The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages: what to look for a woman?

The onset of pregnancy is a very important event in the life of any woman. For some, it is joyful and long-awaited, for others - on the contrary. But, one way or another, everyone wants to learn about the beginning of the development of a new life as soon as possible, if possible, already in the first days after conception.

The basis for suspecting the onset of pregnancy for most women of reproductive age with a regular cycle is a delay in menstruation. Finally, two strips dissipate doubts when the test is done alone and the district gynecologist's report is concluded.

In this article we will talk about the very first signs of pregnancy before the delay, their woman will be able to feel for 1 week after the conception of the child.

What happens in the body?

First we need to understand how fertilization takes place, and then talk about what signs of pregnancy can be in the early stages of its development. When a woman ripens an egg, she comes out of the ovary and moves along the fallopian tube. If the conditions are normal, then it is fertilized by the most active sperm.

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Due to the fact that the speed of movement of the spermatozoon is small, no more than 2 mm per hour, the fertilization process can be delayed in time. When this happens, the division of the zygote begins. In addition, she begins to share, she needs to find a place in the uterus, where you can attach to get the necessary nutrients.

After fertilization, the egg moves to the uterus and this can take from one to two weeks. Only after the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, we can say that the pregnancy has come.

When can you expect the first manifestations of

Early symptoms of pregnancy can be observed already on the 8-10th day from the moment of fertilization of the egg. This period can vary, depending on the sensitivity of the organism to hormonal changes.

In medical practice, there were cases when women recognized fertilization on the 5th day. In this context, we are talking about women who listen attentively to their bodies and feel the slightest fluctuations in their condition. On the 20th day of the cycle, signs of pregnancy acquire a characteristic appearance.

Confirm your position only after the formation of reliable symptoms. It is not possible to detect signs of pregnancy on the first day after conception.

Signs of the onset of pregnancy: TOP 10

The first symptoms that indicate pregnancy can be recognized by such signs:

  1. Increase in basal temperature;
  2. No monthly;
  3. Increase and soreness of mammary glands;
  4. Changing taste preferences;
  5. Frequent urination;
  6. Fatigue and drowsiness;
  7. Increase in basal temperature;
  8. Nausea;
  9. Vaginal discharge;
  10. Frequent urination.

The process of pregnancy is full of interesting and pleasant moments. And the birth of your baby - will open up for a whole new world and become a new page in your life.

Absence of monthly

The most obvious and well-known symptom - you notice that the prescribed monthly did not come on time. But, despite the fact that this symptom is most often attributed to pregnancy, there are a number of other reasons that can lead to a delay. For example, severe stress, a serious illness or a surgical procedure.

On the other hand, many women note the presence of menstruation already during pregnancy. For some, they will go for several months or even the entire pregnancy.

Increase in basal temperature

Do not be lazy: observe your basal temperature during the cycle. If you are pregnant, or the temperature rises to 37 degrees, or drastically decrease by one day in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. This process is called "implantation sinking".

There may be two reasons. First, from the middle of the second phase, the production of the hormone progesterone responsible for raising the temperature is reduced, but if you are pregnant, it again begins to develop. Therefore, temperature fluctuations occur. Secondly, during pregnancy, the hormone estrogen is released, which lowers the temperature.

Increase and soreness of mammary glands

Breast augmentation and darkening of the nipples during pregnancy are observed in almost 100% of patients. In some cases, even at the earliest stages, a woman feels uncomfortable with the fact that the brassiere becomes somewhat cramped.
Important: It can not be ruled out that there is a sudden increase in the sensitivity of the breast and even the appearance of soreness when touched.

Growth of mammary glands

Despite the fact that this symptom is not considered indispensable, in most women it is observed. If the pregnancy has occurred, then the mammary glands grow quite the same. If only one gland is enlarged, or some part swells, this indicates the presence of diseases.

Sensations of nausea and vomiting

The most famous of the primary signs of pregnancy is nausea. Many women giving birth claim that nausea in their case arose ten sometimes fourteen days before the expected menstruation. Whatever the nausea tormented you too much, and did not become unbearable, try to eat on an empty stomach cracker or not a fat cookie, and try to switch to a fractional food. Eat often, but in small portions, and, in no case do you need to eat rarely, and a lot.

Changing the taste of

The increasing level of hormones causes a change in taste preferences. Those combinations of food that were previously unacceptable for women, become objects of preference and vice versa. Also, a woman can smell the metal in her mouth.

