Whom in the throat - causes and diagnosis of the problem

Certain symptoms are so obvious and unpleasant that they can prevent a person from living a comfortable life. For example, some people feel a lump in the throat that prevents swallowing and breathing. What this can be, and how to treat this problem we will try to consider in this material.

For the first time the sensation of a coma in the throat was documented by Hippocrates about two and a half millennia ago. For some time a lump in the throat was called "globus hystericus"( globe hysterical) - the name hinted at the hysterical nature of this symptom, mostly in women.

In later years, namely in 1968, the name globus pharyngeus was proposed( literally, the ball of the pharynx) due to the fact that according to the statistics of the majority of patients with this symptom there is no hysterical personality type.

Whom in the throat - what can it be?

There are two variants of the symptom complex( somatic and psychogenic), depending on how these feelings disturb or modify the patient's behavior:

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  1. Com in the throat, which does not affect the functioning of the body systems and the patient's behavior;
  2. The lump in the throat, combined with fear of suffocating by eating and disturbing the process of eating.

At the first variant the person complains that «something is stuck in a throat» and stirs. The second version of a coma in the throat( fear of suffocating during eating) can significantly alter the eating behavior of the patient. Usually there is a change in the diet - people do not eat solid food, prefer to eat at home and hardly eat in canteens, cafes or restaurants.

Among the most common somatic causes of coma in the throat include:

  • catarrhal diseases, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc.;
  • an increase in the thyroid gland to such a size that it begins to pinch the organs of the neck;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • gastroesophageal reflux( pathological casting into the esophagus of undigested stomach contents);
  • malignant or benign neoplasm;
  • foreign bodies;
  • is overweight;
  • side effects of drugs;
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system, causing the appearance of neurological disorders.

Psychogenic causes of coma in the throat are depressive disorders and neuroses. Typically, these mental pathologies are the result of stress, excessive fatigue, excessive psycho-emotional stress, inadequate rest, disruption of acclimatization, deficiency and irregular sleep.

To which doctor to contact

First you need to get to the reception to the therapist. The doctor will conduct a conversation and examination, and then send to that specialist who in his opinion can more accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

Most often, patients with this kind of complaints after the therapist go to the office of ENT.An additional examination of a specialist will help determine the nature of the disease, which will be confirmed with the help of tests.

What studies may be needed to clarify the diagnosis of

You may need to undergo one or more procedures.

  • ultrasound of the thyroid gland, if necessary, analysis for thyroid hormones;
  • X-ray of the cervical spine;
  • total blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • if necessary, biochemical blood test;
  • examination of the neck, cervical lymph nodes, thyroid gland;
  • examination of the cavity, root of the tongue, palatine tonsils( oropharyngoscopy);
  • examination of the larynx, epiglottis, vocal and vestibular ligaments, podvigolovogo space,
  • pear-shaped sines( indirect laryngoscopy);
  • CT, MRI of the cervical spine.

Do not torment yourself with guesses "why there was a lump in your throat", sign up for an appointment with a doctor who can more accurately say that this may be a symptom.

Symptoms of

The lump in the throat may be accompanied by certain symptoms:

  • with perspiration and sore throat;
  • increase in cervical or submandibular lymph nodes;
  • hoarseness;
  • with heartburn, eructation, nausea;
  • thirst;
  • dry mouth;
  • frequent coughing;
  • by chasing;
  • by the flow of mucus down the back wall of the pharynx;
  • bad breath.

Causes of sensation of a coma in the throat

Feelings of a coma in the throat appeared not accidentally, it is a sign of malfunctions in the body. In this regard, for adequate treatment, it is necessary to determine what it can be, and then begin to combat the unpleasant symptom.

Now we will consider who can be the culprit of this unpleasant sensation:

  1. A lump in the throat is felt after stress situations .This kind of sensation is not related to the functioning of the body systems. Excitement, depression, stress cause tension in the muscles of the lower part of the throat, creating a "hysterical lump," which disappears in a few hours.
  2. Chronic pharyngitis often replaces acute inflammation of the pharynx, especially if the treatment was not performed correctly. In this case, the patient may not feel pain in the throat, but the sensation of something foreign in it, dryness and sadness become a daily occurrence. In the autumn-spring period, such patients often have exacerbations: discomfort in the throat increases, there is a slight pain when swallowing, body temperature rises to 37.5-38 degrees. Over time, the inflammation can spread from the pharynx to adjacent tissues, which threatens the development of laryngitis and bronchopulmonary complications.
  3. Also the cause of a coma in the throat can be thyroid disease .It can be, like acute inflammation of the thyroid parenchyma - acute thyroiditis, and chronic shortage of iodine in the human body - diffuse toxic goiter.
  4. A lump in the throat may not be so safe, especially for people at risk, for example, of regular smokers .Such an unpleasant sensation can be caused by the most formidable disease - malignant neoplasm( throat cancer).This is accompanied by a certain symptomatology: hoarseness, hoarse voice, cough, usually dry, difficulty in chewing food and swallowing it. All this requires immediate medical attention for the appointment of urgent treatment.
  5. Complaints on who in the throat are peculiar to people with problems in the digestive tract .The so-called achalasia, in which the motor ability of the esophagus decreases, leads to exactly such symptoms. In people who are overweight, such a feeling can arise because of the increased amount of adipose tissue, sometimes causing suffocation. Weight loss and subsequent medication can correct the situation.
  6. VSD can also cause a sensation in the throat of a coma. Since in this disease there is a deviation from the autonomic nervous system. All this entails a number of accompanying problems. It can be bronchial asthma, heart problems, etc. All concomitant diseases can cause both discomfort in the mouth and sensation of a coma in the throat.

You should not torment yourself with all sorts of guesses, where did the feeling of a lump in your throat come from, the reasons can be different - from an ordinary disorder to the symptoms of a dangerous disease. In this regard, a person who feels a sensation of a coma in the throat should seek help from specialists and undergo the necessary examination. The sooner the doctor determines the diagnosis, the more effective the treatment of the disease will be.

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