pancreas, which is located on the right upper abdomen above the navel. Perhaps, it is this information that can prevent the development of such formidable and intractable diseases as pancreatitis or, worse, cancer. Study your body for your own good and your own health. And yet, all your assumptions must be checked by a doctor. To the right of the abdominal cavity are so many different organs, large and small, just like on the left. Pain in the right side can cause a simple intestinal infection or inflammation of the kidneys, appendicitis or even an ectopic pregnancy. Be sure to take tests and live a healthy life, enjoying your own knowledge in the field of anatomy.

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