Itching of the scalp - causes and treatment problems

Many people are faced with the fact that from time to time there is a strong itch of the scalp.

But only a few will bother themselves with the question of why this is happening. Even fewer men and women with a similar problem are turning to a trichologist.

The reasons for which the head is constantly itching and there is a lot of outbreaks - from parasitic diseases to trivial non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene and improper selection of cosmetics to care for locks. Next, we'll look at each factor in more detail.

Causes of itching on the head

Itching itself can not appear. Most often, its appearance provokes the following factors:

  • the appearance of lice or ticks;
  • seborrhea;
  • allergy to hair care products used( shampoos, balms, gels and mousses for styling, etc.)
  • allergy to paint;
  • is allergic to detergents, which erases things and pastel clothes;
  • dry scalp;
  • fungal diseases.

The causes of itching of the scalp and hair loss can be very different, ranging from improper hair care and ending with fungal and infectious diseases. Let's see why the head can be itchy, and how to get rid of this ailment.

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Disease, the main causative agent of which are lice - insects that parasitize on a person. The main lodging places are axillary cavities, pubis, eyebrows, mustaches and, of course, head.

Pediculosis is accompanied by severe itching, the appearance of red spots on the skin from insect bites, because lice feed exclusively on blood.


Another frequent cause of irritation on the scalp. Its cause is excessive salon formation and a change in the composition of the sebaceous secretion. Depending on the skin condition and the activity of the sebaceous glands, it can be dry, oily or mixed. Very often seborrhea causes a strong peeling of the scalp, which is called dandruff.

As a rule, seborrheic dermatitis is a serious chronic disease, which is difficult to cure independently. Treatment should be comprehensive and last for several months - here and special therapeutic shampoos, and dermatological lotions, and medications, and immunomodulators, and therapeutic diet.


With severe itching, many patients are immediately suspected of the presence of parasites on the scalp. First of all, we are talking about lice or mites.

Completely eliminate or confirm that the cause of the itch in the parasitic attack, can only the doctor. Well, before visiting a doctor, you can carefully examine the scalp, and it's good that one of your relatives does it, armed with a magnifying glass.

Dryness of the scalp

May occur from thermal exposure to hair and skin - frequent drying with a hairdryer, use ironing for smoothing hair or curling irons. Other causes of dryness: severe exhaustion of the body, frequent washing of hair, adherence to a diet with a sharp restriction of fat, old age( when the glands almost cease to function).

As a result, an insufficient amount of sebum is produced, the hair becomes thin and brittle, quickly absorbs moisture.

Frequent head wash

Many girls, without knowing it, provoke the appearance of skin itching. And frequent washing of the head is no exception. In addition, the regular use of hair dryers for hair drying, straighteners and many other hair devices not only drain the skin, but also adversely affect the condition of the hair itself.

In such cases it is necessary to refrain from frequent changes in brands of hair care products, use proven means, while keeping an eye on the condition of the scalp. At the slightest hint of itching and burning, you should immediately stop using them.

Allergic reaction

Allergy skin can react to anything: shampoo, hair mask, new cosmetics and so on. In this case, immediately discontinue the skin irritant and go to a neutral shampoo without sodium lauryl sulfate.

Muscle Stresses

Due to constant high loads, itchy scalp may occur. Usually, excessive stress in the spine and shoulders is a big influence. In addition, the tension of the muscles in the head impedes blood flow in the vessels, which also contributes to the development of itching.

Lishay in humans

Lishay is a contagious fungal skin lesion. This problem is common among children in contact with children's groups or infectious animals. The main signs of lichen are the appearance on the scalp of highly itchy lesions, in the area of ​​which the hair is broken off or completely dropped out( see photo depriving a person).

How to get rid of itching?

This problem, like itching, is often left without proper attention, which can not be done in any case. The sick person should as soon as possible establish the reason why the scalp itches.

To do this, you need to analyze your lifestyle - probably this will help establish a causal relationship. If the cause is found, then you can decide how to eliminate the itch of the scalp.

Treatment of pruritus of the skin on the head

In case of itching of the scalp, it is important to understand that this is a symptom, not a pathology, before starting treatment. Therefore, having established the reason of its occurrence and having eliminated it, it is possible to get rid and of this unpleasant symptom.

  1. Rid of itching and irritation caused by pediculosis includes the destruction of pathogens Medifox or MediFox Super. It must be remembered that these remedies are toxic, therefore, strictly observe the prescriptions of the instructions and the attending physician. A solution of MediFox is treated with a head, after which it is thoroughly washed. You can also use other drugs against lice - Nittifor, Lauri, Butadion, Paraplus. After getting rid of parasites, it is recommended to boil underwear for 15-20 minutes.
  2. When it comes to seborrhea , its treatment is much more complicated than getting rid of parasites. In the process of treating the disease, you must carefully follow the diet, sleep regimen and avoid stress. In addition, it is important to carefully monitor the condition and cleanliness of the scalp.
  3. Itching of the scalp caused by depriving is treated by treating the head with antifungal agents
  4. . If the appearance of the itch is associated with dryness or lack of the necessary trace elements of , then it is worth using moisturizing masks and taking a course of vitamins, respectively.

Treatment of itching directly depends on the cause that caused it. After all, after it is possible to establish the cause, to find a method of treatment is not difficult - modern medicine knows many drugs for this purpose.

Folk remedies

Folk methods will help you to cope with unpleasant sensations, as well as prevent combing your scalp:

  1. A simple but very effective folk method - onion husks .Fill it with a liter of water and boil for an hour. Rinse the broth with each decoction after each wash. After a couple of procedures, the itching will disappear.
  2. Dandelion and lemon .Take a handful of dandelion flowers, chop, pour 50 ml.of vodka. Then add 1 tsp.honey, juice of one lemon. Put mixture for 2 weeks in a warm place, then strain. Before washing your head, make a mask of this lotion for 40 minutes under a film and a warm towel.
  3. Apple cider vinegar. It also needs to be rubbed into the scalp, but it should be done five to ten minutes before washing. Before use, vinegar must be diluted with water.

To cure the itch of the scalp caused by fungal infections, you can use special shampoos.

Shampoo from an itch of a head skin

The concrete shampoo is selected taking into account an existing problem. It can be:

  1. Malathion( Pedilin);
  2. Sumitran;
  3. Sebosol;
  4. Sulsen;
  5. Ecoderm, etc.

The composition of most of the itching of the scalp includes ketoconazole - a substance with a pronounced effect against some species of fungi, selenium disulphide, preventing the appearance of dandruff, permethrin - an insecticide, whose action is directed to the destruction of parasites on the human skin of insects.

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