Headache in the temples: the main causes of the appearance and the ways of treatment

Regular occurrence of a headache in the area of ​​the temples requires immediate diagnosis. It can signal the development of serious illnesses or be a consequence of severe exhaustion and overwork of the body. It is not recommended to postpone the visit to the doctor, let alone self-medicate.

Causes of the disease

According to medical centers, a severe headache in the temples is in the top 20 most popular complaints. The reasons that contribute to this are more than three hundred. In this case, a person may not even suspect the true reason.

If the pains are of a short-term nature, they can be caused by overexertion, lack of sleep, consumption of alcoholic drinks, etc. If you suffer prolonged headaches in the temples, it is better to go through the examination, so that the doctor accurately diagnosed.

The main causes of frequent pain in the temporal region of the head are:

  • Change in blood pressure;
  • Vegeto-vascular dystonia;
  • Hypertension;
  • Violation of the tone of cerebral vessels, arterial and venous;
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  • Violation of circulation of blood in the brain;
  • Presence of viral and infectious diseases;
  • Hypertension;
  • Cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • Intoxication of the body, triggered by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages or medications;
  • Pinched nerve endings;
  • Menstruation and changes in hormone levels in women;
  • Temporal arteritis;
  • Pathology of the temporomandibular joint;
  • Head and neck injuries;
  • Presence of tumors;
  • Sharp refusal of alcoholic beverages after long-term use;
  • Meningitis;

Diseases associated with headache

The most common diseases that can cause permanent headaches in the temples are as follows:

Migraines do not only occur in adults. Even young children are subject to them. Their duration is from one and a half hours to two days.

Very often, arteries have difficulty in turning the neck. Often the patient's vision is reduced. The temporal arteries swell and hurt for three to four hours. If at this time to pass a blood test, it can detect changes that are characteristic of the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

In order for a person not to spoil vision, it is necessary to urgently diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment, which sometimes stretches for several years.

Tension cephalalgia
Tension pains are common in adults, as they are mostly caused by stressful situations. With muscle tension, the head hurts in the lower part of the nape and in the region of the temples. Lasts for several hours. Rarely, the headache is accompanied by vomiting or nausea. Paracetamol, ibuprofen, is prescribed.

Intracranial hypertension
In the vessels the pressure increases, they begin to expand and squeeze the brain. There is a headache. It is urgent to take steps to reduce the pressure.

Abscess is an infectious process in which pus accumulates in the external and internal surface of the alveolar process. The process is accompanied by a general malaise, loss of appetite, weakness. Symptoms are shooting and aching pain. Can last from a few days to two months.

Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve
In this case, the pain is pulsating, sometimes shooting, lasts up to a minute. Seizures can be repeated for several days. Carbamazepine is well suited for rehabilitation. If medication failed to produce a result, neurotomy is used.

Inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. It develops from three to five years and at about 15 years old it will atrophy itself. If the adenoiditis is acute, the head of the children hurts regularly, which is due to the difficulty of outflow of blood from the brain area.

In anemia, the amount of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the blood constantly decreases. If there is anemia with a lack of iron, a person can have a headache for two to five days. Pain will be accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, changes in skin.

Headaches can accompany with such diseases as obd and osteochondrosis. All about the symptoms and prevention of these diseases.

Insomnia during pregnancy, how to avoid it.


No, a person who would not have had headaches. These feelings can be very hard to forget. Pulsating, pressing, sharp and unbearable pain in the temples does not allow to deal normally with ordinary affairs, the mood is reduced to nothing, everything starts to irritate, appetite disappears.

At such moments most often:

  • Lays the nose;
  • The eyes start to hurt strongly due to pressure build-up;
  • The forehead is covered with perspiration;
  • Excruciating aching frontal lobe pain;
  • Vision is impaired;
  • In some cases, there are bouts of vomiting and nausea;
  • The head begins to spin.

Diagnosis of the disease

To identify the true causes of temporal pain, you need to undergo a medical examination. I will have to take blood tests, undergo a radiograph of the skull,
MRI, CT, scintigraphy, lumbar puncture, etc. After identifying the cause, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of

There are several ways to eliminate this unpleasant disease:


Doctors for headaches prescribe ibuprofen, aspirin, analgin, imet, sumygren, amigrenin, pentalgin, nurofen, instant, picamylon, theonikol, cavinton, anaprilin, hapoten, enap.

