Treatment of headache with folk remedies for children, adults and pregnant women

Headache to date - this is the most common feeling of discomfort, which is necessary, at least once in life, bothering every person. The factors provoking the appearance of a headache may be an incommensurable amount. Sometimes a small rest will be enough to eliminate it, but some cases, when the head hurts quite strongly, require the help of natural remedies. Let's figure out how to treat a headache with folk remedies.

Folk remedies for headache

Perhaps the safest and most convenient in use means that can reduce or completely eliminate the headache. The main part of the means by which pain in the head is eliminated is in almost every home. It does not matter if they are not there - they are all sold in any pharmacy nearest to your home.

  • If the cause of the appearance of such an unpleasant feeling as a headache, was fatigue or the transfer of depression, you can breathe the scent of lavender, mint or lemon. Lavender or peppermint oil, grated in whiskey, will also help to eliminate pain in the head. You can also use the oil of geranium, ylang-ylang, pine, mint, eucalyptus and rosemary. Before using and rubbing any of the listed oils, it is advisable to preheat them to improve the effect and effect.
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  • A warm bath with the addition of a few drops of flavored oil you like will not only help you get rid of the painful pain in your head, but also relax your body and normalize sleep. To add to the bath it is recommended to use essential oils of orange, geranium, mint or lavender.

The Brovchenko family is known for being treated only by folk remedies. On the video, they offer one of their recipes for a headache for a cold. The prescription is universal:

Means for various types of headaches

Before deciding how to cleanse the headache with folk remedies, you need to know why it originated. For each type of pain, different methods are used. A lot of folk remedies are transmitted from our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who knew for sure how and with what natural remedies it is possible to get rid of the pain in the head of various origins.

During an

voltage In 60% of cases, people suffer from a tension headache. It is characterized by two-sided pain, and can also touch the forehead and temples. Usually, with this kind of pain in the head, it creates a feeling of squeezing out from the outside or opens the head from inside.

  • Freshly brewed tea( black and green) with sugar and honey can help virtually every person suffering from such an unpleasant sensation. Mint tea, in addition to eliminating the headache, will help to relax, calm down and sleep well.
  • The lemon rind attached to the temples will also send an unpleasant sensation of pain in the head. You can simply attach it and lie down, or you can simply fix it with a stick-plaster if there is no time for rest.
  • Coniferous salt bath( 100 g of salt, preferably sea salt, stir with 2 tbsp extract of needles).This method can be carried out even up to 10 days. If the pain is moderate, then it is enough just to wash your head with cool water.

The localization of headaches can help determine their cause. Read why frequent headaches occur in the forehead area, how to diagnose and treat them

Severe headache - migraine requires immediate treatment. What painkillers can help with migraines, read here.

From pain in the temples

Pain in the temples can occur due to pressure on the upper back, neck, and jaw. Usually it is mild, but it can wake up early in the morning with its presence.

The menstrual cycle can also provoke the appearance of pain in the area of ​​the temples.
  • A drunk glass of warm water will relieve spasms in the area of ​​the temples. After this procedure, try to lie down and relax.
  • If the first method does not ease the pain, massage your whiskey. Make about 10 clicks with your fingers on the pain area with your eyes closed. It is desirable to do this procedure in a quiet environment and in a room with muted light. It can be spent all day if necessary, it will not harm.
  • To some people, chamomile tea very well relieves pain in the temples. You can have coffee, but not more than a few cups. Green tea with several pieces of chocolate will ease the condition during pain in the temples.
  • Compress( warm or cold).For this purpose simple water of the necessary temperature and a small towel are suitable. The water temperature is chosen according to one's own preferences, because sometimes one wants to apply something cold to the head, and sometimes vice versa. After 15 minutes you will already have to feel the effect.

From back pain

Headache in the nape of the neck may appear after suffering a head trauma, bruising or fluid fluid stagnation. Therefore, the following methods to ease the pain should be used only for temporary removal of discomfort, after which it is necessary to carry out a trip to the doctor.