Vaginal discharge

After 6-12 days from conception, bleeding may appear. Their volume is small - within a few drops. The appearance of the discharge is one of the signs of the successful introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus. This symptom of pregnancy is not characteristic of all women;it is only one of the variants of the norm.


An unpleasant sign of a possible pregnancy that can plague a woman all nine months is heartburn. In the first four months, it is caused by changes in the hormonal background. But after the fourth month and until the ninth it happens because the baby, growing up, presses on many internal organs, and more on the stomach.

Withdrawal from the chest

When pregnant from the breast, colostrum may well be allocated, this is absolutely normal for all pregnant women. Allocations should be transparent and not abundant. This is called a galactorrhea. Milk, colostrum or milk-like liquid is secreted from the nipples, and such discharge can begin any day of pregnancy, even in the very first days after conception, but they will end, or rather, go to another state only after breastfeeding.

Changes in well-being

About a week after conception, a woman can feel unusual tiredness, weakness, drowsiness, apathy. At this stage, expectant mothers may be bothered by headaches. The reason for these sensations is the increased production of pregnancy hormones, which from now on throughout the 9 months will affect the woman's body.

Frequent urge to urinate

Very common and reliable symptom, the first week of pregnancy is constantly accompanied by frequent urination and other similar troubles. This may be a consequence of cystitis - a very terrible and unpleasant infectious disease. Symptoms of cystitis - frequent trips to the toilet, pain during urination, fever and severe fatigue. Every woman can get cystitis after conception, and it's not an infection, but an increase in the production of progesterone.

This hormone improves the health of the fetus, and creates relaxation in the bladder. Because of such a strong relaxation, the channel remains open, and the desire to go to the toilet appears even with an empty bladder. If you do not have intense pain - relax and relive this symptom, but if you still have pain, you need to see a doctor and undergo treatment. With cystitis, jokes are bad, it is better to cure its initial stage than to fight with chronic.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

These undoubted manifestations are 100% indicative of pregnancy. Their detection is possible from the second week of gestation and later, so they are considered late.

  1. Ultrasonic confirmation of fetal presence.
  2. Fixation of fetal heartbeat with instrumental methods - CTG, PCG, ECG, and also with 15 weeks using a stethoscope.
  3. Detection of the head, arms and other parts of the fetus, it is possible that it moves when palpated.

To make a reliable diagnosis, it is important to consider the opinion of a specialist. During the course of a medical consultation, you can find out on which day the first signs of pregnancy appear and how to distinguish them.

Express pregnancy test results

An express test that can be purchased at any pharmacy gives objective results five or more days after the first day of the proposed menstruation. However, such tests often give erroneous indications( often erroneous negative indications).

This happens because the test responds to the amount of the hormone of the chorionic gonadotropin in the woman's urine. The level of this hormone increases slowly in the first months as pregnancy progresses. In the case when it is necessary to learn about the onset( or not the onset of pregnancy) before five days of delay, it is possible to make a test in the laboratory, it has more objective results.

An increase in the number of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine happens in certain uterine tumors.

What are the signs of a pathological pregnancy?

A dangerous symptom of pregnancy is severe pain in the abdomen, uterus and fallopian tubes. With a rise in temperature or even without it. The appearance of such not even very painful sensations, and the absence of menstruation, is a sign of life threatening the woman of an ectopic pregnancy.

In such cases, a woman is urgently examined and, according to the indications, operates, since delay can lead to serious problems with women's health and even death. What happens is extremely rare so do not be scared in advance, but just in time seem to the gynecologist.

What should a woman do with the first symptoms?

At the time when the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception, you need to contact a women's consultation. If the diagnosis is confirmed, and the expectant mother wants to keep the pregnancy, then she is registered. Bearing a child is a great responsibility that a future mother takes on. In order for the baby to develop healthy, a woman should give up any bad habits, pay attention to her diet and lifestyle.

Reviews of women

I learned about pregnancy already at the 12th week. We have not been protected for 6 years, but the results were not there. The doctors were shocked: not only was chronic infertility, but also three months did not know about pregnancy. I was feeling well all this time, I wrote off all the ailments for chronic fatigue and lack of sun. True, some doubts crept in once, when at three o'clock in the morning I wanted to eat a mashed potatoes with salted cucumbers!

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