We divide them by the effect on the provoking factor:

  • With a headache associated with impaired blood circulation of the brain, prescribe drugs that improve it: theonikol, instenon, cavinton, picamilon.
  • In hypertension prescribe drugs that reduce blood pressure: enap, hood, clonidine, anaprilin, enalapril, laristu.
  • When inflammation should be used sulfonamide and antibacterial drugs: streptocid, norsulfazole, phthalazole, inhalipt, urosulfan, sulfazin.
  • Individual forms of headache can be eliminated with anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs: clofezone, sulindac, etodolac, naproxen, nabumetone, ketorolac, phenacetin, plivalin.
  • The following drugs can help to resolve migraine pain: aspirin, instant, tempalgin, ascophene, sedalgin.
These drugs have contraindications. Before use, always consult a physician.

With the help of acupressure

Head massage is very effective. Regardless of the location of the headache in the left or right temple, it is performed on both sides and only by professional masseurs. Often it allows you to take off pain in a few minutes.

Massage is performed at certain points, for five minutes, with calm, stroking movements. In this case, the person should be in a sitting position and with closed eyes.

It is not recommended to start the massage on your own without consulting a doctor.

With the help of folk remedies

If the pain in the temples is dull, very strong and does not pass, dilute 2 tablespoons of chaga extract in 150 milliliters of warm water. The resulting solution should be used three times throughout the day for one tablespoon.

The course of rehabilitation should last from three to five months. After each course, you need to take a break for a week.

Aromatherapy works well. Headache occurs after inhalation of scents of lavender, mint and lemon. In whiskey, you can rub a drop of mint oil or lavender.

With dizziness, you can prepare and drink the infusion of hawthorn. A leaf of cabbage cabbage, which is simply fixed on the forehead with a bandage, also helps. From migraine saves the infusion in the juice of chicory aloe.

From migraine will save valerian. It is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water 20 grams of valerian roots. Then hold the resulting solution in a water bath for twenty minutes. After this, insist valerian for 40 minutes, strain through a sieve and squeeze. The drug should be taken three times a day, one hour before a meal. The course of treatment - not less than a week.

If the pain does not decrease, you can repeat the course.

Brain glioblastoma can cause severe headaches.

All about neuralgia of the small occipital nerve here.

In addition, headaches can cause even benign pituitary tumor http: //gidmed.com/ bolezni-nevrologii /opuholi/ opuhol-gipofiza.html.

Unusual folk remedies for headache

  • Scrub kilogram of potatoes on a grater. In the resulting gruel, add 50 milliliters of cow's milk. Wait thirty minutes. Then prepare the cotton cloth, squeeze the gruel and put it on it. Place the "medical cap" on the head, and on top of it, put on a real hat. In this state, stay an hour and a half. Do this bandage better before going to bed.
  • The head is tied with a strip about a centimeter wide of wool. On the frontal part, it should slightly cover the eyebrows, and behind it pass below the nape.pressure will change and the head may stop hurting;Lamb leans against the glass. There is an assumption that the pain can be caused by the accumulated electric charge on the forehead and the glass will eliminate it;
  • Brew tea, lower the spoon into the glass when it heats up, lean against the nose from the side of the pain pulsation. When the spoon cools down, repeat the procedure. Only now attach it to the earlobe. After that, lower the fingertips into a glass. The pain must go away.


To prevent temporal pain, doctors recommend:

  • Change diet;
  • Refuse bad habits;
  • To begin moderate physical activities( if possible), to be more out in the fresh air, to do yoga;
  • Get enough sleep;
  • Avoid stressors;
  • Consult a physician for initial complications;
  • Strict blood pressure control.

Prophylactic exercises from Dr. Popov, which will help to avoid a headache in the temples:
https: //www.youtube.com/ watch? V = xrPsC89lBi4

Do not delay the visit to the doctor, with repeated long-term headaches, undergo a medical examination. Unfortunately, many people prefer to leave such things for later or engage in self-medication. This is fundamentally not true, because it has long been known that any disease is easier to prevent than treat.

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