  • Drink strong tea, you can put mustard plasters on the back of your head or take a warm bath for the night.
  • Make a warm bandage( preferably woolen about 7 cm wide) and attach it to the head in such a way that it covers the front of the eyebrows, and behind - the back of the head.
  • Make a hot compress and put it on the back of the head. Together with hot tea, this method can cope well with the removal of pain.
  • If you smoke or drink alcohol, then after the onset of pain in the occipital region, you should stop drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. Alcohol and tobacco will only exacerbate the pain and aggravate the situation.

Headache and dizziness

Vertigo together with headache indicates a decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, the main ways to get rid of the headache will be aimed at increasing the level of blood pressure.

  • Effective is a hot foot bath. In parallel, you can drink hot black, mint or green tea.
  • Drinking on an empty stomach a decoction of hawthorn helps to relieve pain in the head, which is accompanied by dizziness. From 20 berries of a plant and 1 glass of water make a decoction, which needs to be boiled for 10 minutes.
  • For several days a mixture of raspberries and sugar will help relieve the headache in the occipital part.
  • Eliminate dizziness will help assorted juices of pomegranate, beets and carrots( 1: 1: 3).Drink before eating.

After drinking booze

Morning after a long and cheerful feast is not always the best way to show how you feel. The head is the first one who lets know about the quantity of alcohol consumed in the past day.

  • Low-alcohol beer, mixed with the egg, you need to drink at a time. Excellent, if in 15-20 minutes you will go to breakfast for some first meal.
  • "Morning and invigorating cocktail" from honey( 100 grams), lemon( 1 pc.) And orange juice( 200 grams) will help to improve well-being and eliminate pain in the head.
  • Cold bath or contrast shower will be a good solution to eliminate headaches after a feast. If you stopped at the bath, then add about 300 grams of sea salt.

Do not forget that a headache can be a symptom of a serious illness, for example a stroke. What are the other symptoms of hemorrhagic stroke and what kind of diagnosis is needed in our article.

How is the size of the retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst of the brain affected by the degree of headache manifestation in this article.

If the headache began to appear with a hangover after the celebrations, then you should pay attention to the article http: // bolezni-nevrologii /alcogolizm/ lechenie-narodnymi-sredstvami.html. In it you will learn how to struggle with the desire to drink more than traditional means.

Treatment of headache in pregnancy and in children

Intensive hormone production, fatigue, tearfulness and other symptoms of such a beautiful and interesting situation can provoke the appearance of headaches.

For pregnant people, folk remedies are the best treatment option, but only if the reception of these funds is preliminarily agreed with the supervising obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • Try to retire in a separate ventilated room with muted light. If the pain is moderate, you can listen to calm, pleasant music.
  • Decoction of soothing herbs, like mint, dog rose, melissa and chamomile, will help in the fight against headaches. Dosage of herbs for a certain amount of water should be looked at on the box.
  • Often, a headache in expectant mothers can provoke increased blood pressure. Orange and grapefruit essential oil will be able to return it to the norm, if they anoint the whiskey.
  • Children, pregnant and nursing from frequent headaches will help if you sleep on a pillow filled with juniper and spruce shavings, immortelle or lavender.

See how to do a massage with a headache:

Rapid removal of a severe headache

A severe manifestation of a headache may indicate an inflammation of the brain or its membranes. Therefore, it is better to contact the doctor right away or as soon as possible. It happens that it is not possible to carry out a campaign to the doctor for any reasons, then you can ease the pain in your head in the following ways.

  • Mix the celandine( it needs to be finely chopped or cut) with vinegar and rose oil. In advance, wash the head with salt water and after this, the mixture obtained, smudge whiskey.
  • Massage in the head area with light, massaging movements from the forehead to the occiput area almost immediately help to eliminate the pain in the head. You can also carry out such a massage from the crown, and gradually descending to the ears. The massage procedure should be completed from the top of the head to the neck and ending with the cervical region.
  • For quick elimination of pain in the temples and forehead, intensive massage at the temples with the thumb and distal phalanx( index finger) is necessary. These points are especially painful and sensitive, so massage should be thorough.

The methods described above have a good analgesic effect and for cluster headaches .

In the figure, the self-massage technique for removing headaches.

Often and constantly eliminate the headache alone is not recommended, because it is only a signal about the failure of any internal organs, violation of the blood pressure level or the presence of head disease. Only by determining and eliminating the cause of the pain in the head, you can never feel it again.

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