Prophylaxis of worms and helminth treatment in an adult, whether it is necessary, measures how to conduct how to do, prevention of helminthiosis, how to avoid infection( helminthic invasion)?

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As you know, almost every person is a carrier of a large number of worms that can live in the body for decades, without showing themselves. However, as soon as favorable conditions arise for their intensive development, different diseases begin to be diagnosed in a person. This is due to the fact that parasites can affect literally all the human organs - the gastrointestinal tract, the liver, the lungs, the heart or even the vision. According to many doctors, human infection with parasites is the cause of most diseases, including cancerous growths. At the same time, the prevention of helminthiosis will allow a person to avoid many diseases in the future. Therefore, the prevention of helminthic invasions in adults is the main goal in maintaining health.

If correctly formulated the main measures for the prevention of helminthiases, they are as follows:

  • preference for a vegetarian diet, when the basis of nutrition is plant and dairy products;
  • strengthening of the immune system;
  • adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, keeping people clean.
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Justification of the feasibility of a vegetarian diet for the prevention of worms is based on the fact that meat is a breeding ground for parasites, the place of their active reproduction, due to the difficulties of the digestion process. As is known for digesting meat foods, it is required to spend much more calories than for digesting vegetable. The nutrient medium for worms is casein contained in milk. A necessary condition for the prevention of helminthiases is an increase in the consumption of greenery, which is a natural antagonist of parasites, as well as carrots, pumpkins, melons, persimmons with their magnificent anthelmintic properties.

To strengthen the immune defense in the prevention of helminths, special attention should be paid to such a human body as the spleen. Taking and renewing blood, producing lymphocytes and participating in anticancer protection, the spleen plays a special role in the fight against worms. This role is the destructive effect on parasites, the microflora it produces. Prophylaxis against worms in this case is carried out by products containing bitterness. Bitterness stimulates the formation of a full secret of bile, promotes the purification of blood, increases immunity. The use of bitterness is based on many folk methods used in the prevention and treatment of worms. An irreplaceable remedy that not only kills parasites but cures many diseases is wormwood. To this end, apply tansy and millennia, as well as a black medicinal clove. The effectiveness of antiparasitic procedures in the prevention of worms in an adult increases if they are carried out together with enemas. The fact is that parasites, dying, decompose and intoxication of the organism with the products of their decay. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the remains of helminths from the body, which is achieved with the help of enemas. For women, simultaneously with enemas, douching of the vagina, mucous membrane, which is a favorable environment for worms, can be done.

Prevention and treatment of helminths

The defeat of the body by parasitic worms is called helminthic invasion. Diseases that develop as a result of damage to the human body by parasites are united under the general name of helminthiases. The most widespread diseases are ascaridosis, diphyllobothriasis and enterobiosis. What prophylaxis from worms should be carried out, is determined on the basis of very many factors. It depends on the type of infestation in an adult, his age, physical and other conditions, such as: pregnancy, feeding a child, the presence of chronic diseases.

How often prophylaxis should be performed against worms depends on age and specific circumstances. Given that in childhood, the immune system of the child is still in the developmental stage and is very susceptible to external influences, the prevention of helminthiasis should be carried out twice a year. The most favorable period is the beginning of spring, when the snow fell and in the autumn, before the onset of frost. In adults, preventive measures against worms are carried out at least once a year. In addition, in the case of helminthiasis of one of the members of the family, mandatory for healthy family members to take measures to prevent infection with worms. Preventive measures are necessary from infection by parasites if there is an animal in the house. A cat or a dog, even if not affected by worms, are carriers and represent a potential hazard of helminthic invasion.

Prevention of helminths in humans begins with observing the simplest rules of personal hygiene, leading a healthy lifestyle to strengthen immunity and adjust the diet. Prevention of worms in an adult includes careful handling before eating raw vegetables and fruits, the required level of heat treatment of meat and fish, regular wet cleaning of the premises. In addition, in the prevention of helminths must be provided quarterly course of anthelminthic therapy in domestic animals.

If you do not apply preventive measures against helminthiases, then the treatment can be very time-consuming and costly. Glistular invasion can occur in a very severe form until death. Often the cause of pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the cardiovascular system, the development of bronchial asthma, diabetes, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis and a number of other diseases are parasites. Symptoms of helminthiasis are weakening of immune defense, lack of appetite, skin problems, headaches, anemia, nervous disorders. Therefore, the question - "whether prophylaxis is necessary from worms", should not stand at all if a person wants to preserve his health and the health of his children. Complications of helminthic invasion include allergic reactions up to the development of anaphylactic shock.

How to prevent the prevention of worms, it is best to decide after consulting a doctor. Especially it concerns those cases when it is necessary to take medicines for the prevention of helminth diseases. Virtually all drugs used for this purpose have side effects and, taking them without prescribing a doctor, it is possible to harm the body, not benefit. In addition, drugs on a chemical basis mainly affect parasites that are located in the intestine, without affecting the helminths that are in the bile ducts or other human organs.

When choosing how to prevent prophylaxis from worms, doctors recommend using folk remedies. Although they do not act as fast as chemical preparations, but with proper application, they do not have side effects. Prevention and treatment of worms in adults is recommended to be carried out in complex courses, and daily support of the body in the fight against parasites should be provided with the use of bitter herbs, cloves, tincture of walnut, garlic and the like. In the days of the full moon and new moon, when the worms become especially active and the process of their reproduction begins, increase the consumption of anthelmintic plants.

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