Why there are spotting in the middle of the cycle

Normally, the vaginal discharge observed in women on a daily basis should consist exclusively of the mucus that the glands of the cervix develop.

As a rule, they are non-volatile, but characterized by their constancy, which is necessary for a kind of purification of the genital tract of a woman to prevent their infection. The composition of these secretions, first of all, depends on the phase of the woman's menstrual cycle.

In cases where spotting in the middle of the cycle is observed, which have a pink, red, and sometimes a brown tinge, it is necessary to exclude possible disorders. Most often, such secretions have a weak intensity and smearing character, in connection with which, they can not always be noticed.

However, this condition should not be ignored, however, and you should not panic ahead of time. So, let's first of all find out what can provoke the appearance of bloody discharge in the middle of the monthly cycle.

When such a selection can be considered the norm?

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If during such discharge a woman does not feel any discomfort - there is no unpleasant smell, itching, pains in the abdomen and lower back, it is possible to say with a high degree of probability that there are no health problems.

  1. The most common cause of small bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle is a significant increase in a certain hormone level at the very moment of ovulation .This phenomenon is often spasmodic.
  2. Selection data can signal that the egg is ready for fertilization with .Usually, in most women, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle( with a normal cycle), although deviations may take several days. During the ovulation period, women develop a large amount of a hormone such as estrogen, which affects the mucous membrane of the uterus. Because of this, there may be minor bleeding that is not pathology.
  3. Probably, spotting in the middle of the cycle is due to the fact that the sexual act was too active. You, as an option, do not fit the pose in which you make love when the cervix is ​​too bent. Or the vaginal mucosa is injured due to the fact that the sexual organ of the partner is too large for you. This is completely normal only if the bleeding does not recur in the next cycle( then the cause is different).
  4. Early pregnancy. When a fertilized egg is attached to the uterine wall, the endometrium structure changes inside, it becomes more sensitive and receptive. During this period, slight bleeding may occur in the form of a small patch of reddish or brown hue. A month later, when a woman already understands and realizes her new position, everything should be in order. In the normal course of pregnancy, no dark discharge from the vagina should be.

It also happens that this problem is visible only in the period of individual hygiene, and on the underwear you can not see absolutely no traces. This state of affairs, often, does not indicate a hormonal disorder, physiological disorders, etc. On the contrary, they only emphasize the normal functioning of the body.

Nevertheless, if the intermenstrual secretions with blood in the middle of the cycle are intense and do not stop for several days, then you should definitely contact a gynecologist for a qualified diagnosis.

Pathological causes of

In other cases, bloody discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle is a signal about some irregularities in the body's work, so it is better to consult a gynecologist. Consider the common causes that can cause bloody discharge in a woman in the middle of the cycle:

  1. Endometritis , which is characterized by inflammation of the muscular inner layer of the uterus. The disease could have arisen because of a woman's abortion. A woman, at the same time, may suffer from pain and fever. When this condition is not treated, it gradually changes into a chronic form, and the body gives a signal in the form of a symptom of bloody discharge.
  2. The presence of polyps in the endometrium of , which may occur after abortion, by caesarean section. The diagnosis here can be made only by the results of hysteroscopy, ultrasound and histological analysis of endometrial scraping. The given disease is treated by surgical intervention of "polypectomy".After this, for the normalization of the hormonal background, the COC is indicated.
  3. Contraceptive means .The intake of hormonal contraceptives leads to a violation of hormone levels in the female body. If the bleeding that appears does not stop within a month, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist who will change the medication taken to another medication.
  4. Infections of the vagina or cervix .Because of the inflammatory process during menstruation, there is incomplete rejection of the uterine mucosa, and its remains can be released in the middle of the cycle.
  5. Hormonal disorders of .A normal menstrual cycle is possible only if hormones act on the uterine mucosa in a balanced manner. When this process is disrupted, the uterine mucosa becomes a kind of target for hormones. Hormonal disorders often lead to a woman's lack of ovulation and, consequently, to problems with conception.
  6. Brown release in the middle of the cycle may indicate the development of pathological processes in the uterine endometrium of ( endometriosis).The disease is characterized by proliferation of endometrial cells outside the uterine cavity, which, when untimely, leads to the formation of polyps, and in the worst case, to infertility. Concomitant symptoms of the disease are severe pain in the lower abdomen, giving back to the waist, a general decline in strength, an increase in body temperature.
  7. Wearing an intrauterine device for contraception .In this case, spotting in the middle of the cycle can manifest as a sign of infection or present inflammation. Also, it can talk about the presence of a cyst or the appearance of polyps in the vagina or cervix.
  8. Emerging discharge in the middle of the cycle can talk about the available tumor of the uterus in a woman. Operative intervention in this case can take place only in case of detection of concomitant pathology.
  9. Stress .The connection between the nervous and endocrine systems in the female body is very close. The hormonal system of the body depends on the nervous and physical condition of the woman. Stress leads to the development of fatigue, giving impetus to exacerbation of chronic diseases, and leads to the development of new ones. The resulting hormonal disruptions in the body lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle and the appearance of intermenstrual secretions and even bleeding.

Having discovered unusual discharges, one does not need to panic, because in most cases they either do not carry a threat, or talk about pathologies that are well treatable. Therefore, the best step is to seek qualified advice, and also not to forget about regular inspection. For preventive examinations, 1-2 times a year are sufficient.

How to treat spotting in the middle of the cycle

The appearance of intermenstrual bloody discharge is quite common. Almost every woman has faced this problem once in her life. Most often, such minor bleeding is quite natural and does not bode ill.

However, it is still worthwhile to apply to a gynecologist, since the exact cause can only be established by conducting a special study. In addition, you should definitely consult a specialist if spotting in the middle of the cycle:

  • cause discomfort;
  • they last more than 3 days;The isolation of steel began to intensify;
  • discharge accompanied by pain,

Such bleeding can serve as a signal of certain pathologies, and require qualified diagnosis, and subsequent treatment.

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