Diseases( diseases) of the pancreas in dogs and puppies: an attack of pancreatitis, insufficiency, can die?

Unfortunately, pancreas disease is by no means a rarity for dogs. The disease causes severe pain and pain to the animal, and if all the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner, it can very quickly lead to the death of the animal. What are the causes of the appearance of pancreatitis in dogs, how to prevent the development of an ailment, and how to save a pet?

Symptoms of pancreatic inflammation in dogs and puppies

If suspicion of pancreatitis is worth paying attention to any changes in the behavior of the pet - it will help in time to take all necessary measures. As a rule, the main symptom, which often becomes the main symptom of pancreatic inflammation, is severe vomiting.

What is important, the prerequisites for the development of pancreatitis are quite diverse, and therefore inflammation of the pancreas is not uncommon either for puppies or for adult dogs. In most cases in pets this disease develops due to malnutrition, and also because of injuries. Often the main cause of the development of this pancreatic disease is the long-term use of various medications that negatively affect the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract as a whole. In some cases, pancreatitis can develop as a result of surgical intervention, as well as congenital ailments and pancreatic malformations.

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As for the treatment of pancreatitis in both puppies and adult dogs, the veterinarian should be engaged in this. The diagnosis is made not only on the basis of symptoms and signs, but only after additional radiological and research and ultrasound of the pancreas. And only with a combination of all these indicators, one can judge the development of such a disease as pancreatitis, as well as determine its shape and the likelihood of possible complications, which will allow to choose the optimal treatment option, including the correction of nutrition, relevant for this disease.

Symptomatic of pancreatitis in dogs is quite obvious, and therefore it will not be difficult for a specialist to determine the presence of this disease. After conducting a complete examination of the pancreas in dogs, the specialist will be able to prescribe suitable medication, including also the transition to a specialized dietary diet - this will help alleviate the condition of the animal and prevent the inflammation from exacerbating the inflammation in the future.

Pancreatic Diseases in Dogs

One of the most common types of diseases in dogs is pancreatic lesions. They arise for various reasons. One of the key factors is the deficiency of digestive enzymes. As a result, a disease such as pancreatic insufficiency is formed. But as a result of premature production of enzymes by this organ, a gradual destruction of the secretory tissue occurs. This process in medicine was called "pancreatitis".It occurs in animals as often as in humans.

Pancreatic insufficiency in dogs

This disease, perhaps, heads the palm tree of the primacy of these ailments. His reason was named above. As for the breeds of animals that are most characteristic of the disease, the veterinarians claim that they are German shepherds. But, this does not mean that pancreatic insufficiency can not develop in a dog of a different breed. However, the fact of predisposition of "Germans" has been scientifically proven. But the medical explanation for this, unfortunately, has not yet been found.

The disease is characterized by a progressive form. In the puppy, the exocrine function fully meets the normative indices. For the first time, the disease makes itself felt at the stage from one to five years. Its symptoms are a violation of the processes of absorption and digestion of food. In addition, there is a violation of microflora in the intestine. Independently to recognize such illness it is possible on such signs: a regular diarrhea, loss of weight. Often, the dog manifests an increased flatulence, as well as "grumbling" in the stomach. In addition, the animal's hair becomes dull and gives off a greasy sheen. However, on the physical mobility of the animal, the ailment does not affect. The animal remains active.

A number of laboratory tests are used to diagnose the disease. The key of which is the blood sampling. For treatment of the pancreas of a dog, the veterinarian prescribes enzyme therapy.

Pancreatitis attack in the dog

At least, dogs are prone to pancreatic disease, such as pancreatitis. Diagnosing the animal this disease is quite difficult. Often, inexperienced breeders learn about its availability, only at the time of exacerbation. Symptomatics in this case is as follows: severe vomiting, intense pain syndrome, during which the animal is in the "pose of the praying".Not infrequently, in feces you can detect a small amount of blood. Trying to self-stop this attack should not be. This can lead to the most serious consequences.

In the early stages, the ailment may not manifest at all. Diagnose the disease before the onset of an attack, almost impossible. Since modern medicine does not have special sensitive diagnostic methods, in addition to studies of the tissue of this organ, which can be obtained as a result of laparoscopic surgery, or posthumously. Can a dog die of pancreatitis?

In case of untimely or incompetent medical care, as a result of an attack of pancreatitis, the dog may die. Since pancreatitis causes local peritonitis, which extends to the transverse colon of the large intestine. In turn, this can lead to acute renal as well as respiratory failure. If you omit scientific medical terms, and put it in the language of a philistine, the kidneys first stop working in the animal, and then it stops breathing. As a result, a fatal outcome occurs. This can be avoided if you contact a specialized clinic in time.

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