Odeston with pancreatitis

Improper nutrition with the use of fatty and smoked foods, alcohol, uncontrolled intake of medications lead to the development of acute pancreatitis, which can then go on into a chronic form. The drug Odeston is effectively used to treat chronic pancreatitis, while having a positive effect on the active removal of bile from the bile duct.

Prerequisites for the application of Odeston

Because the pancreas works in close contact with digestive organs such as the gall bladder, liver, bile ducts, intestines, they may have common interrelating pathologies. When a patient, referring to a doctor, complains of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the left hypochondrium and upper abdomen, it turns out that he has another bouquet of diseases in the form of cholecystitis, thickening of bile and other diseases of the gallbladder.

When entering the duodenum, the pancreatic duct connects to the bile duct. They are closed by the common smooth muscle - the sphincter of Oddi. If it is inflamed and performs its function inferiorly, infection from the gallbladder can be transmitted to the pancreas and cause the development of chronic pancreatitis.

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The use of myotropic spasmolytic Odeston, in this case, is the optimal solution.

How does Odeston work with pancreatitis?

Odeston, made on the basis of coumarin, has a strong effect on the secretion and excretion of bile, thereby protecting the pancreas from the development of the inflammatory process. In addition, it removes diarrheal syndrome, relieves pain, relieves flatulence, restores stools.

Having an antispasmodic effect, Odeston selectively relaxes the musculature of the sphincter of Oddi, normalizes the pressure between the pancreatic, common bile duct and duodenum, promoting increased release of pancreatic juice without reducing the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract and blood pressure.

Odeston( gimecromone) preparation in pancreatitis is considered a highly effective remedy, greatly improving laboratory performance and preventing the process of self-digestion of pancreatic tissue. It is prescribed for adults and children from 10 to 14 years. Children are recommended to take 1 tablet( 200 mg) 30 minutes before meals, adults - 2 tablets 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. It practically does not give side effects, it is well tolerated by patients.

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