Acute pancreatitis: treatment, symptoms and diagnosis, how to treat chronic exacerbation, what is used, can it be cured?

Patients who are diagnosed with acute pancreatitis know first-hand the symptoms and treatment of acute pancreatitis are inextricably linked. The terrible pain that is felt in the upper abdomen( it is also called the epigastric region) can be of a shingling nature.

Painful sensations increase greatly if the patient is lying in the supine position, and sometimes abates slightly, with slight tilt forward. Especially the pancreas area is felt if you eat fatty, fried, spicy food while eating. Sometimes the "echoes" of the burning sensation reach the heart area, the patient can take the disease for angina pectoris.

When exacerbated, the patient feels a strong contraction, as if the stomach is pulling the strap. Since at home, antispasmodics do not relieve symptoms, acute pancreatitis should be treated at the hospital.

The attending physician will not only prescribe medication, but also be able to cope with:

  • with vomiting;
  • with stool disorders;
  • lack of appetite and a sharp weight loss;
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  • intoxication;
  • constipation, which can be replaced by diarrhea;
  • weakness and dizziness.

The symptoms listed above are only part of the picture that the attending physician sees. In addition to the obvious signs of acute pancreatitis can be identified and ultrasound. Usually the specialist sees on the screen a change in the outline of the organ( pancreas), an uneven shape, in some cases cysts.

Diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis

Diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis should be performed exclusively within the walls of a medical facility. Started or not treated disease in a number of cases can gradually move into a chronic form. Cases of death are also known.

Usually for diagnosis, medical workers use a combination of laboratory and instrumental methods of treatment:

  • with the help of a general blood test can identify the presence of inflammation;
  • biochemical examination of blood determines the level of enzymes secreted by the pancreas. With increasing lipase, amylase, trypsin, the presence of the disease is irrefutable;
  • the presence of amylase in urine analysis also indicates an acute course of pancreatitis;
  • ultrasound, fluoroscopy, ERCP, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of internal organs can determine the presence of foci of inflammation;The
  • coprogram or the expanded analysis of a feces allows to describe an internal picture of disease;
  • special tests( Lund study, secretin-cholecystokinin, PABC-test and others).

How to treat an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis?

At the first sign of the disease, people are interested in how to treat an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis at home. But this disease, in which the patient must be under constant supervision. In addition to inpatient treatment, a diet must be a must and a rejection of bad habits that have a detrimental effect on the whole organism and in particular on the sick body( drinking and smoking).

How to treat an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis the attending physician solves individually with the patient, but the entire course usually reduces to reducing the manifestations of the existing symptoms of the disease, namely:

  • reduction of pain reactions;
  • normalization of pancreatic secretion;
  • removal of inflammation.

During the exacerbation the patient receives a dietary diet:

  • basis - boiled foods( vegetables, cereals, vegetable soup, pasta, meat and fish are mostly not fatty), fruit, tea.
  • should be discarded by white bread, fried, salted, peppery and fatty foods, smoked products, mushrooms, chocolate, coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol.
  • should be eaten in small portions. The day should be divided into 5-6 meals. With an exacerbation, food should be taken every 3 hours.

Modern treatment of acute pancreatitis

To date, medical science has not yet come up with any extraordinary methods, so modern treatment of acute pancreatitis is based on the following rules:

  • diet;
  • pain relief with drugs of varying strength;
  • restoration of normal pancreas. Prolonged inflammatory processes lead to the formation of scars on the organ, the channels are covered with stones. Therefore, it is necessary to "unload" the body with preparations with pancreatic enzymes;
  • prevention of exacerbation of diabetes. If the patient is also sick with diabetes mellitus, you need to worry about the insulin that is usually produced by the pancreas. Compensate for the lack of a hormone necessary for glucose metabolism, can be medicated, but only by the appointment of a doctor( endocrinologist);
  • minimization of negative impact of internal organs;In rare cases,
  • resorts to surgical intervention.

What is used to treat acute pancreatitis?

In order to understand what is used in the treatment of acute pancreatitis, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms that are observed in the patient. Since the main is acute pain, it is necessary to use pain medications. Depending on the condition of the patient resort to potent drugs( narcotic action, like morphine), or to weaker non-narcotic drugs.

In addition, the patient is shown infusion therapy - intravenous replenishment of the circulatory system with special solutions. They reduce the concentration of enzymes that were previously produced by the pancreas. The complex also prescribes medicines that destroy these enzymes. If necessary, patients can take anti-emetic drugs, as well as sorbents, which remove intoxication. In rare cases, antibiotics are prescribed that prevent the development of inflammatory processes in neighboring organs.

How to cure acute pancreatitis?

Modern medicine can answer the question, how to cure acute pancreatitis? The method consists in drawing up an individual, for each patient, course of treatment. Definitions a set of measures is aimed not only at reducing the manifestation of symptoms, but also on the full restoration of normal vital activity of the organism.

Only impeccable implementation of the recommendations allows to recover completely and not to return to the question of how to cure acute pancreatitis. The patient, even after recovery, should not forget about diet, healthy lifestyle and timely rest.

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