Chronic colitis - bowel disease in children and adults, intestinal enteritis, causes, ICD code 10, active and inactive forms

Many of us have experienced such unpleasant symptoms as abdominal pain and diarrhea, often accompanied by vomiting. Usually it speaks of food poisoning, and associated with it an intestinal disorder. This situation usually occurs during the ripening of vegetables and fruits. Therefore, it is incorrect, most people are not in a hurry to visit a doctor, but drink a solution of potassium permanganate and seize with activated charcoal.

But such an attitude towards these features is not only unreasonable, but it can often prove to be very dangerous. The fact is that exactly such manifestations have acute colitis, which without timely diagnosis, and also adequate treatment very quickly passes into a chronic stage and begins to accompany the patient through life with constant changes of active and inactive forms of pathology.

Chronicle. Colitis is a disease that can develop in both adults and children. But, despite the fact that it is diagnosed in patients for quite a long time, the reasons for its occurrence are still unknown. Specialists are not inclined to assert that the acute form of this disorder of the intestine will necessarily become chronic. To do this, certain provoking factors must be available, among which the following are usually singled out:

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  • Irrational diet and frequent consumption of acute spices and spices irritating the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • Prevalence in life of stressful situations and low mobility;
  • Harmful habits, such as alcohol abuse and excessive smoking.

All of them are capable of provoking the transition of colitis from acute to chronic stage.

Causes of chronic colitis

Although the etiology of chronic colitis has not been fully understood to date, and one cause that usually causes the onset of this dangerous disease is difficult, the group of factors most likely to contribute to the development of pathology is highlighted:

  1. The most common etiologicthe factor of the development of colitis in chronic form is the patient's infectious diseases related to the intestinal group( yersiniosis, salmonellosis, dieselTeria, etc.);
  2. The role of damage to the intestinal mucosa and radiation exposure has been determined. In this case, xp. Colitis occurs after treatment with malignant neoplasms;
  3. Also the chronic form of this intestinal pathology can be caused by fungi or bacteria. The biggest role in this is given to balantidia and lamblia.

Any of these causes can cause the development of colitis. On the basis of gender, there is also no difference between patients, only in women the chronic form of this pathology usually occurs at a younger age.

Chronic enteritis and colitis

When the disease develops in the small intestine, enteritis is diagnosed. It can have both acute and chronic form, and its causes are also not completely elucidated. With it, just as in colitis, the basic functions of the digestive organ are violated, such as the assimilation of nutrients through their cleavage.

Also with enteritis there are significant changes in the structure of the intestinal mucosa, and this contributes to the violation of the barrier function of its wall and the synthesis of digestive juice produced. All these signs also correspond to colitis, which proceeds in a chronic form.

Signs of chronic colitis in children

In young patients, the cause of the development of cron. Colitis is most often a hereditary factor. The risk of this intestinal pathology occurring in chronic form is significantly increased in those children whose immediate relatives suffer from inflammatory diseases of the digestive organs. For the most part, in addition to genetic, there are several other factors that provoke an active form of this disease in the child:

  • Poor quality of products and an unfavorable environment;
  • Helminthiasis, dysbiosis and other infections;
  • Weakened immune system.

Favorable environment for the emergence and development of chronic. Colitis in children can also serve as stress or abdominal trauma. In addition, the development of this form of the disease in small patients cause such viral infections as influenza, ARVI, measles. According to the sex before the transition age, this disease is most often affected by boys, and after it the palm tree of the primacy of this pathology passes to the girls.

Symptoms of chronic colitis in children are most often aching pains of a recurrent nature, which are located in the left half of the abdominal cavity, and are often replaced by paroxysmal contractions. By evening, or after drunk milk, bloating and flatulence occur. The stool becomes frequent and liquid, often there are inclusions of blood or mucus. Significantly reduced appetite, and this leads to weight loss.

The peculiarity of the inactive chronic colitis in children is expressed in the fact that the smaller the age of the child, the risk of developing atypical forms of the disease is higher. This becomes the cause of the difficulties that arise in the diagnosis of the disease. In children, parents' anxiety should be caused by a very frequent liquid stool, which, with hr. Colitis can reach up to 30 times a day, and in older children, there are tenesmus, false urge to empty the intestines.

Fecal masses usually contain not only blood veins, but clots of pus, as well as a large amount of mucus. With a chronic form of pathology in children, the stomach may sink, and maybe be significantly swollen. In the event that the child has such alarming signs, in most cases indicating the possible occurrence of celota colitis, and there are also presumable reasons for the development of the disease, you should immediately call a specialist for necessary diagnostic tests.

Forecast development cron.colitis

Only in case of timely adequate treatment of active chronic colitis, developing in small patients, can result in complete clinical and laboratory recovery and not go into a chronic stage. In the event that this all the same happened, and the illness took a protracted, inactive nature, it is necessary to comply with the recommended by the expert regime, so that it was possible to prolong the stages of remission for longer periods.colitis.

Frequent exacerbations of this inflammatory pathology disrupt the child not only psychosocial adaptation, but also his physical development. Therefore, continuous prevention of the chronic form of the disease in small patients is required, which does not allow the transition of the disease into an active form and involves both full-fledged treatment of acute infections of the digestive organ, dysbacteriosis or helminthic invasions, and adherence to the age-appropriate diet prescribed by a specialist for both disease prevention andto support ongoing therapeutic activities.

Clinical follow-up for developing cron. Colitis is conducted by such specialists as children's gastroenterologist and pediatrician. You can do any preventive vaccinations only if the chronic form of this disease is in a period of persistent remission.

What is the danger of developing chronic colitis during pregnancy?

Such a question, like the transition of inactive chronic colitis into an active form during pregnancy, worries many patients. The thing is that in women the peak of the development of this disease falls on the period of the reproductive capacity of the organism.

How to make it so that the future mother, for which pregnancy and so can be a difficult test, did not disturb the unpleasant sensations of the chronic. Colitis? And in what all the same reasons for the transition of this inflammatory pathology, taking place on a chronic type in an active form during pregnancy?

In order for this situation not to arise, all patients who are diagnosed with hr.colitis, before thinking about the birth of a child, you should consult a specialist and wait for a period of remission in the chronic course of the disease. And then, during the entire pregnancy period, you must strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the treating doctor. Only in this case a woman with chronic colitis can safely endure and give birth to a healthy child.

Code of chronic colitis according to ICD 10

Cron. Colitis, like any other disease, has its own code in the International Classification of Diseases( ICD-10), which makes it possible to single out all similar pathologies in one group by type. They are subdivided in this case depending on the severity of the disease.

In addition, the classification code of chronic intestinal pathology according to the ICD 10, regardless of the causes of the disease, divides all its types according to the responses to those medical manipulations that were carried out, the presence of possible complications, and also the accompanying symptoms.

What are the different types of classification in ICD 10?Their main difference is the type of course of the disease, and also in what form it is located. Also, the subdivision of this disease in ICD 10 provides for its etiology and localization in the digestive organs.

But no matter how it was classified, and what reasons did not provoke its development, with the very first suspicious signs, you should contact your doctor for timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment to avoid possible negative consequences.

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