Red elder: Photo

The elderberry is a perennial plant, which is a small tree or a low shrub. In the flowering period, brushes with flowers of pale yellow shade appear. The fruits appear as rich red berries. Red elder is used to decorate park areas and garden areas, thanks to its unpretentious care and aesthetic beauty, the effeciency of this plant is visible in the photo.

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Plant description

Brown elderberry - broad shrub, which reaches 5 m in length. The bark of the plant has a grayish shade with vertical wrinkles. The leaves of this plant have a complex shape with pointed tips. They have a rich green color. Flowers are collected in a brush of white or yellowish color. When the period of fruit formation comes, fleshy berries of bright red color appear with 3 bones inside. Fruits are collected in voluminous brushes, than cause desire to try them. Therefore, the question arises: Is the elderly red edible or not? It is not recommended to eat unripe berries. Because they contain a high concentration of toxic substances. This can cause nausea, which will lead to vomiting.

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Where does the elder grow? Its greatest distribution in the mountains of Western Europe. Very often found in the area of ​​Western Ukraine, as well as in Russia. For auspicious growth, elderina chooses the roadsides, as well as places along the water along the shore.

Planting of a plant

This plant does not have specific special conditions for planting, but too poor soil can affect its appearance. For planting it is better to choose places that do not fall into the shadow. Since the growth of shrubs in the shade will make it not as attractive as we would like. Therefore, it is better to choose a well-lit zone.

There are several varieties of elderberry for planting:

  1. Red elder. The most common variety. Has a specific smell, which prevents rodents and other pests from appearing on the garden plots. The most beautiful species is the elder red Plumoza Aurea. Aesthetically pleasing appearance is due to its leaves of golden yellow color.
  2. The Siberian elder. It is similar to the previous variety, the only difference is the fibrous formations on the leaves and stems. In height, the maximum can reach 3 m. Fruit-bearing begins after 3 years of growth.
  3. The elderly Kamchatka. When flowering, the plant becomes a beige color, the fruits also have a red color.
  4. Fuzzy elder. Depending on the plant species of this variety, the flowers may have an orange, yellow or white hue. In Russia and Ukraine, this shrub reaches 2 m in height.
  5. The elderberry is black. A distinctive feature of this variety is that its fruits do not have any danger. They can be eaten comfortably. As the name suggests, the berries are black and have a sweet and sour taste. But do not forget that the bark and leaves of the plant are poisonous.

After planting it is necessary to water the plant and constantly monitor the moisture of the soil. Tying an elder does not require. Care for her is not difficult. First of all, it is necessary to feed the plant with organic fertilizers at the beginning of the summer season. In spring it is better to prune to increase the growth of new shoots. It is also necessary to regularly check that pests( aphids or mites) do not affect the bush. Otherwise, it must be treated with special substances to eliminate them.

It's important to remember! The elderberry is a poisonous plant! Therefore, when planting this plant on its site, it is necessary to monitor that it is not used by children. After all, her berries have an appetizing appearance, which can attract their attention and desire to try.

Photo of red elderberry

Difference of black elderberry from red

These two plant varieties have significant differences between themselves. The photo shows that the main difference between elderberry and black is the color of the fruit. As for the properties of such plant species, they differ in this way:

  • red fruits are not recommended for eating, and black can be eaten in unlimited quantities;
  • red shrub in height is an order of magnitude greater than black;
  • leaf shape is also different;
  • aroma originating from plants is significantly different.

These varieties are most popular when choosing elder for planting. Knowing that a variety of red color can not be consumed in large quantities, then the question arises: is poisonous or not a black elder? As already mentioned, you can eat black berries as much as you want, but for this purpose it is better to choose saturated, ripe fruits. They are much more pleasant to taste and contain many useful substances. Useful properties of

How useful is red elderberry? Since ancient times, fruits, leaves and bark of this plant are used in folk medicine. Traditional medicine at the moment does not use red elderberry because of its poor knowledge of its composition and influence on the human body. But, nevertheless, it contains many useful substances, vitamins and microelements. It has analgesic, antipyretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. On the basis of this plant, a lot of tinctures, broths and other medicines are prepared. They are able to relieve such diseases:

  • all kinds of arthritis:
  • colds;
  • bronchitis;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • regular migraines;
  • skin diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney and liver disease.

And this is not the whole list. After all, a variety of useful substances in the plant can be used for various types of diseases. Some people try to fight the cancer of any localization with the help of a tincture of red berries.

It's important to remember! Before using this plant as a medicine, you should consult a specialist! In modern times, the attitude of doctors to non-traditional medicine has become more loyal. Therefore, the doctor will be able to tell the dosage of a natural medicine so as not to harm. But, in any case, with severe diseases it is better to use the recipes of traditional medicine in combination with medications.

Use of a plant for non-medical purposes

Elderberry can be used as a deterrent to pests and rodents. It is enough to spread the stems and leaves of the plant around the house. They contain the most dangerous dangerous substances.

You can also use berries instead of detergents. They wash their hands well, despite the fact that they do not form foam. You can clean the enamel dishes by rubbing the fruit on its surface.

Read the !Elder flowers are black medicinal properties of plants.

Contraindications to the use of the plant

Since elderine contains poisonous substances, the intake of berries and medicines prepared on its basis is contraindicated in such cases:

  • individual intolerance to berries;
  • for children under 12 years of age;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • pregnancy( use of women is indicated only under the strict supervision of a specialist);
  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Drugs prepared at home on the basis of this plant, should be taken in small quantities, the same applies to the use of berries in fresh form.

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