Obstructive chronic pancreatitis

Obstruction of the pancreatic ducts is called their clogging caused by various causes. One of them may be a tumor, or a scar on the tissues of the gland. In this case, obstructive pancreatitis has a reversible character after elimination of the underlying cause that caused it.

However, in most cases, pancreatitis is a consequence of its chronic course. Moreover, according to the classification adopted in 1988 and called Marseilles-Roman, obstructive pancreatitis is one of the clinical forms of chronic pancreatitis.

When diagnosing this disease, there is a blockage of the main duct of the pancreas. The process develops evenly and is not associated with the formation of stones in the pancreas. The main symptom of obstructive pancreatitis is a permanent pain syndrome. When diagnosing, a dilatation of the pancreatic duct system is detected.

Conditionally obstructive chronic pancreatitis can be divided into three groups, depending on the causes that caused the disease, and the nature of its course. The most common obstruction of the pancreatic ducts due to their calcination, the cause of which can be:

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  • Hereditary obstructive
  • Tropical
  • Hypercalcemia

The second group includes obstructive chronic pancreatitis caused by diffuse fibrosis. In this case, frequent recurrences of the disease are observed, accompanied by the destruction of the exocrine parenchyma. Also, obstruction of the pancreatic duct can cause fibrotic pancreatitis, which develops against a background of diffuse perioblular fibrosis.

At present, there is a discussion in scientific medical circles about the validity of this classification. The fact is that with careful analysis of fragments of the removed pancreas, all signs of various processes pertaining to different groups of obstructive pancreatitis are simultaneously observed. All this allows us to talk about the different stages of the same disease.

In the success of the treatment of chronic obstructive pancreatitis, its timely diagnosis, as well as correctly selected complex therapy, are of great importance. Surgical treatment may be indicated. As a preventive measure, one should note a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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