Colon's disease, symptoms and treatment, photo

Among the numerous pathologies that occur in the organs of the digestive tract, the inflammatory lesions of the mucous membrane located in the large intestine are in the forefront. Although infrequently, specialists diagnose such an inflammatory disease of this department as Crohn's disease, which proceeds, almost always, according to the chronic type, and requires intense attention even at the time when the period of remission comes.

Until now, there has not been found a way to completely eliminate the patient from this pathology, as the etiology of developing inflammation in the colon remains unclear. The specialists have only conjectural, ambiguous causes of Crohn's disease.

The main opinion that characterizes its development boils down to the fact that a pathology can arise in an organism that has a genetic predisposition to getting into it a certain infection, the role of which is, to a greater extent, assigned to the koreal virus or the bacteria of pseudotuberculosis. To provoke the development of Crohn's disease in the colon are also capable of such negative factors as:

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  • Harmful habits( alcoholism and smoking);
  • Frequent stress;
  • Food allergies;
  • Certain properties of immunity.

Symptoms of Crohn's disease of colon

In the colonic form of this pathology development, the violations in human health will be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • Localized over the navel is a cramping pain that will be intensified when eating foods harmful to the patient with GI disease;
  • A frequent mushy stool with blood impurities. Desires for him often occur at night.

Not only intestinal, but also general physiological symptoms exist in Crohn's disease that develops in the large intestine. Among them the most pronounced are the following:

  • Significant decrease in joint mobility;
  • Appearance of ulcerative defects in the oral cavity;
  • Symptomatic, similar to the one that occurs in the patient's body in the pathological process of formation of stones in the bile ducts;
  • A nodular rash, initially having a bright red color, and eventually turbulent;
  • Severe pain in the eyes, accompanying the inflammatory process in them.

In Crohn's disease, localized in the large intestine, inflammation or immunopathological reactions occur and general symptoms such as significant weight loss, general weakness and malaise, fever caused by a strong temperature increase.

Methods of treatment of Crohn's disease of large intestine

There are no radical methods for treating this pathological inflammation that has arisen in the digestive organs. The choice of the appropriate method will depend on how the disease manifests itself in a particular patient.

If the course of the pathology passes with mild symptomatology, it can be left untreated, or little medication is used. But in the case when Crohn's disease causes large intestine perforation or its significant expansion, and begins to threaten the patient's life, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.

The form of Crohn's disease that develops in the large intestine is usually characterized by a fairly slow development and very long periods of calm, which makes the drug therapy completely ineffective. Apparent relief of symptoms caused by taking medications, after a while is replaced by a sharp exacerbation of the pathology and a significant deterioration in the patient's condition. In these cases, surgical intervention is usually prescribed.

A distinctive feature of the operations performed with Crohn's disease is that the most important task posed to the surgeon will be both to remove the complications developing in the large intestine and to alleviate the general condition of the patient.

This specificity is applied due to the fact that extensive lesions in this digestive organ can not be completely removed. Therefore, in the event that Crohn's disease leads to the formation of a large number of fistulas and suppurations in the abdominal cavity, or when the lumen of the colon begins to narrow critically, the patient is assigned an operation.

In addition to the medical and surgical methods of treating Crohn's disease localized in the large intestine, a very important role is also played by the diet, thanks to which the work of the inflamed intestine is eased as much as possible. Patients with symptoms of this pathology of the digestive organs are recommended fractional meals, at least 6 times a day, and in completely small portions. Also from the diet is excluded fatty, spicy and salty foods. Correctly organized nutrition can significantly reduce, and sometimes even completely remove, the severe symptoms of inflammatory pathology.

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